Escape from Eden.

The use of the word firmament I would at first relate to as soild or ground but later he calls the firmament Heaven. Does this imply that the firmament called heaven is the ground that separates the waters?

If one assumes that the writings are not just BS but are in some way a cryptic understanding of the universe it offers an interesting puzzle.
Lets talk about the small legs still on the skeleton of a snake

I've kept pet snakes for the past 17 years or so, (my username stems from that), but can't say I've ever heard of snakes having leg bones. There is one exception that I could find - which is a supposed 85million year old snake fossil. Even if every snake did have leg bones, it would be more pertinent to state they evolved from lizard type animals as opposed to anything else.

It's worth to questions A and B, is non-existant. What I do find interesting, is how you would use a sentence like that to try and give rise to snakes being the second highest creation in between man and apes, but would not even consider that humans were once apes because of our tail bones, goose bumps, wisdom teeth etc.

their having the closest type of blood to human's so close you could almost use it for a transfusion.

Unfortunately I've never come across this claim of yours either. If you have any links to hand that corroborate this, I'd be grateful.

Or How about the fact that in arabic the word serpent still translates to ape.

Well, from the Oxford English Dictionary:

cre.tin \kre-t-*n, esp Brit 'kre-tin\ \-*s\ n [F cre`tin, fr. F dial. cretin: Christian, human being, kind of idiot found in the Alps, fr. L christianus Christian : one afflicted with cretinism; broadly : a person with marked mental deficiency - cre.tin.ous aj

Is that sufficient enough to show all christians are idiots?

I cannot claim to know much about the Arabic language, but I will try to verify this 'fact'. However, it also isn't of any worth to questions A and B.

There's a few for if you want something like DNA analyisis, or genetic material decoded down to the genomes......I'm sure a web search will turn something up.

No. You're still completely missing the point. Honestly, just use the bible and show me where it says the serpent had sexual relations with eve, and where it says the serpent was in between man and apes. DNA analysis wont do you any favours at all. Snakes do not have closer dna to us that chimps, and even mice have 70% identical dna. Next you'll be suggesting a mouse had sexual relations with eve.

As for your jesus quotes... I call my wifes sister a dog and a cow all the time.. Does that mean she is?

Or you could just take my word for it.

I've noticed thats how you think things should be. Tragic.
I've noticed thats how you think things should be. Tragic


Yes, won't accept information from any source, expect others to do all the research to "back up" their claims and then take their efforts and proceed to pick it apart no mater how sound or solid it was like some sort of game for your amusement.
Am I missing anything...?
No I won't bother explaining the scriptural references - again.
It is explained in detail in my recent posts.

Boa- constrictors use the small reminents of the legs still atached to the vertebrae as hooks, to hold their prey while they suffocate them.
You didn't know that after all your "lifelong dealings" with snakes....?
And they call you SnakeLord because of what?........ it must be your charming personality I suppose.
What I do find interesting, is how you would use a sentence like that to try and give rise to snakes being the second highest creation in between man and apes,


I did not say "snakes" were the second highest creation in between man and apes.
I said the "serpent race" was. Surely you have heard of other references to this cross-breeding to create a hybrid race.....Sumerian, Indian san-scricts, and about every other culture on earth has similar stories about ancient man's origins.
This race of "Serpents" were the animals that were the second highest creation just below man.
It was not a snake at this point, it was humaniod. (And it was not reptilian either as your present day ufo buffs claim.)
Every form of it's make-up was changed by a curse from God .... into a snake after it had been used to father Cain.

The place where I believe the bible differs from the Sumerian accounts is the claim in the bible that the Serpent was the SERVANT of mankind, not the MASTERS.
Gensis says; The Serpent was more subtile than any BEAST of the field.
"Beast of the field" is a reference to a work animal, a beast of burden. A Servant. Also "beast" is mammal, not reptile.
Adam was given dominion over all the animals...including the Serpent.
The Sumerian says that the humans were the servants and the Serpent race of giants were the Masters.

It was not so from the beginning. Only after the fall of man in the garden did Satan begin to control the governments of men, and that through the hybrid off-spring of the serpent race which he bred for this purpose.
That is because of their make-up which lends them to be influenced by these unclean spirits.

The actual rights to this dominion went back to God, awaiting someone to be found worthy to reclaim them. Adam forfeited the rights to it.

Thats why Jesus with the pure blood of God and the undifiled Holy Spirit was the antidote.....He bought the rights to dominion back.

It may seem like a moot or trivial mater, but it is not.
Without knowing where one came from, and the true history of the world -
we would be doomed to repeat it's mistakes.

This is not an attempt to verify these statements at this time, just to get the story we can agree on what it is you want verified. OK...?
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SnakeLord said:
Well, from the Oxford English Dictionary:

cre.tin \kre-t-*n, esp Brit 'kre-tin\ \-*s\ n [F cre`tin, fr. F dial. cretin: Christian, human being, kind of idiot found in the Alps, fr. L christianus Christian : one afflicted with cretinism; broadly : a person with marked mental deficiency - cre.tin.ous aj

Is that sufficient enough to show all christians are idiots?
M*W: Off topic here, SnakeLord, but thank you for putting in the definition to "cretin." I have always been interested in endocrinology. Cretinism is a congenital disease caused by a missing or non-producing thyroid gland. If caught right at birth, thyroid treatment can reverse the damage (mental retardation). This definition, however, refers to people from the Alps, and this is why I'm answering your post. Interestingly, people who live far away from salt water tend to have more incidences of cretinism in their populus. Although I've never read it specifically being associated with the Alps, it is prevalent in the USA in the more mountainous areas. But, I'm also glad to know that this idiocy is foremost among Christian populations. That explains it all.
Yes, won't accept information from any source

My quote was in reference to your statement telling me I could just take your word for it. I hate to say it, but I cannot do that. It requires slightly more than that.

However, in this instance I have given you my blessing to simply quote biblical text, which would certainly be a start. I apologise for seeming overly skeptic, but without having any starting point, I can't see how your claim can be justified in any way whatsoever. For now it doesn't require any 'real' evidence, just the passage where it says "and behold, the serpent had sex with eve," or whatever passage it was to give you reason to make the claim in the first place.

expect others to do all the research to "back up" their claims

Naturally. Here's an example:

- I believe evil leprechauns will take over the world in 2020, and kill off all of humanity.

Without being able to state a reason for having that belief, it ultimately becomes worthless. You can believe whatever you want to believe, that is not my quarrel.. But without anything to show a reason for that belief, there's just no point ever telling anyone - unless you're merely saying it to raise a few laughs.

and then take their efforts and proceed to pick it apart no mater how sound or solid it was like some sort of game for your amusement.

If something is perfectly sound and solid, there wouldn't be room to pick it apart. As much as I try, I cannot pick apart the belief in gravity. Of course, that's where the difference is.. One is openly testable by anyone, and as such has earned it's right to be classed as truth. Your beliefs have not earned that right, and never will unless you can show them to be worthy of such.

No I won't bother explaining the scriptural references - again.
It is explained in detail in my recent posts.

Maybe I'm going blind with old age, but can you please paste them once more, 'cause I'm having trouble finding them.

Boa- constrictors use the small reminents of the legs still atached to the vertebrae as hooks, to hold their prey while they suffocate them.

Note: 'some scientists' believe they are remnants of legs, in much the same manner that some scientists believe the bones in whales are remnants of legs. However, a lot of the argument, (especially on the creationist front), is that parts of the anatomy that do have a use, are not signs of defunct bone structure. In the whale, the vestigal bones that are considered as remnants of legs, actually anchor the sexual organs, and because it obviously has modern day purpose, is not a sign of them having former use as leg bones. Of course, this is the creationist side of the argument generally. What you're implying here though, is that the original walking snakes/serpents (in between man and monkey), have evolved- which is something a creationist should not be doing.

In the case of the boa, they are not so much 'remnants of legs' as they are 'visible claws'. Males use these claws to seduce females, and while it's a possibility there were once legs there, it's also pertinent to state they could just be there to seduce females/hold prey.

You also put yourself in a corner by even bringing up this subject:

You started off telling me that the serpent was in between man and ape. I asked for evidence to suggest this, whereby you told me about the boa constrictor and his 'possible' leg bones. After this you tell me:

I did not say "snakes" were the second highest creation in between man and apes.
I said the "serpent race" was.

So I would wonder why you used the whole snakes with legs angle to begin with. According to your quote above, it would be of no relevance to the issue anyway, other than to maybe promote (d)evolution of species. From a highly intelligent walking serpent, to a ground crawling animal that is no way near being in between man and apes.

You didn't know that after all your "lifelong dealings" with snakes....?

They have claws, which have a purpose of their own. While some scientists would state they are signs of former 'legs', this is far from fact. Furthermore, if they did have legs, it would still merely support a claim that they evolved from lizard type animals.

And they call you SnakeLord because of what?........ it must be your charming personality I suppose.

Close but no cigar. When I was a young kid of about 4, I found a grass snake and took it into my house and hid it. Eventually my parents found my snake and after time I became known as Snakey, (and several other variants). I then started getting snakes as pets and that name morphed to 'Snakeman'. I became an avid player of Ultima Online, and while I wanted to use my lifelong nickname, it didn't sound right in a medieval era game. As such I changed it to SnakeLord, which fit better. I bet you didn't really want to know any of this, so I wonder why you even asked :)

I said the "serpent race" was. Surely you have heard of the reference too this hybreeding in Sumerian, and Indian san-scricts about ancient man's origins.

Well, I do know that serpents were regarded in pretty much every single culture as gods, or very powerful beings, even in the bible. Even god's highest angels, the seraph(im), are translated as "a fiery, flying serpent". I can't remember any serpents that were in between man and ape however, which is why I asked for any text that stated that.

This race of "Serpents" were the animals that were the second highest creation between man and apes.

Please supply any relevant text. If we were to believe that the serpent in the garden was actually Satan, then even you would have to decline from saying he was in between man and monkey.

It was not a snake at this point, it was humaniod. (And it was not reptilian either as your present day ufo buffs claim.) Every form of it's make-up was changed by a curse from God .... into a snake after it had been used to father Cain.

Do you have anything relevant with which to dispute the claims of 'present day ufo buffs'? Also you have still failed to show where it says the serpent had sexual relations with eve, so your comment is pretty groundless. But anyway, what did he look like then? A human, an ape?

The Sumerian says that the humans were the servants and the Serpent race of giants were the Masters.

Serpent race? lol? The Anunnaki were not serpents... Tiamat was, but she got chopped up by Marduk, who then made the earth/heavens and mankind.

It was not so from the beginning. Only after the fall of man in the garden did the hybrid off-spring of the serpent race achieve rulership or masterery of mankind.

Where are you getting this nonsense? Please, provide text that corroborates this..

That is because of their make-up which lends them to complete spiritual possession by demonic spirits and Satan...who is also a spirit.
This was how they terrorised the ancient world as the giants who were also devil posessed
And satan received dominion of the earth from Adam when He forfeited the rights to it.
Thats why Jesus with the pure blood of God and the undifiled Holy Spirit was the antidote.....

You have descended into the realms of verbal garbage once more.. It would make a great science fiction novel, but I can't see any of it having any substance or worth in reality.

This is not an attempt to verify these statements at this time, just to get the story we can agree on what it is you want verified. OK...?

Fair enough, just show some biblical texts for now that support the following two:

A) Serpents were the second highest of gods creation, in between man and ape

B) The serpent got his end away with eve.

Uhm ok, you guys have pretty much left the "fire-breathing leviathan" subject but I'd still like an answer :p since when do dragons have umbilical cords? I thought they were lizards? And, I thought lizards made EGGS?
If we were to believe that the serpent in the garden was actually Satan, then even you would have to decline from saying he was in between man and monkey.
I didn't claim the serpent was actually satan, I said that the serpent was animal.
Satan was an angel, a spirit being who has the ability to bring other spirits under his influence, he only controled the serpent through their spirit.

Serpent race? lol? The Anunnaki were not serpents...
Yes, from what I'm saying about the twisting of history they were.
They were "giants' they claimed to be "the gods who from heaven came" or "the Sons of God", but also fallen spirits, who mated with the so-called "daughters of men".

From what the accounts of the annunaki are descibed as .....they fit perfectly with what I'm describing as the "Sons of men" not the "sons of god" no matter what they or the Sumerians claimed them to be.
The serpents were the giants, the spirits which controled them were satanic.
Adam was a Son of God. Eve was a "daughter of God", not a "daughter of man".

It's so close - but not right. There were two different periods or episodes of hybreeding.
First in the Garden with the serpent and eve. This serpent was a large creature perhaps 10 ft tall. He was removed, changed after the fathering of Cain.
His off-spring Cain.....was a hybrid. Not made in the image of God, a son of God... but made in the image of Man. The sons of men.
These are the ones which then populated the earth to the point that in Gen 6 it says;

And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

These men are the "sons of men" Cains linage. The "daughters of men" here are of Cains linage.
The "Sons of God" are Adam and Eve's pureblooded offspring who have remained seperated from the line of Cain, because it always displeases God for a believer to marry an un-believer.This is how Baalam destroyed Israel through intermarriage.
The El's or Elohim were those of Adam's linage...made in the image of God, not an animal. Not the giants
These women(daughters of men) - the sons of God take for wives are of the un-believing line of Cain. Not the other way around.

Thats the second hybrid episode.......
This is what caused the end of the world, because after this second event, there was no Adamic linage left pure and satan then had influence over all flesh.
This was when God said; "that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually"

The Sumerian claims the annunaki were the Elohim, but this is the same error most of the christian theologians make when reading Genesis - because the don't see the first hybrid episode in the garden, it was hidden in symbology and parable.
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Replllyyyy to me TheVisitor, I'm talking to you! :mad:
The dragon thing was just a joke, because S.L. commented on the Levithan in Job and I found the dragon looking for something else.....
It does look pretty real though, and I did notice the imbilical cord.
I though maybe if it was real either....,
A) it was broken out of it's shell before it hatched and the "cord was really the tube between the embryo to the yoke sack, or...
B) The dragon species is not standard reptile but something else.

It could well all be a hoax though...
I didn't claim the serpent was actually satan, I said that the serpent was animal.

Animal? A minute ago you were telling me it was a humanoid. I wish you'd make up your mind.

Satan was an angel, a spirit being who has the ability to bring other spirits under his influence, he only controled the serpent through their spirit.

So the poor bastard serpent, who was the second highest form of life between man and ape, got cursed and made to eat dust, even though he was merely a puppet of satan's? What's the matter, couldn't god just curse satan or remove satan's spirit from the serpent?

Yes, from what I'm saying about the twisting of history they were.

No, they weren't. You have absolutely nothing to support your stupid claim here regarding the Anunnaki.

They were "giants' they claimed to be "the gods who from heaven came"

The 'giants' bit is mere speculation, and derives from an understanding that the nephilim are the latter writings of the Anunnaki. And it's "those who from heaven to earth came", don't include the god word where it isn't warranted. Furthermore, that's not a claim they made, that's the name given to them by humans.

no matter what they or the Sumerians claimed them to be.

Yeah, and while we're there... fuck the bible aswell, it don't matter what claims it says in there etc etc etc. All that matters is what Mr Visitor makes up in his head- everything else doesn't mean shit. Haven't you even noticed how you sideswipe everything that's been written, everything these ancient texts say, in preference for your own insanity based fantasies? "Well, that text don't matter, my opinion sounds better.." Seriously man, you need help.

The serpents were the giants

Now you're calling them serpents again *yawn*.

the spirits which controled them were satanic.

Lol, you're so predictable..

First in the Garden with the serpent and eve. This serpent was a large creature perhaps 10 ft tall. He was removed, changed after the fathering of Cain.

Here's the problem: You have still failed to provide so much as one word in the bible to support your assumption that the serpent, (who was an animal, and a creature, but a humanoid, being possessed by satan), actually had sexual relations with eve. I also wonder how you come to the conclusion that he was perhaps 10feet tall. You might aswell say he was perhaps between 1 foot and 50 foot tall just to be on the safe side.

the sons of God take for wives are of the un-believing line of Cain.

It's a sexist issue mainly. The term "daughter/s of god" is never used. You see, women were inferior beings, so it classes men as sons of god, but women as merely daughters of men. This doesn't signify offspring differences between Adam/Cain, it merely never refers to women as daughters of god, whereas the term son of god is used many times. If you want to debate against sexism, then we can say it the 'polite way': God created man, and as such man became son of god, but woman came from Adam. Either way, you still haven't answered the actual question, which is: what text sasy the serpent bonked eve?

The Sumerian claims the annunaki were the Elohim

No, they don't.

but this is the same error most of the christian theologians make when reading Genesis - because the don't see the first hybrid episode in the garden, it was hidden in symbology and parable.

Maybe it isn't theologian error, maybe it's just your own insanity.
I see you skipped comenting on the part that explains the "why" it happened.
This part;

The "Sons of God" are Adam and Eve's pureblooded offspring who have remained seperated from the line of Cain, because it always displeases God for a believer to marry an un-believer.These women(daughters of men) - the sons of God take for wives are of the un-believing line of Cain. Not the other way around.
This is how Baalam destroyed Israel through intermarriage.Thats the second hybrid episode.......
This is what caused the end of the world, because after this second event, there was no Adamic linage left pure and satan then had influence over all flesh.
This was when God said; "that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually"

Don't worry about it though, it's not like I am demanding anyone to agree here.
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Snakelord: It is unfortunate that you have decided to hold insanity to task. The one thing that we learn in school is the understanding of futility.
TheVisitors attitude to the questions you pose are indicators of how he has arrived at his particular belief profile. It is further obvious that any attempt to rationalise his beliefes will lead to further attempts by himself to rationalise his beliefs so that he can justify his position. Thus confronting his believes with logic will only reinforce his beliefs simply becasue his whole lifes' purpose and understandings is under threat.

Belief is a strange thing and if one wants to determine the nature of the Devil or Satan it is in fact irrational belief that is the manifestation of such.

Irrational belief = Satan or Devil.
Because Satans greatest tool is deception and irrational belief is an act of self deception. So there fore it follows that Satan is winning the battle with his tool self Deception with TheVisitor.
I see you skipped comenting on the part that explains the "why" it happened.

And I see you skipped my entire post, and every post I made before that. I keep asking you the same question over and over, and you still fail to answer the simple two questions posed to you. You decided to blither on with some imaginary version of Sumerian texts, and make even more unfounded statements - even going so far as to tell me how tall the serpent was. However, you still haven't shown me where it says the serpent bonked eve.

Furthermore, you keep going against yourself - on one post trying to show snake leg bones as proof of the serpent being 2nd highest creation, and then in the very next post say snake's are not the same thing as the serpent. One minute it's an animal, the next it's a humanoid. One minute it's satan, the next its merely a serpent possessed by satan- and so on. It can't work like this.

A) Get your beliefs settled firmly in your head. Was the serpent a snake? A human? Satan? God? etc...

B) Sit down and find something to support your claims.

C) Answer questions posed to you, while ensuring you stick to your actual belief.

Once again: Where does it say the serpent bonked eve?

Snakelord: It is unfortunate that you have decided to hold insanity to task. The one thing that we learn in school is the understanding of futility.

Indeed, but school's don't have the luxury of DC++. They do not realise that when downloading massive files, nothing quite passes the time like debating with religious fanatics.
First off, I don't consider myself an atheist.

To believe what TheVisitor has been saying, you have to deny the existence of literally billions of pieces data that prove the earth is older than 6,000 years, while at the same time providing virtually nil amounts of data to support your position. Result: Your odds of success against anyone with a scientific mind are "a billion-to-one" shot. ;)

I don't like those odds. :rolleyes: