Escape from Eden.

I know I may be a little pedantic here but I feel that if we keep the terms of reference to the very early parts of the Bible , namely the creation and eden thing.

The reasons for this is that if we look closely at the common wording and work by event we may get some where.

For example what are the usual interpretations of man being made in the image of God ( without quoting later writings but assuming the bible is a linea book in that it gets younger as it progresses.

Why would God take seven days to create the universe why not 8 or 10 or less than a blinnk? Why 7?

Why tell Adam and Eve that they would surely die if they ate the fruit and yet not keep his word.and allow them to live?

Why place the temptation there in the first place? (Includinng the snake)

Why did Adam and Eve feel shame about their nakedness in front of their creator?
How could they conceivably hide from God?

Were Adam and Eve bent on suicide when they ate from the tree for surely they new what the conseqences were or are they just stupid?

What other logical arguments are there about these very important events?

The whole faith relies on these early events and the authority of God.
While it could very well be a sign of dinosaur existence, it could merely be a sign of rhinocerous


While quite large even today, neither an elephant, or a rhino or any other creature around today have a tail like a "cedar tree".
Look at the tail of a Brontosaurus, or whatever they call them today.
The description is quite accurate.
TheVisitor said:
While quite large even today, neither an elephant, or a rhino or any other creature around today have a tail like a "cedar tree".
Look at the tail of a Brontosaurus, or whatever they call them today.
The description is quite accurate.
Do you have size issues, Visitor? Do you see any reference to size in the following?

  • Its tail is as straight as a cedar
  • He moves his tail like a cedar
  • He bends his tail like a cedar
  • He makes his tail stiff like a cedar
  • He moveth his tail like a cedar
  • He doth bend his tail as a cedar
  • He bendeth his tail like a cedar
  • He moveth his tail like a cedar
  • He moves his tail like a cedar
  • He straineth his tail like a cedar
  • It makes its tail stiff like a cedar
NET Bible adds:
The verb hapas occurs only here. It may have the meaning "to make stiff; to make taut" (Arabic). The Greek and the Syriac versions support this with "erects." But there is another Arabic word that could be cognate, meaning "arch, bend." This would give the idea of the tail swaying. The other reading seems to make better sense here. However, "stiff" presents a serious problem with the view that the animal is the hippopotamus.
The only thing "quite accurate" is the inescapable observation that you haven't a clue what you're talking about.
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Quantum Quack,

For example what are the usual interpretations of man being made in the image of God ( without quoting later writings but assuming the bible is a linea book in that it gets younger as it progresses.

It means we have the same form as God's. God has innumerable forms, but his original form is like ours. This information is detailed in vedic literature.

Why would God take seven days to create the universe why not 8 or 10 or less than a blinnk? Why 7?

I doubt whether such information is to be found in any scripture or literature.

Why tell Adam and Eve that they would surely die if they ate the fruit and yet not keep his word.and allow them to live?

They did die. The point was that they would never have died.

Why place the temptation there in the first place? (Includinng the snake)

Because it was the desire of the serpent. In the Qur'an satan (Iblis) swore that he would bring most, but not all of the sons and daughters of Adam, under his sway.

Why did Adam and Eve feel shame about their nakedness in front of their creator?

Because they developed pride, out of ignorance.

How could they conceivably hide from God?

Because from that point on, they were in ignorance, and such can be its nature.

Were Adam and Eve bent on suicide when they ate from the tree for surely they new what the conseqences were or are they just stupid?

Why do we do anything that can cause harm to ourselves. Lust?

What other logical arguments are there about these very important events?

What do you mean by other logical arguments?

The whole faith relies on these early events and the authority of God.

It doesn't, it relyies on what we learn from these early events. Everything that happened is happening now, but on a different level. When we can see this, then we can develop faith. We understand that everything is the same, it only "appears" to be different.

Jan Ardena.
Why would God take seven days to create the universe why not 8 or 10 or less than a blinnk? Why 7?
A day with God is as a thousand years, everything in the spiritual types the material, you do something in type, to make something manifest in reality.....
His kingdom (world) which shall never pass away, has been 6,000 in the making from Adam's fall, the salvation purchased by Jesus - till now...
If not for what Jesus did, all would be lost............His kingdom and the subjects in it He purchased with His own blood , and rightly makes Him the God of it.
For this His subjects worship Him of their own free will gladly, He alone is worthy.
And on the 7th day He rested............The thousand year millienium of His "rest"
those in the wilderness who doubted and wanted to turn back, He swore He would not let them enter into.....a type of the promised land.

Why tell Adam and Eve that they would surely die if they ate the fruit and yet not keep his word.and allow them to live?
Again, one day is a thousand years....the DAY you eat thereof, you shall surly die.
Adam died at 950. Methusela made it to 969 and was the oldest.
No one since the fall has lived one of God's days.

Why place the temptation there in the first place? (Includinng the snake)
To answer the "free will" question, and create a people who realize how much they need Him. Also to express all of His "attributes" To be a Healer - someone had to get sick, a Saviour - someone had to be lost ect...

Why did Adam and Eve feel shame about their nakedness in front of their creator?
They until that time had a "holy veil" over their faces....the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
They lost their innocence, Eve commited adultry....
The fall was Eve had sex with the serpent - which was a man-like animal between man and ape. Being an animal Satan could possess it and impregnated Eve.
She was cursed where she sinned...think about it...not in her mouth as if she'd eaten some fruit, but in childbearing.
Her son from this was Cain, even though she said "I've gotten a man from the Lord"....all life comes from God even animal life. But Adam as a type of Christ took her back anyway and took death apon himself to be with her.
The serpent's body was changed later into a snake...and he wastold he would eat dust from then on...dust is what God said man would return too - but Cain passed the Serpent's genes and traits on to humanity....
Cain was of His father the wicked one.
Was Adam the wicked one..? No.

How could they conceivably hide from God?
They were ashamed and realized they had sold God's entire creation into the bondage of sin...........not realizing His plan all along was to rescue though Jesus.

Were Adam and Eve bent on suicide when they ate from the tree for surely they new what the conseqences were or are they just stupid?
Eve was seduced by Satan through the serpent, he was beautiful, and subtle and inspired in the words he used, she stoped to listen first. and thats where he got her to reason against the word of God.
Adam was not deceived, He went with Her to save her from God's wrath....a type of Jesus who came into this mortal world from eternity to die, and redeem a bride for Himself.
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While quite large even today, neither an elephant, or a rhino or any other creature around today have a tail like a "cedar tree".

I agree. I would also go far enough to state that with the bibles given measurements of Noah's ark, there is no way a Brontosaurus, (or two in fact), would have fit. The same can be said of the other vast array of dinosaurs that were therefore also in existence. This wouldn't include the fire breathing leviathan, who was water based, and as such had no need to go on the ark.

In the meantime, while I await biblical reference to global anihilation via meteorites, and also the sources for the press releases you speak of, I might aswell mention a couple of other points of worth, (or no worth depending on your view).

At this stage in the game, we must surely then accept and concur that all "strange" mystical type beings spoken of in the bible did in fact exist. Not only does this include the behemoth, (which could well be a 'small' version of a Brontosaurus. Sure, some stage tommorrow I will measure some dino remains to see if they could have sheltered under lotus plants), but it also includes a wide variety of other beings that require some form of 'closure'.

We have Giants, (Nephilim/Anunnaki - whichever you prefer).
We have dragons, which although have been a topic of myth and legend throughout history - lack any real credibility, (unless we can show that they did actually exist via remains or by showing that dinosaurs could breathe fire).
Unicorns on the other hand do have some evolutionary logic. Many animals, even today, have 'horned protrusions'. These are openly evident in the animal kingdom, and I'm sure a possibility exists that they were merely an early form of horses. They too have been written about by many cultures around the world, with varying names. It would certainly be a big step if we found the remains of a unicorn.
We have angels - godly sent beings that were seemingly ever present during the OT years, but have for some reason, fallen from sight of humankind recently.

While I will sit and research all these things throughout a variety of belief systems and cultures, it seems apparent to say you have no inclination to do so. I find that somewhat saddening. Even if you were that lucky that you had the truth to everything, it can surely do you no harm to read other materials, to see what they have to say. By all means laugh at it once you've read it, but to do so beforehand is pure ignorance.

Now, on to Quantum Quack:

I know I may be a little pedantic here but I feel that if we keep the terms of reference to the very early parts of the Bible , namely the creation and eden thing.

I somewhat agree with you. The dilemma we now face is the open and simple dismissal by Visitor. I fear I will be cast of as 'devils-breed' if I continue along the same path. Unfortunately the rebuttal doesn't serve as much purpose either.

"god/s created man in Sumeria, who then wrote a satan-possessed account of creation, and then several thousand years later, the jews wrote the true version".

What we do need to look at and understand, are the natural progression of events. Belief/superstition moves forward and changes with the times. A long while back within the history of the Christian church, was the benediction of salt for the health of the body and the expulsion of evil spirits. There were also rituals involving salt to bless homes, cattle, crops, ships, tools, armor, wells and kilns. Also rituals for sick animals, driving away thunder and making the marriage bed fruitful.

I'm sure most here will be aware of the superstition involving throwing salt over your shoulder to "blind the devil", who was always lurking behind. Before that there were other methods, and 'pagan' rituals. The Christian church 'killed' those 'witches' and then proceeded with their own bizarre rituals.

Nowadays, salt isn't used, and the whole thing is ticked off the list as mere superstition. This adapted into excorcism and baptism. In turn, this lead to changes in vampiric beliefs that they were somehow subsceptible to holy water - and we all watch in glee as the priest sends the vampire to hell via the acid burns of holy water. Technically this leads to the churches own versions of 'supernatural' powers.

Other themes of this nature, developed and maintained for a while by the christian church, are such things as covering the mouth when yawning- to ensure the devil didn't jump in your mouth and take residence in your gut.

This is how things progress, how ideas evolve and adapt to suit cultures and environments. Nowadays, many of these superstitions will be laughed at - even by christians. Even so, they were a part of the belief system at one time or another, and it was as "true" as everything people currently believe within the same, but slightly evolved, system.

We can see the same adaptation in Christian festivals such as Christmas, (Sol Invictus), Easter, (Ostara), Pentecost, (Lugnasao) - all pagan holidays incorporated by the church to suit their beliefs.

We can see that the christian religion has been a "borrower" of ideals, rituals and beliefs since it's dawn. Not to mention it's founded itself on the word of the jews- a people the christians have often despised. It's no surprise therefore, that the 'new' christian god completely did everything in reverse to the OT god, and ended up with the jews losing out. It's mere politics.

Things always move forwards, but Visitor would rather claim the opposite. In this instance, the younger text, (the biblical accounts), are not as credible or valid as the older texts.

Archaeology, history, science works together to find this evidence. They find out when a 'people' lived, they date all written works, all excavation sites etc etc in order to find out one thing only: The truth.

Currently the only dispute to this collection of evidence is: "No, those gods are frauds, my god is real". There is no contest here.

Aside from that, we have the assumption that a bunch of people somehow mistook a global, mankind killing flood, as a mere river deluge - then 1,500 years later, the jews came along and corrected the somewhat daft error of their predecessors.

It's quite simply ignorant.

If it's all ok with you, I shall finish this later. My brother has just popped round for dinner, be back soon :)
TheVisitor said:
Why would God take seven days to create the universe why not 8 or 10 or less than a blinnk? Why 7?
A day with God is as a thousand years, everything in the spiritual types the material, you do something in type, to make something manifest in reality.....
His kingdom (world) which shall never pass away, has been 6,000 in the making from Adam's fall, the salvation purchased by Jesus - till now...
M*W: If so, why doesn't Genesis specifically say that Jesus would provide the salvation for the human race?
If not for what Jesus did, all would be lost............His kingdom and the subjects in it He purchased with His own blood, and rightly makes Him the God of it.
For this His subjects worship Him of their own free will gladly, He alone is worthy.
M*W: Since Jesus didn't appear for approximately 4,000 years AFTER the time of Genesis, it seems to me that Jesus was cruel in waiting for that much time to elapse before he came to save the world.
And on the 7th day He rested............The thousand year millienium of His "rest" those in the wilderness who doubted and wanted to turn back, He swore He would not let them enter into.....a type of the promised land.
M*W: Again, your Jesus seems like a cruel god constantly punishing humanity for their sins. If you think the seventh day has already come and gone, you're wrong. Allegorically, we are still in the sixth day of creation. The "seventh" day is yet to come once humanity has reached perfection.
Why tell Adam and Eve that they would surely die if they ate the fruit and yet not keep his word.and allow them to live?
Again, one day is a thousand years....the DAY you eat thereof, you shall surly die.
M*W: Good question! Since no one knows what kind of fruit was on that tree, obviously people have continued eating apples and have not died, this makes God sound like a threatening liar!
Adam died at 950. Methusela made it to 969 and was the oldest.
No one since the fall has lived one of God's days.
M*W: Oh, no? Please explain this and cite references.
Why place the temptation there in the first place? (Includinng the snake)
M*W: Your God sounds like a trickster. Did your God create the human race to taunt, tease and tempt humanity? Man, that sure sounds like something Satan would do.
To answer the "free will" question, and create a people who realize how much they need Him. Also to express all of His "attributes" To be a Healer - someone had to get sick, a Saviour - someone had to be lost ect...
M*W: This is the theory of the dying demigod. It's nothing but ancient plagarism.
Why did Adam and Eve feel shame about their nakedness in front of their creator?
M*W: Sounds as if they're "creator" shamed them even after he created them with genitals and a natural human sex drive. You God sounds like a frigid bitch, or maybe your God is gay.
They until that time had a "holy veil" over their faces....the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
M*W: Nowhere in Genesis does it refer to a "holy veil" nor the "Holy Spitit."
They lost their innocence, Eve commited adultry....The fall was Eve had sex with the serpent - which was a man-like animal between man and ape. Being an animal Satan could possess it and impregnated Eve.
M*W: Where does it say that Eve and the serpent got it on? Please cite references about the serpent being a "man-like animal between "man and ape." So, are you saying that Cain was conceived by Satan and Eve? Sounds like the first dysfunctional family! You really need to do more research somewhere outside your Bible.
She was cursed where she sinned...think about it...not in her mouth as if she'd eaten some fruit, but in childbearing. Her son from this was Cain, even though she said "I've gotten a man from the Lord"....all life comes from God even animal life. But Adam as a type of Christ took her back anyway and took death apon himself to be with her.
M*W: You're full of it! "Eve was cursed in childbearing?" Then why is childbearing such a spiritual gift? Childbearing is PROOF that humanity will go on. Secondly, if Eve conceived of the "Lord," that refers to Satan in this contect!
The serpent's body was changed later into a snake...and he was told he would eat dust from then on...dust is what God said man would return too - but Cain passed the Serpent's genes and traits on to humanity....
M*W: Man, are you screwed up! I think you need to go back and RE-READ Genesis. Your God is Evil. Who the hell are you worshipping?
Cain was of His father the wicked one.
M*W: So, you're saying that the serpent was Cain's father? I sense that you have some sexual difficulties. You need a therapist. Were you molested as a child?
Was Adam the wicked one..? No.
M*W: What is you opinion about Seth, and his purpose in all of this? I'd really like to hear your point.
How could they conceivably hide from God? They were ashamed and realized they had sold God's entire creation into the bondage of sin...........not realizing His plan all along was to rescue though Jesus.
M*W: Adam and Eve had "sold God's entire creation into the bondage of sin...", so the whole scenario was set-up on the premise of humanity NEEDING a dying demigod to save us??? According to Genesis, all of creation was made up of just the heavens and the earth, vegetation, animal life, and two human beings. This was "God's entire creation." Why would this God of your's allow this to happen? Oh, yeah, to set the stage for the dying demigod! Don't be so naive!
Were Adam and Eve bent on suicide when they ate from the tree for surely they new what the conseqences were or are they just stupid?
M*W: Well, just how smart could the first two humans be? If I were God, I would have cut them some slack instead of setting them up and framing them like some stupid stool pigeons. Your God is the EVIL ONE!
Eve was seduced by Satan through the serpent, he was beautiful, and subtle and inspired in the words he used, she stoped to listen first, and thats where he got her to reason against the word of God.
M*W: First of all, God was playing tricks on Eve, tempting her to "sin." He allowed the serpent to seduce her. Then he banishes them out of Eden for their mistake. Just doesn't seem fair, if you ask me. Who needs a Creator that plays emotional tricks on you, tempts you to go against his rules in sin, then takes your eternal life away from you? If your God would do this, then you are worshipping the WRONG GOD!
Adam was not deceived, He went with Her to save her from God's wrath....a type of Jesus who came into this mortal world from eternity to die, and redeem a bride for Himself.
M*W: So Adam is the smart one in your view? You're probably a man (who's sexually inhibited). You xians make me laugh! I needed a good laugh today!
M*W: Again, your Jesus seems like a cruel god constantly punishing humanity for their sins. If you think the seventh day has already come and gone, you're wrong. Allegorically, we are still in the sixth day of creation. The "seventh" day is yet to come once humanity has reached perfection.
We are in the 7th day. That is why Christ says in Matthew something like, "come all you who are weary and you shall find rest." The interpretation by Justin Martyr is that we observe an eternal sabath. How can humanity reach perfection without perfection existing within the human race?
Medicine woman, I think you have caught on to the reason for this thread.
I have wondered that it is no wonder the world is so screwed up with the beliefs as shown by The visitors comments.

It shows how later interpretations based on later events have distorted the interpretation of the first events in the bible.

A sort of retrospective belief system.

If one looks at the book of genesis with out reference to the rest of the bible, it strikes me that God was defined as cruel, manipulative and decidedly sadistic. If one takes the reference in any literal sense, which I personally do not.

To state that they or he is worshiping an evil God would be quite a valid point.
Actually it looks like the creator was satan and the serpent was God trying to relieve Adam and Eves delusions of servitude to Satan. The serpent certainly seems like the good guy in this story. Or am I falling for the old Adam and Eve's folley trick.

Adam and Eve were not put to death because Satan in the disguise of being the creator had no actual power to destroy Adam and Eve at all as it ws only their ignorance or delusion Created by Satan that held them captive in Eden as a perpetual toy for Satan to play with.

So along comes God in shining armour and disguises himself as the serpent to sneek past Satans defenses and manages to free our two victims from their prison of ignorance.

Ha ha It sort of makes for a good story, the plot continues to thicken.

May be when God created his universe with all the paradoxs he failed to protect his creation from thos paradoxs and later had to rescue them.

hmmmm...may be we should write a new book. :)
It's a bit like a scenario where two people have be held captive in a room all their lives and have no knowledge of an external world.
One day the police came to the door out of curiosity and knock on the door. To the amazement of the occupants there seems to be something outside all of a sudden. An OUTSIDE....hmmmm they think ..this is new. The police force the door open and for the first time Adam and Eve get to see the light of day and a world existing beyond anything they could have imagined.

There have been a number of sci fi movies dealing with this issue for example "A wrinkle in Time" and "The Matrix" and a few others.
M*W: If so, why doesn't Genesis specifically say that Jesus would provide the salvation for the human race?
Abel's sacrifice of the lamb, was to show his revelation that Jesus would come to be the real lamb sacrifice to take away the sins of the world.
This is the most basic and commonly understood theme in the bible....
How you can even attempt to argue religion or spiritual truths without even slightest understanding of theses things....and then blast the people who try to show you as the ones who are ignorant is just unbelievable.....

M*W: Well, just how smart could the first two humans be? If I were God, I would have cut them some slack instead of setting them up and framing them like some stupid stool pigeons. Your God is the EVIL ONE!
As I said above earlier, satanic groups attempt to turn things around and make thier god the good one and the God of the bible the bad God.....
Signs of these influences are coming through every one of your replies about the bible...
I sense some deep resentment here, and I am sorry for you.
This world really is in it's last days, when attitudes like this abound so....
The Holy Spirit anointing upon mankind this last 2000 years is the only thing thats held it all together this long....but the Spirit is being withdrawn now, that which It came to do, the redemption of those who came from God, is about completed.
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Why do you complicate so simple a mater? A creative day would be as long as a day of rest. He entered His day of rest about 6000 years ago. He wont come out of that “day of rest” till after the thousand years of His Sons rule. A creative day thus is known to be 7000 years long, Creation days then would have spanned 42,000 years and we have been here 6000 years thus we have life on the planet from 48,000 years ago. Was it really that hard?
Q.Q. posted;
It's a bit like a scenario where two people have be held captive in a room all their lives and have no knowledge of an external world.

You confuse thier innocence with ignorance.
Adam was estimated to need an I.Q. of about 2000 to name all the animals alone.
Mankind has devolved not evolved, and with your comments from the very first of this thread till now.....I rest my case.
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A creative day thus is known to be 7000 years long, Creation days then would have spanned 42,000 years and we have been here 6000 years thus we have life on the planet from 48,000 years ago. Was it really that hard?
A day with God is 1000 years according to the bible.
The Egyption calender is more accurate the Roman we use today, and it is 17 years advanced from ours...
This means the real year 2000 was 1983, and the year (2004) in relation to biblical events is 2021.
This puts us well into the 7th day or the "day of the Lord".
ooooops, sorry, I thought you could keep up with the math. When did god create? When did he begin his day of rest? When does He come out of that day of rest? It takes a bit of addition, its not that hard is it? 24 hour day, a day for a year, a thousand year day, and a CREATIVE day of 7000 years. Sorry no pictures. * grins and smiles*
A day with God is as a thousand years

god came to me in a dream, (which is what he does), and spoke at me for a while about some things. I asked if it had taken him 6,000 years to make everything, and 1,000 years to have a rest. god responded: "ha! What do they think I am, human? I am god, why would I need to rest for 1,000 years.. and if I wanted to make a planet, universe and some worshipping bipedal species, I could do it with a click of my fingers."

His kingdom (world) which shall never pass away

Never pass away? Not what jesus reckons in Matthew 24:35 "Heaven and earth will pass away.." , aswell as several other passages.

has been 6,000 in the making from Adam's fall

Not according to science. Which reminds me, you still haven't given an explanation to the mass of global annihilating meteorite impacts on this planet.

To answer the "free will" question, and create a people who realize how much they need Him.

But free will would have been an absolute if there was no tree/fruit there. A guy with no understanding of good or evil wouldn't be able to judge anything, and as such wouldn't have the slightest care no matter what he did. Nothing would register as bad and nothing would register as good.

Of course, once he has eaten the fruit, he'll be able to judge the difference, will be able to see god as being the good guy and satan as being the bad guy. If it wasn't for the serpent, you wouldn't be worshipping god, or even exist.

If you had no knowledge of good or evil, nothing would make a difference. There would be no discernible difference between god or the devil, hitler or marie curie, saddam or mother theresa... everything would be worthless.

They lost their innocence, Eve commited adultry....
The fall was Eve had sex with the serpent

A completely groundless statement. If you feel it's that easy to just add whatever you want to the text, we might aswell just say jesus got crucified for giving john a bj.

which was a man-like animal between man and ape.

So the offspring of a human and a serpent would be a cross between a man and an ape? lol. Of course, not that it's possible for different species to breed, (which is no different to back then - unless you agree things evolve)?

She was cursed where she sinned...think about it...not in her mouth as if she'd eaten some fruit, but in childbearing.

But god thought stating that would be a bit... rude? So instead he just said to eve "you must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden."

So what was that? god's subtle way of saying, "don't sit on the serpents dick"?

The serpent's body was changed later into a snake...and he wastold he would eat dust from then on.

Contrary to popular religious belief: Snake's don't eat dust.

..dust is what God said man would return too

Nor do snakes eat humans, or human 'dust'.

- but Cain passed the Serpent's genes and traits on to humanity...

Sure, and we have 98.4% identical dna to chimps, I suppose eve bonked one of them too.. Not to mention we're 70% identical to mice... I guess she's now a rat-fucker aswell.. Want me to continue?

Eve was seduced by Satan through the serpent, he was beautiful, and subtle and inspired in the words he used, she stoped to listen first. and thats where he got her to reason against the word of God.
Adam was not deceived, He went with Her to save her from God's wrath....a type of Jesus who came into this mortal world from eternity to die, and redeem a bride for Himself.

Groundless tripe. All of it.
Oh and Visitor, I'm still waiting for information regarding that "press release" you mentioned. Could you hurry up a bit please, just incase the world really is on it's last days...
Jan Ardena said:
Why place the temptation there in the first place? (Includinng the snake)
Because it was the desire of the serpent.
pardon me ,
didnt God create the serpent?
and the serpents brain/mind and all its related desires!?

yes,no free will God controls all
no,God doesnt exist,
which is it?
SnakeLord posted;
God came to me in a dream, (which is what he does), and spoke at me for a while about some things. I asked if it had taken him 6,000 years to make everything, and 1,000 years to have a rest. god responded: "ha! What do they think I am, human? I am god, why would I need to rest for 1,000 years..


The thousand year rest, is also called a thousand years of peace....
The "rest" is a time for the Spirit of God to exist in a people without conflict, turmoil, evil, strife, war, murder....ect....(nothing shall hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain.....)
It's a time of rest for the people of God, who've stood for Him in this life, from all the things mankind is so well known for under it's present leadrership which is satanic power. ( It's not that God needed a rest...I hope this clears that up for you S.L.)
After the thousand years is up the devil shall be loosed again a little to gather the reminant of His people who've survived and multiplied to battle against the saints, or the people of God in the holy city.
This is in the book of Revelation chapters 19-22 and Isaiah, along with many other Old Testament prophets....

So the offspring of a human and a serpent would be a cross between a man and an ape? lol. Of course, not that it's possible for different species to breed, (which is no different to back then - unless you agree things evolve)?


No I said the serpent was the next order of created being below man, it was between man and the apes, or to be more exact, man and the chimpanze which is considered to be the closest to humans in DNA.
There was no evolution, life was created one form higher than the next up until one was created that could reflect the image of God.
The serpent was the animal created right before close it could create off-spring by mating with humans.
Satan knew this, and used the Serpent to polute the pure blood of God in the human race and try to destroy Gods plans to have a super race of children "above the angels in authority and power"........ called the Sons of God.
As for your claim that different races can't's as groundless as the rest of your ranting and psudo-scientific babble.
A donkey will cross with a horse = Mule, a Zebra will cross with a donkey also, a lion will cross with a's called a liger....ect....

I don't reply here to defend the truths in the bible only for your benifit S.L.
I really think after all the ridicule of the bible and Jesus B.J. type statments I've gotten from you.....your beyond my help friend.
But I feel a responcibilty for setting the record straight for anyone else out there who may read this and have a real desire to know what the bible says.
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