Valued Senior Member
I believe mr. waters does have a point.
In this post-9/11 era it is acceptable to the American masses to compare Arab and Islamic people as the anti-thesis of the West and the Western culture, yet to do this is to pray on the ignorance of populace.
This is our biggest problem, we have a huge problem with PR. Thanks hypewaters for trying to correct the great amount of damage done against our people. I am just sad that not everyone can see this.
May I ask mr. dixon if you are familiar with any Arab or Muslim people in your personal life. I hope we might be able to have a friendly conversation.
Sure, I know (knew) a dozen westernized (even christianized) arabs, I do admit they are just generic as we are (except religion in some cases and stronger family ties). However, to claim that Arab "values" are the same as american is little bit too much. Yeah, we live in the unification age of consumerism, but it's not uniform yet.