Enlightenment: The Knowledge of Self


Registered Senior Member
[101] Enlightenment: The Knowledge of Self

The life that we live is the manifestation of our higher self. The higher self places us within the various lives that we live, seeing the overview of all of our lives in total – having as it does, the perspective of the whole of the experience. That is, the whole of the experience of all of our lives lived, or yet to be lived.

Tense, past, present or future, is not a concept to which the higher self is subject - of course the past, present and future exist, but they exist merely as a framework for the existence of the whole of the creation. A framework if you will, that houses, or sets the stage for the creation that exists around us, of which we are an integral part.

The higher self exists as an extension of the collective consciousness which itself exists as an extension of the creation frequency, which exists as a part of a yet far greater collective, and so on and so forth. To what end one might ask. Well, the concept of an end or a beginning is unique to those creatures having a finite existence, which is not the case universally. All creatures are not born, and then die. But such is the case with the human condition.
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[102] Wayward Travelers

We are those wayward souls, those wayward travelers, awakening from a harsh winter’s night, awakening unto our reality, programmed as we were by those of alien descent. For to be an experiencer, or an abductee, is to be a creature programmed by our keepers - kept as we are for that specific day in which we shall all awaken, one to another.

To awaken then is to realize our heritage, to see that which we are meant to see, and to realize that we all are of one bloodline, of one heritage. We are the gods of our creation, living through our creation, returning to see through the eyes of those which have been created – what more perfect union might there be, what more perfectly complete experience could there possibly be in all of creation; save that of the creator gods returning to live through their creation, then awakening within their creation, seeing as we do, through the eyes of those created.

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[103] Something

Simply because we see nothing, doesn't mean something isn't there.
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[104] Facets of Self

There are five facets of self – not in total, but in terms of this discussion, for we exist in countless ways that we, through the intellectual mind, cannot reason. We are more than merely the physical, the spiritual, the emotional and the intellectual. We also exist in the present, future and past – this makes us multi-dimensional creatures as well.
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[105] The dimensional body

The dimensional body or dimensional self exists no less in the future and past, than it does in the present. It occupies all three dimensions simultaneously.

How can this be?

The concept of tense, past, present and future is irrevocably connected to the framework of time itself. How does time exist? Well, in or within the framework of the creation frequency. Everything, including all creatures, is frequency based – that is to say, based on an underlying frequency or base frequency that other facets of existence are built upon. Think of the creation, or base frequency as the basement, or foundation upon which all of creation is built. A mesh, or fabric that for the most part remains invisible yet very present throughout the universe.

All of creation is tied into the base or creation frequency - that is how it is able to exist (that is how it has been enabled).

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[106] Grounded

Knowing that you occupy the future as well as the past and present, brings the concept of self into a much clearer focus. That is because the self is much more permanent, much more grounded if you will, than this temporal body that we all occupy.
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[107] Those things learned

The information I write about has come to me by way of my being programmed at the hands of my keepers, those gray beings, those abductors that all abductees have.

I know what I have learned - I know what I have been taught. I find my education at the hands of my keepers no more or no less valuable than my education received at the hands of my teachers or professors.

Different teachers - different topics - same me.

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[108] An interesting exercise

Here is an interesting exercise – rather than thinking in terms of whether or not you believe me, that is, that I am who I say I am, or believe the information that I am posting or will post, simply think in terms of whether or not you find this information of interest to you ‘now’, in the present tense.

If the answer is no – then go no further, don’t waist your time, because it is not of interest to you - go elsewhere.

But if the answer is yes, it is of interest to you, then read on; deciding that you don’t have enough information about me or the subject matter at hand to make an intelligent decision as to its validity, or relevance at this point in time - unless of course you maintain the answers to all of life.

No need to think in terms of belief and disbelief 'all of the time' – is there?

Remember, it is your thought process, that process by which you think, that can limit you, and what it is that you experience in this life.

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[109] Our thought process

For the most part, humans complicate their own lives, without help from anyone else, simply by way of our 'thought process'; that process by which we think.

The first step then, is to realize that there is indeed a ‘process’ at work here, and that the way in which we think is not a random, unknown or unidentifiable process.

Our thought process is simply that – our 'thought process’ – uniquely and individually our own.

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[110] The multi-dimensional body

The multi-dimensional body exists within the past, present and future simultaneously. Think of it as the part of the self that straddles all three realms if you will. This concept is not dissimilar to the way in which a television can receive all channels at one time, but displays only one channel at a time.

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[111] Time

If all things exist as frequency, that is exit as a frequency, then we as well as our past exist as frequencies. That is not exactly correct. Because we are existing within the framework ‘of’ time, we exist at the pleasure of, or because of the framework of time, which itself is a frequency. So that we exist as part of a frequency, the frequency that time is.

This part of time that we are, in effect, makes us the receiver that receives those frequencies that are sent; frequencies meant to be received. A radio if you will, receiving the frequency that is broadcast.

Time is a frequency that exists as part of the creation frequency. Time is itself a frequency, a part or component of the creation frequency. That is meant to say, that time is housed, or abides within and is part of the creation frequency.

These frequencies did not just happen - they were all created. Created no doubt, with their purpose in mind.

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[112] Facets

We, as well as generations before us, for the most part, have been kept ignorant of all of the various facets of self - as if exploring and learning about all of our various aspects were somehow wrong or of no value to us at all.

Why is that?
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[113] The intellect

The intellect was never designed to be utilized for setting one’s course – our course is set by the higher self, our higher self or spirit man if you will.

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[114] The higher self

The higher self can place those things that it wishes the intellect to reason out, before the intellect - it can breath on the intellect, or reasoning mind if you will, so as to establish or set the course that the intellect will seek out.

The higher self cannot be reasoned out with the intellect - it cannot be categorized, classified or compartmentalized as to its make-up or function.

Its remains hidden from view for the most part, and this is the intent of the higher self, for reasons pertaining to the purity of the experience that is lived out; each time we incarnate. .

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[115] Appreciative

Being appreciative of the pleasant, the comfortable, the enjoyable and the pleasurable without being appreciative of the unpleasant, the uncomfortable, the un-enjoyable and the unpleasant is in effect, attempting to restrict yourself (and your experiences here, in this life) to ‘only’ those experiences that are deemed pleasant.

The higher self places all things (and all experiences) before us for a reason – if that were not so, there would be no need to experience the variety circumstances that make up our lives.

So it is then, that we are to be appreciative of all things placed before us, whether they are pleasant or not - for the higher self sets our course, placing us within those things that are needful for us; placing as it does, those things before us that we are to experience.
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[116] The subconscious mind

Whether it is the conscious or the subconscious mind, it is the mind or intellect with which we reason – for we reason subconsciously as well. The problem is we have never been taught or instructed on how best to use the subconscious mind in conjunction with, or along with, the conscious mind.

There are after all, some things that are best left to the subconscious mind to reason out, and vice versa.
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[117] Knowing self

The knowledge of self would seem to be to be of the most paramount import - but it also seems as if it has been intentionally and purposely kept from us. Whoever 'they' are - why would they want us ignorant of our self?

After all, it is our very self (with all of its many facets) which we are - logically, who should know more about us, than us?

But then again, maybe that is the journey that has been set before us, the journey that all of us must make - that is, the discovery of 'self'.

And throughout the universe, this cycle of self-discovery continues on ad infinitum.

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[118] Shepherded

There is no single way, no one view in which to perceive our universe, and our fellow man and ourselves within it. Our perspective is simply that, ‘our perspective’, uniquely and individually our own.

Choose an existing format, or devise your own – it is all the same. Things are the way they are, and no belief system, regardless of the millions that adhere to it, will change that

Ask yourself; “how did I arrive at my belief system” – was it consciously chosen, or inherited via your societal and familial influences. Because you see, you have chosen it, even if it was not a conscious decision – it was a decision made (and subsequently adhered to) by you, by way of your acceptance of it.

We are all shepherded around by our belief systems, although not consciously so for the most part.
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