End of Ice Age

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The glaring problem with people who refuse to accept the validity of 14C dating is that they ignore completely the calibration of 14C by other dating methods, specifically varve dating, dendrochronology, and the like. Not only is 14C accurate, but its reliable with these calibrations. Moreover, in my field, few archaeologists rely on single dating methods and frequently seek corroboration between methods by using thermoluminescence dating, fission track dating, etc.
In the absence of a detailed analysis comparing and contrasting these methods with their deficiencies, followed by citations to reliable sources, I'd say you appear to be making an unsupported statement.
Look at the assumptions underlying all of the methods, and some of the date results come in with positive values, that is, the material should not be extant yet, according to the dating result, and those are on "good" samples, good until the results come in, on and on.

And if another "good sample" doesn't agree with the Darwinian timeline, it then magically becomes a "bad" sample, and reasons constructed as to why all of a sudden it's a "bad" sample.
I see what you're saying, but it might be helpful if we had a documented example of this that we can examine and discuss.
"End of Ice Age"

Oops! Sorry, I thought this was a goodbye thread.
They did come from Iran; Elam and Assyria to be specific, when that region dried-out to cause the collapse of the Bronze Age.

Northwest India was drying out too then, to end Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa, and many other Bronze Age cities there, and sea level was rising to consume the cities now submerged in the Bays of Kutch and Cham, but the Aryans (their name for themselves, which means noble ones) came on anyway, as the whole Middle East was drying out, much population pressure at that time, so mass migrations all over the place circa 1500 B.C.
This is also when Assyrians, Goths (Gutis), Scythians, and Cimmerians moved into Europe, much land was opening up then, as the Ice Age icepacks were dissipating.
This is complete and utter pseudoscience. The "Ice Age icepacks" (sic) had long since retreated by the Late Bronze Age.

The Ice Age ended around 1500 BC. Anyone interested in a rigorous academic treatment of the topic would be wise to carefully examine the fine tome Ice Age Civilizations written by the noted scholar and geologist James I. Nienhuis.

Mr. Nienhuis carefully and logically presents the historical and scientific evidence in a fascinating yet cogent exposition of this most captivating topic.
The Ice Age ended around 1500 BC.

define what you mean by the end of the ice age please. Most specialists would say that we are still within an ice age, though at present amid an intergalcial. So, what is your definition and how do you then come to identify circa 1500 BC as the end date?
You know Ophi, when those humongous nasty icepacks melted off the continents (except Antartica, Greenland, and the high mountain ranges), so the water poured into the sea, to raise sea level a few hundred feet, that "end of the Ice Age please."
Well that was a fuck site earlier than 1500 B.C.
Good night - thanks for all the fish - normal service will be resumed once I reach the Middle East.
So if I got this straight, the last Ice Age was caused by the oceans warming up from below - they got so hot they evaporated, and this evaporation automatically made clouds and cooling, for some reason, rather than the greenhouse warming water vapor creates now

And none of this is in the diatom record, because small organisms don't matter, or the pollen record, because microscopic plant stuff doesn't matter

and a mile of ice formed and moved hundreds of miles like a bulldozer across North America and elsewhere, in three or four waves, within a couple of thousand years

but the oceans stayed warm all that time

And then it all melted within a few hundred years.

Hmmmm. I can see how the voices in my head could make sense of that.

Unfortunately, it completely overlooks the actual source of the icecaps, namely the large, slow comet strike that created the Deluge. No theory of past civilizations can afford to overlook that dramatic event.
Yeah, I knew I was going wrong there, what with the comet left out and all.

So what was the time sequence, exactly?
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