End of Ice Age

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I am only suggesting you stop saying what everything is not, and start looking for what is.

As a philosopher, I do just that.

You don't even know the meaning of the word "metaphysical"
There are schools devoted to metaphysics alone.
You can look up a definition with goggle but that doesn't mean you can understand it.

I write extensively in metaphysics. I know precisely what it is. It is the discipline of philosophy associated with the study of God (theology, of Being and Existence (ontology), and of the first principles. Just as epistemology studies truth, ethics goodness, and aesthetics love and beauty, metaphysics studies the above.

Atlas.....that one story has so rich a background and allegory in actual history.

What allegory do you find that fits it?
Walter, there has been no ship traffic up the Canopic Branch of the Nile since about 1500 B.C., when it began to dry up.

Herakleion was a port for ocean-going vessels, big ones, it was built on a hill next to the Canopic Branch of the Nile, which is now six miles out in the Mediterranean on the seafloor.

Barges went up the Canopic Branch of the Nile to Giza with goods from the Atlantes, the Minoans, the Greeks, and the Canaanites, but that all ended when the Nile flow dropped precipitously, then Ahkenaten moved the capital upriver from Giza to Amarna, after which, the New Kingdom period began.

And Walter, if Herakleion was on dry land through about 800 A.D., when it suddenly ended up six miles offshore, don't you think someone would have noticed?
Ice Age:

Cite your sources!

Someone certainly noticed that Herakleion was a bustling port when Herodotous visited. Likewise, the reports of Alexander's era were that Herakleion was the then-existing Nile-entrance port of taxation, but that following the ascension of Alexandria, the fortunes of Herakleion declined. That's what the Greek and Roman writers after Alexandria was founded wrote.

If those reports that I've cited are false, as you claim based on your readings, then you should be able to cite the sources of your claims that Herakleion had ceased to exist, and was already underwater, when Alexandria was built. Until then, I will presume the many sources I've cited are correct, and your un-buttressed, naked assertions to the contrary are incorrect.


I enjoyed your insights in post #317, even if others did not. However, discerning the truth in old writings from eons ago is, at best, a difficult task.
Walter, Herodotus reported what he'd heard about Herakleion.

And Walter, if the megalithic port complex and city of Herakleion suddenly moved 6 miles out to sea at your 800 A.D., why did no one notice?
Apparently they did notice. They left their byzantine and islamic coins and ran! 1200 years later, they've been sucking those coins up from the sands at the Herakleion site. I guess they didn't have time to write a detailed account, just for your convenience 1200 years later. Just left their money and ran for higher ground. Sounds like the destruction was quite fast. Very similar to what had happened at Helike a millenia earlier, wouldn't you agree? And it is 4 miles out to sea, not 6. Take a look at the maps of the cited references. 30 foot land drops during a major quake is very common.
Didn't make the history books, zipping miles out to sea in seconds ("earthquake"), doesn't pass the smell test, "didn't write a detailed account," how 'bout no account, Walter.
Oh, and Walter, according to your logic, if a 1983 Rolex is discovered among the ruins, that means Herakleion went under around 1983 A.D., you obviously have a bright future in archaeology, what with your "scientific" cubit, and this fabulous bit of logic, onward and upward!
"Atlas.....that one story has so rich a background and allegory in actual history - TheVisitor"
-What allegory do you find that fits it??

The Allegory of Atlas and the giants.
The giants before the time of Noah's flood were descended from the linage of Cain.
They were a cross between Adam's linage whom Eve was taken out of his side......and a serpent, a humanoid beast....possessed of the devil more subtle than any of the field.

The descendent's of Seth.....Adam and Eve's true children were the ones called the "sons of God"....not "fallen angels"
They had 1000 year lifespans and prophetic powers.......like Enoch, and Methuselah.

They are who saw the daughters of Cain's children and intermarred....creating a God/Man mixture.....

The mighty men, men of renoun......the hero's of fables and ancient lore.

Atlas was of the Titans.

The giant children of the so-called immortal god's of the Olympians.

Could the allegory be any clearer?

Upon His shoulders the balance of the world......which was destroyed by the Almighty through man......and his intrusion into science and weapons of war.

Through the unbelief of the linage of Cain.......giants like Atlas.

The Earth was flooded when these weapons of war literally knocked it into into it's present tilted state.

That's the very mechanism that brought down the destruction and the flood from the water vapors cooling and condensing from it being thrown out of balance,

Thats the very symbolism of Atlas holding the world.........and the hidden truth of the fall of man in the bible.

This also reveals the "mark of the beast".....the beast in the beginning which was this one (more subtile than any beast of the field) that fathered Cain.

They have been with us all along though no longer giants.....Jesus called them "a generation of Vipers".
He was talking to the false religious leaders leading astray the people.

There's your beast at the end....
The unbelieving linage of Cain still with us today, identified in the scriptures by their deviation from the Word yet religious.....

Only identified by their mark, how they turn away from God like Cain after seeing the truth.

John 6:66
And they turned, and followed Him no more"
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Helike sinking beneath the waves, killing everyone there, and taking several anchored ships down too, doesn't pass your "smell test". But it happened, according to the records of the day.

And there you go with your "straw men" again. No Rolex watches found at Herakleion, or any other modern day artifacts, nor sunken ships. Just a sunken city. So what is your explanation for why they find islamic coins scattered amongst the ruins of Herakleion, ones that date no later than 8th century A.D.? It's not just my logic that concludes that those coins date the sinking, it is the logic of all of the archaeologists who have reviewed that site.
Walter, I was plainly talking about no accounts about Herakleion shooting five miles out to sea because of an earthquake at circa 800 A.D., you're so desperate that you have to lie about what's been said, as if no one will notice, very foolish of you.
Shooting out to sea? Didnt the land just sink? These are not the same things, in case you hadnt realised.

The giants before the time of Noah's flood were descended from the linage of Cain.

Where does it say this?

They were a cross between Adam's linage whom Eve was taken out of his side......and a serpent, a humanoid beast....possessed of the devil more subtle than any of the field.

There is no remark at all of a serpent having sex with Eve.

The descendent's of Seth.....Adam and Eve's true children were the ones called the "sons of God"....not "fallen angels"

Fallen angels do not exist in Jewish myth until thousands of years later. Indeed, there is not a single instance of a fallen angel in the totality of the Bible.

They had 1000 year lifespans and prophetic powers.......like Enoch, and Methuselah.

This is clearly nonsensical. Thousands of year old magical beings? Come now. Don't tell me you believe this?

The mighty men, men of renoun......the hero's of fables and ancient lore.

This only means they were great men in those ages. Nothing more.

Atlas was of the Titans.

The giant children of the so-called immortal god's of the Olympians.

Titans were not children of the Olympians. The Olympians weren't Titans. Titans were the sons and daughters of Uranus and Gaia (Sky and Earth). Cronus, the head of the Titans, gave birth to the Olympians. The Olympians were classified as different, as they were only the grandsons and daughters of Sky and Earth, and fought the Titans.

Moreover, Atlas was not a Titan. He was the son of a Titan and Oceanid.

Could the allegory be any clearer?

Significantly clearer, considering there is no allegory.

Upon His shoulders the balance of the world......which was destroyed by the Almighty through man......and his intrusion into science and weapons of war.

There is no proof of any war that destroyed a single thing.

The Earth was flooded when these weapons of war literally knocked it into into it's present tilted state.

That's the very mechanism that brought down the destruction and the flood from the water vapors cooling and condensing from it being thrown out of balance,

Give us scientific proof.

Also, where does Hercules play into the whole myth? And his trickery?
Speaking of Atlas, the popular conception of him holding the Earth on his shoulders is wrong.

Originally, he held a pillar on his back. The pillar separated the heavens from the Earth.

A completely different concept. One with far more philosophical overtones than the simple image of a man carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

I know that it's a common game to play "who's a sock puppet", and is often fraught with peril. But, I've had this feeling for quite some time now that IceAge is a sock puppet of Walter.
Just a hunch.
Invert Nexus:

You really think so? In order to give Walter some way to argue for himself?
Like I said, just a hunch.
Motivation? Don't know. Boredom?

It's just something about the way they interact with each other. Seems staged.
I've been wondering if IceAge is a puppet.

But it's sort of a weird assumption.

Anyone willing to fuck with us; knows us?
With submerged megalithic constructions now confirmed on the shallow seafloor off southwestern Japan,

I wasn't really interested in reading the rest of your thread, since it looks full of the usual psuedoscientific drivel you've demonstrated to date. So if you already addressed this, in another post I apologize in advance.

But I'm curious about the quote above. Are you referring to Yonagunia and, if so, what is the "confirmation" that these are "megalithic constructions?"
-Where does it say this?
-There is no remark at all of a serpent having sex with Eve.
-Give us scientific proof.

I could pick every statement apart you just made...but I won't.
Except the reference to Atlas....

I apreciate the heads up on that one....
I will have to read that again someday.....Thanks.
This isn't some doctrine, it's my personal hunches and privite conclusions.......your free to take it or leave it.
Whether a Titan or of the children of the Titan's is the same.
They were at war with the Olympians in the fable or legend.
The allegory remains the same.

As for the Hercules story it is interesting that these generations depicted something just after the flood.
Many have a common reference with their heroes, 2/3 God and 1/3 man.
Gilgamesh of ancient Sumer was described the same.
There is the similarity.....a possible basis for the legends.

The children of Cain were the giants....Carnal, fleshly.
They were at war with the spiritual seed of God...Seth's linage......
They had the nearly 1000 year lifespans.
When these two mixed in the Gen. 6 account.....it was said to be the mighty men, men of old, men of renoun.

It says all over the bible......about the Serpent and Eve.
It's hidden in the context of the bible taken as a whole between the lines.
Now when I'm speaking about the bible, it's not just my hunches or assumptions.

I'm not playing your Atheist deny and attack game of debate.

Some people want to hear the truth, and when thats the case...It's obvious to me.
Others don't, wanting only to argue.
If your in this group, I don't suffer fools gladly.........

Like a broken record......
It's obvious when some just won't hear truth....how can you tell?

Acts 7:57 (King James Version)
"Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord."
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Nonsense again..

The only way to show something is true is to show evidence and to date no religious claim has ever demonstrated a single truth.

I could show you such evidence.

You would walk around for days afterwards in a daze.
Rethinking everything you have ever believed to be true.
You just refuse to accept it.
I won't spoon feed someone who will spit it in my face.
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