Empirical Evidence of God

When I said I was mistaken, I meant that you DO know that you believe in God, not that you don't realize that you do.

You all believe in the Truth. In whatever form you believe it in, whether it is science or religion. You believe it to be the governing power of our universe. That is your God, and you are being dishonest in not admitting it as so.
I know that you believe I am God.

akoreamerican said,
You cannot ignore your God.
Which raises the question how does God get anyone's attention to begin with?

Akoreamerican, how does God get your attention so powerfully that He cannot be ignored, whereas you choose to ignore a real person who claims to be God. Is it because He is a real person that he cannot possibly be God, but Jesus was a real person and also was a God (the son of God)?
This is all so very confusing....o_O

Enlighten me, please.
When I said I was mistaken, I meant that you DO know that you believe in God, not that you don't realize that you do.

You all believe in the Truth. In whatever form you believe it in, whether it is science or religion. You believe it to be the governing power of our universe. That is your God, and you are being dishonest in not admitting it as so.
Still mistaken.
You believe it to be the governing power of our universe. That is your God, and you are being dishonest in not admitting it as so.
This should amuse Jan no end.

He is constantly going on about myopic atheistic perspectives, and how they can only see the world through atheist-coloured spectacles.

Well, here is akoreamerican - with myopic theist-coloured spectacles, who is apparently incapable of imagining a person who does not have their own god. So he takes what they value and declares "There. That is your God."

Fair enough, I guess. I can't conceive of any person not having a dog. akoreamerican, do you have a child? Well then, your child is your dog. Because You Must Have a Dog. Everyone Does.
Please direct that to someone who believes that Jesus is God
Yes, the answer is always that the believer just never quite believes what people think a believer believes, but never actually explains what he does believe.

It's easy to say someone else is wrong, but then tell me the right way to believe in a God. Make it easy on everybody, can you?
Fair enough, I guess. I can't conceive of any person not having a dog. akoreamerican, do you have a child? Well then, your child is your dog. Because You Must Have a Dog. Everyone Does.
The reverse is true also. Everybody should have a child. If you just have a dog, that is your child.:)
Or is it if you just have a dog, that is your god?
That would be a cat. Does the saying not go that dogs think we're god, whereas cats obviously think we are there to serve them in every way possible?

Come to think of it, was there not an Egyptian God which was a Cat?

Names, List & Pictures of Ancient Egyptian Cat Goddesses for kids


Picture of the goddess Wadjet as a lion-headed goddess (credited with killing the evil snake God, Apep.)
Cat Goddesses
Discover information and interesting Cat Goddesses. The fast, fun facts about Cat Goddesses includes a list of facts, names, pictures and images of the ancient Egyptian Cat goddesses.

Just LOVE religion for kids. :oops:
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Please direct that to someone who believes that Jesus is God
You asked for it.
Is Jesus God?
Some say Jesus Christ was just a man, or maybe a great teacher. But He was and is much more than that.
The Bible says Jesus is unique in both His person and His purpose. He wasn’t just some spiritual individual during His time on earth; He was both God’s Son (John 3:16) and God Himself—God in human flesh (I Timothy 3:16). Yes, He was fully man, but He was also fully God (Colossians 2:9).
The claims
Jesus claimed to be God. It might be hard to understand how this could be true, but it’s important to remember that God is much bigger and more powerful than we can comprehend. We do know that Jesus said He existed before Abraham (John 8:58). He claimed that He and His Father are one (John 10:30), and that He is equal with the Father (John 5:17-18).

Yet you reject StrangerInAStrangeLand's claim he is God. Justify that one, please.

but it’s important to remember that God is much bigger and more powerful than we can comprehend.
I am really offended by this arrogant statement implying that only believers can comprehend the concept of God.
The believer possesses some kind of extraordinary insight which is just not present in the unenlightened comprehension of non-believers?
