Empirical Evidence of God

Things aren't that black and white. You have to give us your definition of unicorns and your definition of God and then we'll take it from there.

I've already given definitions of God, in the past. So now it's up to you comprehend what is God.
Seeing as you await information or instruction from me. I instruct you to find out for yourself.

No one is attempting to "prove" that there is no God. There is simply no evidence for God. Just as you aren't attempting to "prove" that there are no unicorns. You just have no evidence for the existence of unicorns and therefore you live your life as if there are no unicorns.
Perhaps we just don't recognize the evidence for what it is
Not for me.

Ok then, there must be some compelling reason why you believe in God. But which God do you believe in? What is the difference between the Gods of mythology and your God?

How does the concept of Thor, Zeus, Hades differ from your concept of a God?
"Idiot atheists"? That's no way to refer to the atheists who post here.
In the context that we "Idiot atheists" seek to have you provide support for what we can almost narrow down to be your claims I agree. I take the referrence to relate to our continued expectation that somehow reason will sweep away your superstitious and unsupported claims.

We have all learnt that you avoid the path to enlightenment and continue to seek your knowledge from bronze age superstitious folk who did not know where the Sun went at night and made up unbelievable stories suggesting someone was an eye witness to creation...
The good books account of creation is clearly a lie that apparently you believe but clearly it is a made up account found to be in error under investigation by modern science.

The fact you choose bronze age unsupported superstition over modern science says it all...you choose lies and made up stuff over scientific research...its sad really but that is the crazy choice you make...

So page one the good book was simply wrong.

Not a good start at all.

We are idiots to bother with you Jan as clearly we are wasting our time and given the experiences we have where you avoid presenting a resonably direct answer you would think we would just not bother in any thread where you are active.

But you provide a service which I see as presenting nonsence that we can bark at.

But religious folk know they are right and proceed to do some terrible things knowing their imaginary friend approves.

Their self absorption in their delussional construction of matters beyond human investigation means that they must avoid rational review of the superstition they employ to create a God.

Jan you do a great job as you remind me that there are folk like you out there and that helps me to understand why the world is not a better place.

If only atheists had more influence think of the terrible practices that would be outlawed...
Think of the folk who would not die at the hands of some religious nutter believing God wanted him to kill inoccent people. ..I could go on but as a theists I know you are deaf and blind to the problems of avoiding reason and letting a make believe entity dictate morality.

You have nothing to offer in support of your claims Jan and we all must learn to live with that fact...

Thanks for being you Jan.

Ok then, there must be some compelling reason why you believe in God. But which God do you believe in? What is the difference between the Gods of mythology and your God?

How does the concept of Thor, Zeus, Hades differ from your concept of a God?

Not my concern.
It's time for you to find out for yourself.

Perhaps we just don't recognize the evidence for what it is
The evidence can also be said to support every god that was invented based on a metaphysical interpretation of an "unknown" event.
Thor was the god of Thunder storms. The evidence clearly supports the concept of Thor.

According to mythology there is plenty evidence for the existence of unicorns.
Of course, throughout history no one has actually ever seen a unicorn, but then no one has ever seen God either. Thus there is the same amount of evidence for the existence of unicorns as there is for the existence of god, NONE.
Yet you claim there is a clear distinction. Unicorns do not exist, but God does exist. Bad logic, IMO.
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The evidence can also be said to support every god that was invented based on a metaphysical interpretation of an "unknown" event.
Thor was the god of Thunder storms. The evidence clearly supports the concept of Thor.
Ah yes Thor, he is no longer with us and he will be missed. We will remember him in our movies.
Ah yes Thor, he is no longer with us and he will be missed. We will remember him in our movies.
He lived a long time. He may well be the oldest God on record. Even our common hominid ancestor believed in Thor (without the name, which came later).

Proof of this can be seen today in the behavior of Chimpazees during a thunder storm.
The Alpha chimp will defensively threaten the unseen enemy in the sky, which makes loud noises and lights and throws water at him and his tribe.

This is fundamental to a simple religious concept. An unseen power, which must be obeyed or resisted.
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Then his father, Odin, must be even older...
Not necessarily. Thor was an active God to great dismay of anyone subject to his powers. The concept of parent gods must have come later and basically was the first step on the way to a single Father figure of all the gods. Cronus/Rhea, Zeus/Hera, Odin/Frigg, a hierarchy of true metaphysical gods.

Then there came God who created the entire universe including the first humans, but had to use a virgin human female to create a divine male offspring, which is genetically impossible and the mystical plot thickened, until we come to the present when no one can make any sense of the whole mess anymore.

And all the questions are answered with "God IS"...... Yeah, RIGHT!
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Perhaps we recognize evidence that doesn't exist? Perhaps we aren't trying hard enough to find the unicorns? We don't seem to have difficult recognizing evidence in other aspects of ours lives.
We have unicorns of the sea. Narwhals. upload_2018-7-27_17-37-16.jpeg
We have Gods of the literature as well. We also have Super Heros of the literature.
And occasionally we actually get to see one of those superheroes, or at least someone who looks like one. Anyone seen Elvis lately? I saw Captain America at the mall a couple of days ago...awesome... immediately felt safer... until the cops arrested him for bothering the shoppers.....:)
And occasionally we actually get to see one of those superheroes, or at least someone who looks like one. Anyone seen Elvis lately? I saw Captain America at the mall a couple of days ago...awesome....:)
That's a miracle! Captain America certainly works in wondrous ways (Elvis too).
The fact you choose bronze age unsupported superstition over modern science says it all...you choose lies and made up stuff over scientific research...its sad really but that is the crazy choice you make...
It's the oldest story told.
Just look at Trump. Since his declaration to run for the most important societal office in the world, the man has lied some 3000 times. Still a large portion of the population believes his false premises and promises.
Has anyone else ever filed for bankruptcy 6x? Does anyone ever consider what would happen to their job if they lied 30 times about company business? Or why we are suspicious of "used car salesmen" when shopping for a good second car.
Or people (dealing in real estate) who promise you a new bridge over the Delaware!

This is 2018, are we reverting to the stone age in our beliefs of what we are being told? I'm really getting worried. We may be in an evolutionary cycle of testing social survival techniques. Too many zealots who believe in one mystical thing or another and have big guns.
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As marvelous as these heroes are, none are God. In the past we have mistaken heroes and natural occurances as God, and today our mistake is using our past mistakes as an excuse to not believe in God
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