Empirical Evidence of God

It's kind of hard to talk about American culture and what's going on in the world without mentioning Captain America's contributions.
It's true. these are the societal Tulpas. The are the idealization and personalization of certain human characteristics. Our "friends in need are friends indeed"!

p.s. How many people interpret that saying incorrectly?
As marvelous as these heroes are, none are God. In the past we have mistaken heroes and natural occurances as God, and today our mistake is using our past mistakes as an excuse to not believe in God
I agree, but then we can ask the same about almost all the disproven scriptural and oral claims made by people asserting that God is a "friend in need".

God's voice has almost certainly never been heard. (the wave function)
All miracles have been proven scientifically impossible. (physics, biology)
Thousands of different divine and exclusive, but conflicting aspects of God's Will have been recorded. (morals)
Endless religious wars disputing each others perspective about the proper way to "serve God's needs." (pomp and circumstance).

Control over the real or alternate description of reality. (power)

This is the baggage that comes with the proposition that there is sentient and motivated being with free will, who created the universe as we observe, experience, and know it today.
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More to the point: he's not even wrong.
It is based on the false premise that he can know anything about what a stranger is thinking or believing.
Ahhhhh, but you see, if you believe in God, he does know what a stranger is thinking. It is the magical power contained in the written word of exclusive religions..:rolleyes:..we all think alike and that is different from all of them cursed atheists, apostates and infidels of all other stripes.
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Not at all the comment can only apply to murders which is not to suggest any relationship, either statistical or otherwise, to theists in general.
I think most theists indeed most people try to be decent but I dont think anyone has killed in the name of atheism ...I dont know how a theist would see it that way.
Atheists are dishonest with themselves.
Its funny really but atheists think theists are dishonest with themselves.
I mean there are holes all through the story which I think an atheist would wonder just how can they, theists, believe when there are so many holes in the story.
I accept most folk need a creator or creation point and from there man creates a story ... but the Universe must by definition be eternal. ..a cycle of big bangs or God is speculation but describing an intimate knowledge of any supposed creator is rather wishful thinking.. .and one could reasonably expect if there were a divine entity with a more than casual interest in us would not perhaps made the message somewhat clearer.
A weekly appearance and attendance at world planning sessions would be nice.
We could make a great team if he just chaired a few meetings for example.
Tell me this do you find no fault with say the good book?
I am interested to know how you reconsile the problems and yet with that backgroind make the casual observation atheists are dishonest with themselves a generalisation you must admit.
So what does God do.
Saves a child in an incredible fall from a building and yet letting thousands die of starvation...or is that our fault.
Well it is our fault cause there is no intervention it seems.
We can explain most things all that is left is the only place God has left to hide.
And at least one of these will be nailed in the near future I expect.
That instant before the big bang..
It was God who set evolution in motion trip....and creation of life itself..we are so close and when we create life in the lab and find that last part of the puzzle...well here are all the facts folks.
So not much left to work out.
I have had teachers who encourage me to work things out for myself, to get a first-hand understanding. Rather than take what other people say as true.
I think in this case, that would be a good option for you, if you're serious.
I don't think you ever had a teacher that told you to go and learn nuclear physics on your own. They probably gave you some prerequisites before you even started and they provided guidance along the way.

That's what you need to do here.

The same can apply to you, seeing as you're the one who thinks God, and unicorns are the same.
Try to keep up. Gods and pixies are the same.

Plus, I've never claimed God is behind the curtain, or any kind of similar rhetoric.
The problem is that we can never be sure what you are claiming. You keep telling us to figure it out for ourselves and then running away. Why are you wasting our time at all with your empty opinions?

You simply deny and reject God.
It isn't simple. The fact is that I've done the homework. I've probably studied it and thought about it more than you have. The result of that education is the conclusion that gods and pixies are pretty much the same.

You are clearly incapable of explaining otherwise.
When I said I was mistaken, I meant that you DO know that you believe in God, not that you don't realize that you do.

You all believe in the Truth. In whatever form you believe it in, whether it is science or religion. You believe it to be the governing power of our universe. That is your God, and you are being dishonest in not admitting it as so.