Egyptian Statue on Mars?

It's probably reasonable to think that Mars at one time, probably had an appreciable atmosphere and some shallow seas for millions of years until for whatever reason, they disappeared. So the question is, did ancient life forms evolve during that period of time? Don't bet against it.
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Meh.... More rock Stareing....

Once upon a time there was a poster here that thought every rock to appear from Mar's was signs of life. They labelled every rock they saw as being physical debris, alien arms, faces, hands, toes... you name it they could imagine it.

They tended to neglect to understand the power of the human mind for "recognition". You see while you see an "Egyptian sculpture", I just see a weathered rock formation. One of us is completely accurate, the other is dealing with a mind that formulates a conclusion based both on what they want to see and what they are familiar with seeing previously (.e.g Stargate).

I think you and the rest of the Exobiology/Exoanthropology viewers will find is that we are the only living planet in visable range, and there is in fact a very good reason for this which I'm not going to share. (coughuniversalsandboxcough)
I don't think the so-called Eqyptian rock sculpture found on Mars by the Opportunity rover was in fact created by an ancient martian civilization. I don't think anyone who is a member of this forum and have read this thread probably does either. However, because the so-called ancient rock in the photo 'appears' to resemble an ancient 'Egyptian' rock sculpture, I'm sure there are those who have read this thread perhaps wish that it was. Unfortunately, no one know's for sure what created it. However, there was a time when many of us thought the Homer's Troy was just a story and never existed either. But guess what???
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The history of the human race is for the most part unknown. We have our theories, but no one really knows where the first civilization popped up. We are finding older and older civilizations every decade it seems.

I would love to entertain the idea that this is an egyptian statue but there are some problems. Not only is it a couple hundred feet up on a cliff face, but it is also all by itself. If there were more statues in the area, indicating a 'site' of sorts, then it would be much more believable.
The history of the human race is for the most part unknown. We have our theories, but no one really knows where the first civilization popped up. We are finding older and older civilizations every decade it seems.

I would love to entertain the idea that this is an egyptian statue but there are some problems. Not only is it a couple hundred feet up on a cliff face, but it is also all by itself. If there were more statues in the area, indicating a 'site' of sorts, then it would be much more believable.

Probably Mars will probably have a lot of surprises in store for us once we secure a scientific base on it's surface and start to really study it's geology.
Mars surprises

Mars is basicly a "stillborn" planet as far as Geology goes. What we will find, I believe, is an incredible labrinth of caves underground that would dwarf anything here on Earth, complete with oceans of water. It is an amazing planet. If there is life, it will be in these sub-surface systems.
Mojzsis is confident that analysis of additional samples will confirm his original interpretation: that the rocks on Akilia Island provide evidence that as far back as 3.85 billion years ago Earth was a living world.

Who knows what we will find in the other planets....
Mars is basicly a "stillborn" planet as far as Geology goes. What we will find, I believe, is an incredible labrinth of caves underground that would dwarf anything here on Earth, complete with oceans of water. It is an amazing planet. If there is life, it will be in these sub-surface systems.

It's even possible that Mar's once had some form of primative life or just might have even evolved into a more higher form of intelligence millions of years ago when it had shallow seas and an atmosphere. How advanced could it have been? Who knows. But time will tell. Don't bet against it.
This shows the so-called ancient martian petrified driftwood a little better and more closeup using a previous thread on the same subject.

I can't deny that it looks like a piece of driftwood, but the surroundings have no accompanying detritus. Any place on earth that had such large drift objects would have other smaller material, and far more of it. Beachcomber material is usually spread along a high shoreline with a descent below it.
Unless you had a sea that rapidly disappeared, I can see no reason why something might lie in this place. It looks flat.

Nonetheless, I would like to see a manned mission to Mars planned in the Obama Presidency.
With a particular search for Martian fossils.

As for the Statue, I would still like to know how this relates to the smaller image.
I have a feeling that this is not a genuine magnification.
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I can't deny that it looks like a piece of driftwood, but the surroundings have no accompanying detritus. Any place on earth that had such large drift objects would have other smaller material, and far more of it. Beachcomber material is usually spread along a high shoreline with a descent below it.
Unless you had a sea that rapidly disappeared, I can see no reason why something might lie in this place. It looks flat.

Nonetheless, I would like to see a manned mission to Mars planned in the Obama Presidency.
With a particular search for Martian fossils.

As for the Statue, I would still like to know how this relates to the smaller image.
I have a feeling that this is not a genuine magnification.

There appears to be some smaller objects that resemble smaller pieces of the so-called ancient martian driftwood nearer to the crater's edge, which is to the right of the larger piece in the photo. Sure look's like a piece of driftwood, doesn't it? If it isn't ancient martian driftwood, then what is it?
I do keep a very open mind, I read all about everything that is being explored on Mars to find out the facts about any life past or present that was found. As of yet there has been nothing found to support your views so I'd like to know why you think there was life already there? Do you have some information that the rest of the world doesn't have or are you just speculating and coming up with allot of bullshit?:shrug:

Life could have existed on Mars way before Humans arrived on Earth. I've read up on Mars a few times and i remember reading something about scientists finding remnants of old shore lines and rivers that would have been made my water, which was there because of an early Atmosphere. So it's possible that life had evolved on Mars until the magnetosphere was destroyed by solar wind and radiation.