Egyptian girl strips to protest; western media censors her photos

So why should we conform to yours?

More to the point, who are you and why should I or anyone else care what you think? If Sam wants to walk around naked, why should she care what you think or believe?

Not mine.

Except for sanitary issues, which is why I'm against her going around with no panties on, I could care less if she goes topless.

But that's me.

The society that I live in says that a Bikini is the minimum required for women and something akin to a speedo for men is the minimum required legal attire.

Although restaurants and such can deny you service if you don't meet their dress code, as in Galatoires on Bourbon street.

...We have a poster, a woman, who holds the view that women should cover up to avoid being raped..
That's obviously a bit batshit, but I do know that a lot of complaining about women not "covering up" is done by women, not men. At least in the corporate world. At least in my experience.

The complaint ratio in Human Resources about female dress code violations originates about 10 to 1 from the female gender - just don't seem to have much of a problem with men objecting to women showing too much flesh. A western perspective, admittedly...

I wonder if the Daily Mail has many women subscribers that might influence this sort of "censorship"? They may, ahem, tend to not be quite so, err, "fresh" looking as the protester in the OP. As Mac mentioned, she barely looks of age, regardless of how available her bio may be. In some circumstances that causes a bit of ire from the, ummm, more "matronly" appearing sector... :rolleyes:
Er...we are??

I think we are.

As a woman, I see it quite clearly.

Sure sure, I remember Katy Perry and the Sasha Grey thing. There will always be critics, and sometimes more effective than others. But the levels of skin Perry was showing and the background Grey has are a pretty far cry from a society having a grande mal freakout because now someone's eyes are deemed too sexy for this deen.
You mean a society that blanked out a woman's nipples and a society that had a hissy fit because a performer flashed a nipple on stage or the society that deemed a woman's cleavage was inappropriate for a children's show?

How about a society that deems women responsible if wear a mini skirt and are raped? That kind of society? The kind of society that thinks anything revealing on a woman or about a woman, yes, even her eyes, is deemed inappropriate because well, men might feel the sudden urge to fuck her without her consent. That society? That is the society we live in. You live in it as well.

Of course. But so many and so vociferous as elsewhere? I doubt that most sincerely. Will we enact laws that throw women in the slammer for having too few witnesses, either at all or in any number approaching those places that get a social rights skim-job from Sam? Well, no. As far as the record goes, it appears we're getting far more liberal about the rights of the allegedly assaulted (I know you will balk at that term, but it's not mean as an attack) as time goes on. Granted, there arrives eventually in every trend a limit to the ways in which evidence is collected and accepted, or at which point legalistics lifts the process of justice from accuser and/or accused.
We are?

Heh, could have fooled me. You only have to read through the countless rape threads on this forum to see just how many people deemed the woman responsible if she is raped if she behaved in a manner that was not ladylike (ie was drunk, asleep, passed out from alcohol, dressed in a certain manner, date rape, etc). Just ask Signal.

I really don't agree that we are. Hell, it's more and more prevalent every day, it seems. Nude protests, nude PETA, nude sculptures, nude protests of nude laws. It all seems well in train. I mentioned the old Saudis, but one could as easily point at Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq and Iran these days.
Or any other country on earth.

Perry and Sesame Street is a prime example.

Do you know why there are nude protests and nude PETA, etc? Because it shocks and people react to them because people are so unused to nudity in society in general.

Hmmm - think that might be stretching it a bit. Naked where? There's such a thing as turning your head, but naturally societies do impart certain limits to personal expression. The limits of Western society are quite wide, of course, but finite within narrow periods. It appears that such limits are still moving, to my eye, and moving in the direction of increasingly liberal dress and comportment.
Tell that to the woman who was humiliated and abused by a judge for breastfeeding in the public gallery of a courtroom because her behaviour was "inappropriate" or women who are abused for breastfeeding in public because they are showing some boob. Or Perry for having ample breasts and unfortunately having cleavage on a children's TV show. Or the porn star who participated in a nation wide activity to get children to read, by going to read to a bunch of 7th graders and the parents were up in arms about how inappropriate that is.. because apparently, 7th graders who did not even know who she is were being tainted by her presence in the classroom. I don't think you quite realise how increasingly prudish society is becoming.

I meant naked in public. How about at a beach? What if you saw topless women sitting at a beachside cafe eating lunch?

Well, I'm sorry you don't like that comparison, but it's a relevant one: planks and specks, as they say.
But you did not really answer the question, did you? We know how limiting the Saudis are, as well as many other countries. We know they deny women their rights. No one is denying that. No one is saying it is right. Sam isn't. So bringing it up again and again adds nothing to this discussion. We are talking about a so called liberal Western society fuzzing out nipples of a girl who is protesting against the restrictive society she lives in by posing nude. And in response to that, we fuzz out her nipples. The irony is hilarious. Yet, here you are, instead of discussing why the media decided to do this in the West, bring up Muslim block countries that this girl was protesting against and about. Do you see the irony of your argument?

I'll make it simple for you. Why do you think the Western media blanked out her nipples?

Not sure. But they provide the link; so what is lost, exactly? Tell me this: in which previous incarnation of our media would they have printed her, nips and all, that illustrates this anti-liberalizing trend you describe?
One would expect the media to provide a link to the blog they were reporting on. But why did they blank out her nipples in the photo they showed in the story?

But they wouldn't have. That's the thing. The West has an issue with nudity and showing nudity to the public. This is just a further reiteration of that. Because nipples are apparently offensive.
That's obviously a bit batshit, but I do know that a lot of complaining about women not "covering up" is done by women, not men. At least in the corporate world. At least in my experience.

The complaint ratio in Human Resources about female dress code violations originates about 10 to 1 from the female gender - just don't seem to have much of a problem with men objecting to women showing too much flesh. A western perspective, admittedly...

I wonder if the Daily Mail has many women subscribers that might influence this sort of "censorship"? They may, ahem, tend to not be quite so, err, "fresh" looking as the protester in the OP. As Mac mentioned, she barely looks of age, regardless of how available her bio may be. In some circumstances that causes a bit of ire from the, ummm, more "matronly" appearing sector... :rolleyes:

I would say it is probably half and half for those who do protest or find it objectionable if a woman shows too much flesh.

She looks like a young woman. I really do not think the blanking or protest about her image had anything to do with her age though, do you?;)

Captain Kremmen said:
Come on Sam.
You criticised those Israeli Women for their half hearted effort.
Let's see you in the raw.

Warn us first though, so we can brace ourselves.
I think many of the men here may still be, ermm, cleaning up after her bikini shot she once posted briefly.:p
The West has an issue with nudity and showing nudity to the public. This is just a further reiteration of that. Because nipples are apparently offensive.
Not quite, Bells. Nipples can be titillating (pun intended after typing that) and titillation is offensive to the western world.

I especially love the insane dichotomy apparent in the acceptance of exposure to violence coupled with prudish objection to nudity, whether intended to be of a sexual nature or not. Absurd...
I really do not think the blanking or protest about her image had anything to do with her age though, do you?
Ya know, all kidding aside, I do actually believe that has at least something to do with it. There seems to be an inverse correlation between the potential sexuality inherent in an image and the likelihood of it being published "uncensored". E.g. naked babies (to a certain age) are OK, nude corpses of holocaust victims are OK, etc. I would dare say that the more attractive the nude subject might be considered by the general populace, the less likely that naked renditions will be accepted. (And no, I am not saying that underage is a prerequisite, but rather youth and good health may be)

If you can see this pattern at all, wouldn't you concur that some publications seem to censor based on some sort of "titillation" scale?
There is no shortage of western media outlets that show nude people. It's hardly the same kind of censorship evidenced in Islamic countries. Especially when considering places that show art. I walked into an art gallery opening here in Portland where some performance artists were just going around naked.
Remember the Statue of David episode form the Simpsons?

Apparently some nutty Christians actually did want the statue's penis covered up :shrug: (that may be a urban myth :-o

As for the Egyptian girl, I fully support her and all her friends to take as many nude photos and post them on the net as is possible :D On a serious note, I hope she isn't killed by some crazy Abrahamist :S BUT, there's tons of Muslim porn on the internet. Plenty of Muslim prostitutes. Why single her out for taking a photo? Is it because she looks "innocent"? I'm sure that was the look they were going for when they made the photo. Is shattering their poor wittle wet dreams of what an Egyptian woman is supposed to be. Well, too bad.

Yes, there are tons of belly dancers in Egypt and porn and prostitutes and all manner of symbols of women who conform to social expectations of the boxes that women should live within - but there are few women who challenge boundaries of social appropriateness outside those spheres and even fewer women who act on it. This is not just for girls like Aliaa, the titillation aspect as Rand puts it, of the independent woman asserting her identity rather than her sexuality is very often a matter that comes before the court of public appeal, whether it is the stoning of women in the Suffragette movement, the constant struggle for women to maintain the right to have an abortion or the bra burning feminism of the 60s.

Why do more women than men commit suicide in Indiaand in Saudi Arabia? Why are the rape statistics so horrendous even in "advanced" nations ? Do women not know how to say no in other countries?

Yes there is tons of "muslim porn" on the net. But Aliaa is not promoting herself as a porn artist. She is promoting herself as a person - that is what is threatening to the patriarchial system. Not some T&A
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Not quite, Bells. Nipples can be titillating (pun intended after typing that) and titillation is offensive to the western world.

Are men's nipples titillating?


What do you think? Do we need pasties here?

I especially love the insane dichotomy apparent in the acceptance of exposure to violence coupled with prudish objection to nudity, whether intended to be of a sexual nature or not. Absurd...

Yeah there is that

Look the tortured naked man has a penis! Must cover penis. How awful if someone saw a penis on a tortured naked man

Moderator warning: image of torture follows. Click at your own risk.
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Look the tortured naked man has a penis! Must cover penis. How awful if someone saw a penis on a tortured naked man
Wow. I think this is unprecedented - I am 100% in agreement with you. Absolutely absurd. :eek:

What an odd world we live in...
Not mine.

Except for sanitary issues, which is why I'm against her going around with no panties on, I could care less if she goes topless.
Why would panties make her more 'saniary'? I mean, we don't wear panties around our mouth holes :eek: yes some germs are spread, but, we survive :)
Yes, there are tons of belly dancers in Egypt and porn and prostitutes and all manner of symbols of women who conform to social expectations of the boxes that women should live within - but there are few women who challenge boundaries of social appropriateness outside those spheres and even fewer women who act on it. This is not just for girls like Aliaa, the titillation aspect as Rand puts it, of the independent woman asserting her identity rather than her sexuality is very often a matter that comes before the court of public appeal, whether it is the stoning of women in the Suffragette movement, the constant struggle for women to maintain the right to have an abortion or the bra burning feminism of the 60s.

Why do more women than men commit suicide in Indiaand in Saudi Arabia? Why are the rape statistics so horrendous even in "advanced" nations ? Do women not know how to say no in other countries?

Yes there is tons of "muslim porn" on the net. But Aliaa is not promoting herself as a porn artist. She is promoting herself as a person - that is what is threatening to the patriarchial system. Not some T&A
I don't see anything wrong with Aliaa or any other woman showing herself nude. It's her body. Can she do so in public? Well, she can in some social spheres. Public hot baths were always nude. There's still many nude beaches in Europe. Taking a dump in a doorless stall in China, that used to be (is) common is some areas.

I'm not sure what Aliaa's point is, but, I certainly think she has the right to photograph herself nude. It's in her own god damn house! No one HAS to click on over to her website.

What role does Abrahamic religious values play in reinforcing the oppression of women? Any? The only reason this photo is garnishing any attention is because she's "Muslim" to conservative Muslims (because you're basically 'born' Muslim) and it peeves conservative Muslims off that "one of their's" dares show herself nude to someone other than her owner: brother, father or husband. Interestingly Ms. Elmahdy describes herself as atheist. She's living with her boyfriend who was sentenced to prison for criticizing Islam and that ex douche' of a president. She certainly pushing more than just the boundaries of female sexuality, she's pushing against the entire religious-aspect of Egyptian culture. All in All, a positive sign that the youth (in Egypt at least) don't suck so bad as they do elsewhere.
CNN: How do you see women in the "New Egypt" and will you leave the country if the ongoing revolution fails?

Elmahdy: I am not positive at all unless a social revolution erupts. Women under Islam will always be objects to use at home. The (sexism) against women in Egypt is unreal, but I am not going anywhere and will battle it 'til the end. Many women wear the veil just to escape the harassment and be able to walk the streets. I hate how society labels gays and lesbians as abnormal people. Different is not abnormal!
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What does she think of the news media in the west censoring her? It was an awfully brave step she took and it was categorically dismissed by the media who airbrushed away her stance. I think she is still young and idealistic. Life will change that
Then why are you doing it?

I'm not. I'm questioning people on their supposed stance on freedom of expression. If people state they have such a stance then they should be able to prove it. If you're airbrushing nipples like the Saudis are airbrushing shoulders and necks, then I don't think the claim of freedom of expression is justified

You are.


I'm questioning people on their supposed stance on freedom of expression. If people state they have such a stance then they should be able to prove it. If you're airbrushing nipples like the Saudis are airbrushing shoulders and necks, then I don't think the claim of freedom of expression is justified

is an act of applying your morality to others.
No It has NOTHING to do with morality. I don't care if they make her wear a burqa, but if they do, then they should acknowledge that nudity offends them, just to a different degree than the Saudis.

Arab woman: I strip to show that nudity is not obscene

News media: I support your stance! Oh wait, I see nipples and pubic hair [airbrushes nipples and pubic hair] Now I support your stance!
No It has NOTHING to do with morality. I don't care if they make her wear a burqa, but if they do, then they should acknowledge that nudity offends them, just to a different degree than the Saudis.

Why should they?