Egyptian girl strips to protest; western media censors her photos

False argument. Do you think there is no porn in Egypt? Do you think that Aliaa is talking about pornography?

She is addressing exactly this issue:" people's right not to be confronted with nudity " which is defined in Egypt as no nude pictures in the public sphere.

Funny, that's NOT what you or she said.

You wrote: to protest the authoritarianism against women

What she writes: 'Hide all art books and smash naked archaeological statues.

Make up your mind SAM, what do you think the pressing issue is?

And by censoring her nudity, the Daily Mail defined it as pornography

No, that's not what they are saying at all.

They are saying that they don't wish to publish nude pictures of her in their paper.

Don't blame them.

Why would they?

Oh, the irony!

Nothing ironic about it in the least.

They are saying that they don't wish to publish nude pictures of her in their paper.

Don't blame them.

Why would they?

Why would they not? Aren't they defending the freedom of expression of Arab women anymore? How is censoring her freedom of expression going to emulate those values?

Its like this:

She does not desire to change others, she is not going around stripping the veil off of other women [thats in France]

she is only desirous of being allowed freedom to express herself

Which means she is desiring to change others.
She does not desire to change others, she is not going around stripping the veil off of other women [thats in France] she is only desirous of being allowed freedom to express herself

So what exactly is your issue with what she is trying to do?? Or are you simply trolling?
Which means she is desiring to change others.

If I want to be naked example like these guys...[I love these guys]


Censorship is something I associate with dictators:



because it is an indication of an enforced moral standard

...its no reflection on what I think others should do

Thats why, when I saw the Daily Mail, I just burst out laughing. People are the same everywhere, be it Saudi Arabia or United Kingdom. The only difference is the level of boob allowance
If I want to be naked example like these guys...[I love these guys]

Censorship is something I associate with dictators:

because it is an indication of an enforced moral standard

...its no reflection on what I think others should do

Yes it is. You believe they should let you run around naked and not feel outraged about it.
Yes it is. You believe they should let you run around naked and not feel outraged about it.

No I believe they should let me run around in as many or as few clothes I feel like wearing and its none of their frigging business.
Why would they not? Aren't they defending the freedom of expression of Arab women anymore?

Sure they are, they in fact printed her story.

How is censoring her freedom of expression going to emulate those values?

I don't think you understand what censorship means.

Not promoting her is not the same as censoring her.

They fact that they choose not to publish a nude picture of her is not at all censoring her.

Her nude pictures on her blog are indeed visible in the West, hence she is NOT CENSORED.

Let me check the photo again.


Whats wrong with her nipples? If the photo is not censored why do they look so odd?
No I believe they should let me run around in as many or as few clothes I feel like wearing and its none of their frigging business.

Sorry SAM, some of us don't want to have to sit on the same seat you just planted your naked ass on.
Whats wrong with her nipples? If the photo is not censored why do they look so odd?

I guess this concept is just a tad hard for your to grasp SAM.

Not posting her naked picture is not censoring her.

They link to her Blog and her Blog is available for those who CHOOSE to see her naked.

Thus she is NOT being censored.

Sorry SAM, some of us don't want to have to sit on the same seat you just planted your naked ass on.

Wait for an invitation, dude

Its funny really, how much morality is influenced by the sight of nipples. Or even bras. You'd think the ethical foundation of the world would be strong enough to rise above the mammary glands of the human species

No sexiness in the city: Female staff ordered to wear loose-fitting skirts and flesh-coloured underwear by UBS

It’s one way to take the sexiness out of the City.

Staff at one of the world’s top investment banks have been issued with a 43-page dress code specifying in minute detail what they can and can’t wear – and it’s bad news for fans of tight skirts or lacy black bras.

The guidance from Swiss firm UBS warns women to wear flesh-*coloured underwear, and avoid flashy jewellery and coloured artificial nails. Men are told choose ties with patterns that ‘match the bone structure of the face’.

Read more:

Let me check the photo again.


Whats wrong with her nipples? If the photo is not censored why do they look so odd?

It is not censorship if they decide not to publish what she produces.

It is censorship if they tell her she cannot produce the picture in the first place.
No I believe they should let me run around in as many or as few clothes I feel like wearing and its none of their frigging business.

If you run around naked with the intention to provoke them, or do other things with the intention to provoke them:

then it is their business. You have made it their business.
AlexG said:
It is not censorship if they decide not to publish what she produces.

It is censorship if they tell her she cannot produce the picture in the first place.
That's too tough of a concept for SAM to grasp.
If you run around naked with the intention to provoke them, or do other things with the intention to provoke them:

then it is their business. You have made it their business.

Thats what they say in Saudi Arabia if a woman will not cover her head. Its against the law for Saudi women you see. They see hair as a provocation. Which is the woman's problem, apparently

How foolish to let men make the rules about what women can or cannot wear don't you think?
You flatter yourself.
I wouldn't accept one.

Don't hold your breath Arthur, knuckle dusters don't appeal to me. I prefer men with slightly less neanderthal in their make up. lol. people's right not to be confronted with nudity :roflmao: