Egyptian girl strips to protest; western media censors her photos

Considering that the religion in most countries is all Male and that the govt and religion have no separation, then yes it is most definitely a male oriented conspiracy against women.

Why are the women - a half of the population!! - participating in this misogyny, why are they supporting it if it is so bad and so wrong to them?
It seems that men and women are simply playing power games with eachother, in every way they can.

What did you learn from the Frag experience ? You could not see the Christ event happen all over again with a pronounced Atheist hell bent on persevering Male Dominance .

Frag vilified Religion . I got banned for it . Demonizing one religion was my crime . All others I hold up with high esteem . Yet I vilified religion as my blanket crime. If I would have been that harsh on the Hopi religion he would not have ban Me. If it was the Borneo tribe I demonized he would give Me a metal . Who is he trying to protect ?

It is embedded in Man . By there very actions it is manifested
But it's not like the Muslim men would be happy, while the women would be unhappy.
They all seem rather unhappy.

Consider what it must be like to be a man whose self-esteem gets severely hurt if another man sees his wife's hair ...
What did you learn from the Frag experience ? You could not see the Christ event happen all over again with a pronounced Atheist hell bent on persevering Male Dominance .

Frag vilified Religion . I got banned for it . Demonizing one religion was my crime . All others I hold up with high esteem . Yet I vilified religion as my blanket crime. If I would have been that harsh on the Hopi religion he would not have ban Me. If it was the Borneo tribe I demonized he would give Me a metal . Who is he trying to protect ?

It is embedded in Man . By there very actions it is manifested

JamesR has a soft spot for Christians. :eek:

If it is any consolation, he gave me an infraction for something I said about a Christian.
The funny thing is I am the most Christian person you will ever meet. That I would turn on my brothers and sisters is the mystery you ponder ? They didn't love there Brothers and Sisters they think of as Mud People . They well kill them to this day . The support the killing of dark skinned people . When you going to wake up to that when . I am losing my graciousness with you . That to see you fall into hell is not my wish . That you would wake up to the sin the world has precipitated on Womankind for the last 5000 something years .

Wake up When ? Win the day . It is yours to be had . The die has been cast already . Woman is mad as hell and she is not going to take it anymore . The Great Dragon has spoken and it already left her mouth and you can not put the demon back in the box . Pandora's box has been opened
JamesR has a soft spot for Christians. :eek:

If it is any consolation, he gave me an infraction for something I said about a Christian.

What does he say about the indigenous people that surround him ? He don't comment on them does He ? They love Me and have never Met Me . Why ? Because they understand a Mekigar . They know I am and they are feverish doing ritual to support Me as we speak. So are many Many other religions .

Why would they do that when ? God is the god of everyone
Did you ever wonder why we had an open boarder with Canada and not Mexico When . You like to think it has nothing to do with there skin color . All white people think like that . Have you ever lived in the culture ? They are Christians too . They are our brothers and sisters too when

It's so embarrassing being a Super-Heroine who has to ask her husband whether she can leave the house
Look everybody I been studying the bible my entired life .

You all speculate there is embedded messages in the Book . There is and in Genesis the premise/promise is set . Woman is Satan . Period !!! That is subliminal message from the get go. To strip her of her sexuality is the crime of the ages . We all scream out load about it and when the rubber meets the road it is thrown out the window . I refuse to though it out the widow . I know were my life comes from . Your all fucking idiots . Humans are stupidest animals that ever lived on the planet and if don't wise up your all going to hell in a hand basket . One that has a 357 in it
Frag vilified Religion . I got banned for it . Demonizing one religion was my crime .
Religion teaches that an illogical, invisible supernatural universe exists, full of creatures and other forces that whimsically (and often angrily) interfere with the operation of the natural universe. This claims to falsify the principle that underlies all of science:
The natural universe is a closed system whose behavior can be predicted by theories derived logically from empirical observation of its present and past behavior.
And it makes this claim with absolutely no evidence! This is antiscience.

Since this is a place of science, we have not only a right but an obligation to expose religion for the fraudulent bullshit that it is. What we cannot do is single out one religion and claim that it alone is stupid and evil, or that it is substantially more stupid and evil than the others--at least not without solid evidence, which does not exist because they all are pretty much the same when it comes to their irrational faith in the supernatural. We also cannot insult religious people, any more than we can insult people of a particular ethnic group, political party, gender or sexual orientation.
All others I hold up with high esteem.
You're free to say and do whatever you want in your private life, but on SciForums you are not free to hold up one religion as being qualitatively worse than others.
If I would have been that harsh on the Hopi religion he would not have banned Me.
Yes he would. If he had somehow overlooked it, I promise you that the first moderator who saw it would have banned you. Even me, and I'm your buddy.
If it was the Borneo tribe I demonized he would give Me a medal.
I don't know if you're referring to a specific ethnic group who lives on Borneo or the members of a specific religion that is found primarily on Borneo, but in either case you would have been just as guilty and just as banned. Depending on your language you might have gotten a warning. If the moderators simply didn't notice because none of us had read that particular post, one of the members would surely have notified us.

Please continue insulting religion. But don't try to tell us that any one is significantly worse than the others. They all suck! And do NOT insult religious people. Millions of them are perfectly nice and kind. The members of any religion you can name differ as much from one another as any people.
We also cannot insult religious people, any more than we can insult people of a particular ethnic group, political party, gender or sexual orientation.

Errr.... you mean, "insult individual religious people on the basis of their religion" or something like that? Because statements like "all religion is fraudulent bullshit" are prima facie insults to "religious people" generally.

You're free to say and do whatever you want in your private life, but on SciForums you are not free to hold up one religion as being qualitatively worse than others.

What if we could demonstrate that one religion or another was qualitatively better (or worse) about supernaturalist claims, conflicts with the scientific method, etc.?

What is the scientific basis for this assertion of dogma, that all religions are equally bad?
Errr.... you mean, "insult individual religious people on the basis of their religion" or something like that? Because statements like "all religion is fraudulent bullshit" are prima facie insults to "religious people" generally.

It would be a pretty general insult though: claiming that "all evolution is fraudulent BS" wouldn't be an insult to Darwinists except in a very general sense via the general implication that they're working in a field that was fraudulent, and were therefore fraudulent or stupid themselves. As a...some kind of theist, I can live with it. It's one of those shots that's a statement of position as much as anything. I disagree with it, naturally.

What if we could demonstrate that one religion or another was qualitatively better (or worse) about supernaturalist claims, conflicts with the scientific method, etc.?

Appears quantitatively possible, though it's sure to be a can of worms.

I'm sure someone will start a thread on it for the general flaming of all.
It would be a pretty general insult though: claiming that "all evolution is fraudulent BS" wouldn't be an insult to Darwinists except in a very general sense via the general implication that they're working in a field that was fraudulent, and were therefore fraudulent or stupid themselves. As a...some kind of theist, I can live with it. It's one of those shots that's a statement of position as much as anything. I disagree with it, naturally.

Appears quantitatively possible, though it's sure to be a can of worms.

I'm sure someone will start a thread on it for the general flaming of all.

You feeling Better Brother . Freaky Is it not ? Fuck too you should try being Me . You got a marker also . It speaks to you all day long . It motivates you .

I have spent my life trying to understand it and I still don't quite get it , but I can rest easy knowing the Mother approves . She blinked at Me . Scared The fucking shit out of Me . It is said no man can look at the face of God and live . Me and you we are The "No Man "
I got a song for that . I am gonna go get it just for you bro
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The case of Gulnaz was being discussed on CBC Radio just two days ago. It's hard to fathom the logic by which a woman who has herself been dishonored and harmed by rape should be imprisoned for the crime against her, and face the real possibility of an 'honor killing' by either her own family or that of the rapist if she is released.

I am having difficulty getting my head around that, no matter what direction I approach it from.

Thats because you are approaching it from a different perspective

This is the perspective you need to understand
Afghan President pardons men convicted of bayonet gang rape
Sara’s case highlights concerns about the close relationship between the Afghan president and men accused of war crimes and human rights abuses.

Read more:
Hamid Karzai signs law 'legalising rape in marriage'
President Hamid Karzai has signed a law the UN says legalises rape in marriage and prevents women from leaving the house without permission.

The problem is that all of the people interested in saving the women of Afghanistan are not paying attention to what they are saying:

The insinuation that it's the pro-Taliban Islamic fundamentalists who are behind the bill is a travesty of the truth. The Afghan womens' association RAWA has been reporting for years how Karzai-connected northern warlords have been raping women with total impunity. It's the US invasion that brought these narco-bandit-warlord-serial-rapists to power and Obama's "surge" is aimed at maintaining their criminal rule. If the Taliban control 75% of Afghanistan today it's because the people prefer their oppressive but effective rule of Islamic law to the Mad Max world of bribery, robbery, rape, kidnapping, and murder in the Karzai-controlled parts of the country.
Religion teaches that an illogical, invisible supernatural universe exists, full of creatures and other forces that whimsically (and often angrily) interfere with the operation of the natural universe. This claims to falsify the principle that underlies all of science:
The natural universe is a closed system whose behavior can be predicted by theories derived logically from empirical observation of its present and past behavior.
And it makes this claim with absolutely no evidence! This is antiscience.

Since this is a place of science, we have not only a right but an obligation to expose religion for the fraudulent bullshit that it is. What we cannot do is single out one religion and claim that it alone is stupid and evil, or that it is substantially more stupid and evil than the others--at least not without solid evidence, which does not exist because they all are pretty much the same when it comes to their irrational faith in the supernatural. We also cannot insult religious people, any more than we can insult people of a particular ethnic group, political party, gender or sexual orientation.You're free to say and do whatever you want in your private life, but on SciForums you are not free to hold up one religion as being qualitatively worse than others.Yes he would. If he had somehow overlooked it, I promise you that the first moderator who saw it would have banned you. Even me, and I'm your buddy.I don't know if you're referring to a specific ethnic group who lives on Borneo or the members of a specific religion that is found primarily on Borneo, but in either case you would have been just as guilty and just as banned. Depending on your language you might have gotten a warning. If the moderators simply didn't notice because none of us had read that particular post, one of the members would surely have notified us.

Please continue insulting religion. But don't try to tell us that any one is significantly worse than the others. They all suck! And do NOT insult religious people. Millions of them are perfectly nice and kind. The members of any religion you can name differ as much from one another as any people.

You are a fucking idiot Frag . How Dare you call your self a musician . Go look at Wynn . You want more evidense . Look at what S.A.M. has been trying to tell you . You turn back on the world fuck nut . Fucking Ban Me I am sick of the Elitism on your horse shit Mind Fuck you idiot . Woman Is PERSICUTED > YOU PURICUTE WOMAN RIGHT ALONE WITH THE RESAYT OF YOU FUCKED UP DIP SGITS > GET A FUCK ING CLUE BRO WOMAN

Fuck you FUCKER
Please continue insulting religion. But don't try to tell us that any one is significantly worse than the others. They all suck! And do NOT insult religious people. Millions of them are perfectly nice and kind. The members of any religion you can name differ as much from one another as any people.

Some religions are worse than others. You can't tell me that the Aztecs sacrificing virgins was just as bad as the Jain, who believe that no living things should ever be killed, even to the point of filtering their water so they don't ingest microorganisms.