Earth Changes...Message

Really, Banshee, you need to install some kind of bullsh*t-o-meter in your brain to filter some of this rubbish. Is there anything you don't believe in?
Reaaaally :James R: is there nothing You believe in? what's your science then? huh?
The lead article about global warming causing diseases to spread in humans and animals is especially interesting. The growing danger of disease and genetic degradation has been a continual theme of TimeStar forecasts for almost a decade. The reasoning is that there would be survivors of even the most devastating earthquakes on a planet with 6 billion humans. However, there will be few survivors of changes that alter genetic integrity, causing new diseases to appear.

This link is of interest (One needs Acrobat Reader to view the PDF file. Notice also the info about Warming Remolds Alaska.
hey all
i feel i must through in my .000pie cents worth into this thread on this comment alone.
either with REAL astronomy or real mathematics. I saw somewhere that in the Great Pyramid the egyptians had a timeline made out of rock. They said something like fifty feet from the year zero marked the end of the world, and somehow drew a conclusion that the end of the world was 'soon.' How do we know the egyptians even measured in feet (or meters, for you blasted europeans), how do we know that they didn't run out of space? How do we know that they were just religious-obsessive and said this to appease the current pharaoh? YOU DON'T! Prophecy does not work unless it is grounded in reality.

just a little thought
i hope i dont up set anyone :D

im back to wading through TruthSeekers' pastes :D
grove on all
banshee... you magnate the good stuff alright :D

peace, love, and a reflection of the what we are afraid to not be.
Earthweek tells us that some regions are droughting while others are flooding and mentions the impact of the still highly radioactive area of Chernobyl. Wondering if the diseases now plaguing Russia have any relationship to contamination from Chernobyl in terms of weakening and setting up a predisposition for other ailments? A full version of Earthweek can be viewed at

Drought Updates At least 500,000 people in Ethiopia’s drought-stricken Afar region have left their homes in search of food and water. Two consecutive years of drought have left wells and rivers dry in the eastern low-lands.
Regional administrator Ismael Alisero told reporters that Afar herders had begun migrating to the neighboring regions of Amhara, Oromia and Tigray. He said that women were often forced to walk for seven hours each day to find water, and the livestock that families depended upon for milk were being slaughtered.

• China’s official Xinhua news agency reported that recent rains have almost broken the country’s nationwidedrought, allowing summer planting.

.Flood of Anthrax.
An anthrax vaccination cam-paign was launched in south-ern Russia in an attempt to avert an outbreak of the disease follow-ing some of the country’s deadliest floods in decades, which released the toxin into the environment. Floodwaters that killed at least 109 people in the republics of Ingushetia, Adygea and
Krasnodar also unearthed a dozen burial grounds of cattle infected with anthrax. Officials said people in the surrounding communities were being vaccinated against anthrax, as well as waterborne diseases such as typhoid and hepatitis A.

.Italian Glacial Flood.
Italian civil defense authori-ties rushed to drain a melting glacial lake in the Italian Alps, which is threatening to flood a nearby
community. The newly formed lake, termed Lake Ephemeral by the area’s mayor, first appeared last October when the Belvedere Glacier began to melt for the first time in living memory. Recent
unseasonably warm temperatures have increased the rate of melt, causing the lake to rise by up to 3 feet a day. Author-ities
fear that if it continues to grow, the community of Macugnaga in the Anza-sca Valley below will be inundated.

A magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck northeast China’s Jilin Province, which borders North Korea and eastern Russia, but
there were no reports of injuries or dam-age. Seismologists said that the quake occurred far beneath the earth’s surface, which accounted for the lack of damage.

• Earth movements were also felt in northern Japan, northern Thailand, Sumatra, northeastern Iran, central Colombia and around Oregon’s Mount Hood.

.Wave Warnings.
The South Pacific nation of Fiji issued an extreme alert for a severe storm that was pre-dicted to generate 20-foot seas, which
could swamp some of the outer islands. Many coastal residents were evacuated to higher ground as a precaution. An intense low-pressure system off north-eastern Australia, responsible for the
high surf, had already sent large waves pounding into Sydney beaches.

.Radioactive Produce Seized.
Nearly 1,500 pounds of radioactive berries were removed from Moscow mar-kets after officials determined they con-tained
14 times the acceptable levels of cesium-137. The bilberries were grown in western Ukraine and Belarus, areas that were heavily contaminated by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster. There was no word on how the produce had made its way into the Russian markets.

.Tropical Cyclones.
Meteorologists in drought-ravaged Taiwan were hoping that typhoon Rammasun would bring much-needed rain to the island as it passed into the South China Sea after lashing Okinawa with high winds and heavy rain. Long-range out-looks indicated the storm would even-tually strike the Korean peninsula.

• The U.S. territory of Guam braced for the arrival of typhoon Chataan late in the week. The storm had earlier formed near the Micronesian island of Chuuk.

.Gathering of Crows.
The southern Ontario city of Woodstock has become the latest community to be terror-ized by what is being termed a “mass
crow roosting,” a phenomenon that has occurred several times in various North American locations during recent years. Woodstock’s human population of 35,000 was said to be far outnumbered by the invading crows, which literally turned the sky black. Theresa Carter said she was a virtual prisoner in her own
home when the birds took over her yard. “You couldn’t open your windows, you wouldn’t get any sleep,” said Carter. “All night long you’d hear them caw, caw, caw.” The winged invaders also
attacked those who ventured outside, diving from treetops. One of the few the-ories to explain mass crow roostings is that recent mild winters have helped crows survive the colder months.

Distributed by: The Los Angeles Times Syndicate


©2002 Earth Environment Service
June 6, 2002...Conservative organizations called on President Bush to withdraw EPA report (see June 5, 2002 below item) that says humans causing climate change. (Scripps Howard News Service as reported in San Francisco Chronicle)

June 5, 2002...By the 2030s, climate change may be causing more damage to the ozone layer than chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), suggests a new study by the National Aeronautics and Atmospheric Administration (NASA). (Environmental News Service,

June 5, 2002...President Bush disavows EPA report made public yesterday, saying that the report was a product of government "bureaucracy.
See report
its all connected

the capital city of australia is a ceremonial city designed by an ancient order of civilisation for the deity of civilization known as the great architect of the universe or god.

the capitol is a temple of the law , dreaming .the city is a common market to control goods and services.the tower is a millitary post to control the border lands of the city and the capitol.

a triangle of power to control the dreaming masses , an ancient order of priests ,merchants and warriors under the all seeing eye .

from the capitol the word was ordered, the warriors moved accross the lands, usurping the ancient soveriegn law of the tribal nations .they are keepers of the songs of earth and the truth from the first sunrise, the dreaming.

the tribal law of dreaming, respect through caring and sharing in joy and harmony with all life, replaced with the capitol law, dreaming abuse through killing and stealing in order and control of all life .lands controlled by warriors who kill ,markets controlled by merchants who steal and the law , dreaming, controlled by priests or politicians who lie.

canberra is built over the crossing of two ancient lay lines , earth dreaming lines or earth power lines. in the heart of canberra is the parliamentry triangle . three points of the triangle are the russell offices under the great eagle standard,the city or city hill and the new parliament house on capitol hill.the dept defence and asio,the merchant houses or common market and the temple of laws.the warriors,the merchants and priests.
in the heart of the triangle ,the lake forms half an eye and the other half is commonwealth place ,a ceremonial alter of windows and earth with a trench cut on an angle of 33 degrees from the heart of the alter towards windows in the shape of chrystals on new parliament house that has the outline of a ziggurat or pyramid.

also in the heart of the triangle is the last stand of the 500 nations of ancient australia .who through the false pretence of terra nullius were not recognised as people but animals and had the land stolen without treaty.the law,dreaming of civilisation was was founded on terra nullius which meant no ones land .this law was nullified in the high court of australia and so the law ,dreaming of civilisation is nullified.

as part of healing ceremonies along the ancient song line sacred dreaming fires burned day and night ,four were burning in the commonwealth place before the construction of the ceremonial alter in june 2001.

thirty police officers moved onto the site and the leading officer ran over the keeper of the fire with his vehicle .the young man who has been initiated to protect the sacred fire bounced over the bonnet.they desecrated the fires ,extinguished them and abused woman and children forcing them to retreat to the aboriginal tent embassy.

the area was then barricaded off with cyclone fencing and twenty four hour security to construct the alter.

the next summer in the mountain forests to the east,lightning ignited a wildfire that burned towards the big bay jervis bay along the ancient songline, burning homes and businesses till it reached the shores of the bay.a large thunderhaed cloud formed at the heads of the bay .inside the thunder head was a water tornadoe 500metres wide and three kilometres high and it chased out eight of the sydney to hobart and whitbread round the wourld yaught racers tearing mainsails.
Of course it is all connected with invisible forces....otherwise the earth would fall down from the solar system into the abyss....
Sun's rays to roast Earth as poles flip

Robin McKie, science editor
Sunday November 10, 2002

Earth's magnetic field - the force that protects us from deadly radiation bursts from outer space - is weakening dramatically. Scientists have discovered that its strength has dropped precipitously over the past two centuries and could disappear over the next 1,000 years.

The effects could be catastrophic. Powerful radiation bursts, which normally never touch the atmosphere, would heat up its upper layers, triggering climatic disruption. Navigation and communication satellites, Earth's eyes and ears, would be destroyed and migrating animals left unable to navigate.

'Earth's magnetic field has disappeared many times before - as a prelude to our magnetic poles flipping over, when north becomes south and vice versa,' said Dr Alan Thomson of the British Geological Survey in Edinburgh.

'Reversals happen every 250,000 years or so, and as there has not been one for almost a million years, we are due one soon.'

For more than 100 years, scientists have noted the strength of Earth's magnetic field has been declining, but have disagreed about interpretations. Some said its drop was a precursor to reversal, others argued it merely indicated some temporary variation in field strength has been occurring.

But now Gauthier Hulot of the Paris Geophysical Institute has discovered Earth's magnetic field seems to be disappearing most alarmingly near the poles, a clear sign that a flip may soon take place.

Using satellite measurements of field variations over the past 20 years, Hulot plotted the currents of molten iron that generate Earth's magnetism deep underground and spotted huge whorls near the poles.

Hulot believes these vortices rotate in a direction that reinforces a reverse magnetic field, and as they grow and proliferate these eddies will weaken the dominant field: the first steps toward a new polarity, he says.

And as Scientific American reports this week, this interpretation has now been backed up by computer simulation studies.

How long a reversal might last is a matter of scientific controversy, however. Records of past events, embedded in iron minerals in ancient lava beds, show some can last for thousands of years - during which time the planet will have been exposed to batterings from solar radiation. On the other hand, other researchers say some flips may have lasted only a few weeks.

Exactly what will happen when Earth's magnetic field disappears prior to its re-emergence in a reversed orientation is also difficult to assess. Compasses would point to the wrong pole - a minor inconvenience. More importantly, low-orbiting satellites would be exposed to electromagnetic batterings, wrecking them.

In addition, many species of migrating animals and birds - from swallows to wildebeests - rely on innate abilities to track Earth's magnetic field. Their fates are impossible to gauge.

As to humans, our greatest risk would come from intense solar radiation bursts. Normally these are contained by the planet's magnetic field in space. However, if it disappears, particle storms will start to batter the atmosphere.

'These solar particles can have profound effects,' said Dr Paul Murdin, of the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge. 'On Mars, when its magnetic field failed permanently billions of years ago, it led to its atmosphere being boiled off. On Earth, it will heat up the upper atmosphere and send ripples round the world with enormous, unpredictable effects on the climate.'

It is unlikely that humans could do much. Burrowing thousands of miles into solid rock to set things right would stretch the technological prowess of our descendants to bursting point, though such limitations do not worry film scriptwriters. Paramount's latest sci-fi thriller, The Core - directed by Englishman Jon Amiel, and starring Hilary Swank and Aaron Eckhart - depicts a world beset by just such a polar reversal, with radiation sweeping the planet.

The solution, according to the film, to be released next year, involves scientists drilling into Earth's mantle to set off a nuclear blast that will halt the reversal.

Given that temperatures at such depths rival those of the Sun's surface, such a task would seem impossible - except, of course, in Hollywood.
