Earth Changes...Message

Well the little skeptical within just took ahold of me. However I am convinced about the psychic phenomena after experiencing it myself many times a week, if I'm lucky even in a day. But from my own experience armaggedon just could not be predicted without some from of grounded reasoning, either with REAL astronomy or real mathematics. I saw somewhere that in the Great Pyramid the egyptians had a timeline made out of rock. They said something like fifty feet from the year zero marked the end of the world, and somehow drew a conclusion that the end of the world was 'soon.' How do we know the egyptians even measured in feet (or meters, for you blasted europeans), how do we know that they didn't run out of space? How do we know that they were just religious-obsessive and said this to appease the current pharaoh? YOU DON'T! Prophecy does not work unless it is grounded in reality.

Oh, and thank you for the comment. I like my avatar and location too:D

Your decription of what will happen (2/3 dying in a surprise) is pretty much what is written in the Bible...!! :bugeye:

Ancient prophesies worldwide point to this time as the transition, or emergence into what is known as the Fifth World. This predisposes that there were four* previous worlds before, which were all believed to have evolved to a point of high technical civilization, followed by a total and profound cataclysm, and global collapse. The last purported fall happened during the
age of Atlantis and Lemuria, known in our myth as the Great Flood. We are now at the end of the Fourth World and have entered the next phase of evolution.

According to the oral histories of the indigenous peoples of North and South America, we are now in the "great purification," a time when the world clears away the old clutter to allow for new growth. Before the emergence into the New World can happen, a purging of all that is out of balance will take place to restore the natural cycles of the planet, and of Life itself.

Whether the cleansing will be gentle or extreme is not known, but early indications are not comforting. Global whether systems have already produced increased earthquake activity, extremes in hurricanes and tidal waves, and the birth of previously dormant volcanoes.

Climatic changes are resulting in magnetic polar shifts, and the emergence and disappearance of landmasses. Immense ice shelves have split from the polar shelf, and are melting into the seas. El Nina, and El Nino, have taken their toll on the warming of the atmosphere and oceans, and continue to do so. Some economies have collapsed, others are on the verge of doing so.
There is pestilence, famine, and human genocide upon the land.

Our world is in a state of utter flux. Never before in our history have we had greater ability for mass destruction and the annihilation of our species, then now.

This is not a pretty picture we have painted for ourselves.

We see these catastrophic events on the news, and sometimes we experience them first-hand. We become overwhelmed and fearful, and often feel a sense of hopelessness.

What are we, the good people of planet Earth, to do?

Perhaps we can learn from the caretakers of our Planet, the Native Elders of the Americas, who silently and diligently have cared for our planet throughout these intervening years, and who have themselves, through their ancient prophecy and teachings, prepared for this time.

The Elders see this not as a time of despair, but one of birthing and bringing about a new, and better world. They see this as a time to release the old ways, and to embrace a global spirit of cooperation. A time to set aside our difference, and to join together for our highest good. They tell us; together we can make a takes the first drop to create an ocean.

The solutions are before us, if we have the eyes, and wisdom, to see.

We begin in our own homes and communities by ending our unabated consumption of the planet's limited resources. We read and learn, and inform ourselves. We begin to replenish and give back to the land, that which we've taken. We adopt new lifestyles and, restraint. We become involved.

It is a time to transmute the negative influences of our society and usher in the cooperative forces of higher consciousness, global vision, and galactic harmony. We must become caretakers of our planet, and value the sacred in all things if we are to live this philosophy courageously, and make our stand.

The prophecies tell of a place in the stars where the origins of man began, and speak of ancient traditions honoring those origins. They speak of the "star people" whom they call Thunder Beings, who have been with us always, and who are known to us through our collective myth, religion, and histories.

The Elders believe these Thunder Beings are both a force for creation, and also destruction. They are a part of our paradigm, an aspect of our unconscious selves that we as a collective are just beginning to explore.

The Elders speak too of the "heyoka," a person who in vision, or dreams, is visited by these Thunder Beings, and who, assists humanity in its exploration into the new worlds. Just as the Thunder Beings are contrary to our appointed paradigm, the heyoka too becomes one who is contrary to the
accustomed, and accepted, rules of his/her society, who is in some way in opposition to that which is status quo. The heyoka does so precisely to push the fold of accepted reality, to sound the wake up call.

The heyoka is a wayshower.

According to Oglala Sioux Elder Looks-For-Buffalo, "The Heyoka is the counterpart to the Thunder Beings who repeatedly dissolve the existing order, and fashions a new arrangement from the pieces."

Not all heyokas are indigenous peoples; many are living here among modern society. Perhaps you are one?

Modern day heyokas are charged to live as witnesses against the corruption of the Fourth World, and to assist the shift into the Fifth, as planetary midwives. If you see yourself in this role, recognize who you are and why you have come here at this time. Take your power, and walk your talk now, because time is of the essence.

The hallmark of the Fifth World is the positive life giving Feminine
energy expressed in love and nurturance, cooperation and assistance, harmony and balance, giving and receiving. It is the absolute balance of both the female and male. It honors the gifts of spirit, and psychic vision; it is one of confidence in a new way without fear, aggression or dominance.

It is the planetary midwives who, in raising their own consciousness, will raise the consciousness of the whole. In so doing, a planetary healing takes place, a birthing begins, a restoration of the soul in enacted, a New World harmoniously unfolds.

(*Prophecies from different traditions have divergent theories on which era we are entering at this time. Native American's believe we are now entering the fifth WORLD. And the Mayans and Aztecs are counting SUN'S; from the solar perspective we are entering the sixth SUN. Since the North American natives are counting earth worlds we are now in the "fifth earth world," and the "sixth sun." According to prophecy, we fully entered the
"fifth world" on July 11,1991 during the great solar eclipse of
Teztcatlipoca, known as the smoking mirror.

* * * * *
The Ninth and Last Sign of the Hopi

You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash.It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of the Hopi people will cease. These are the Signs that great destruction is here: The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle people in other lands -- those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as the white man
has made in the deserts not far from here. Those who stay and live in the places of the Hopi shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon, very soon afterward, Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in our hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World.

We're The Ones We've Been Waiting For!

"There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that
there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.

And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate!

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personal. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word "struggle" from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now MUST be done in a sacred manner and in celebration."

We are the Ones we've been waiting for!

* * * * *
NASA Listening To Native Elders

The Nome Eskimo elder lamented that nowadays his homeland in winter is too warm for the life system to sustain itself-only 20 degrees below zero instead of 70 below. His people have learned to live in balance with the ice and cold. But now the Bering Strait is sick. Sea ice is forming later, affecting the animals who breed on it. The sea pups aren't ready to leave when the ice melts, so they die or are abandoned. The hunters say the walrus are skinny, and they have to hunt farther into the tundra because the
caribou know the thin ice won't sustain their weight. In the old days, the elders in Alaska could forecast the weather by watching the stars. But now, says one Siberian Yupek elder, "The Earth is so fast now. We can't predict the weather anymore."

Many native prophesies warned of a time when the people would be confused, and the old and the young would die first. The prophesies said the trees would die from the tops down and the world would be in danger.

Using "eyes" from space, NASA officials have seen that the elders are right. Its officials conclude that the "Earth is a living system that is distressed." So now, NASA has turned to native elders for counsel as it examines the effect of climate change on the U.S. population, environment and economy. NASA brought together a gathering of several hundred elders for a five-day climate-change workshop in Albuquerque, N.M., last fall. NASA is seeking to merge the knowing and wisdom of people who understand the
responsibilities that humans have to the Earth with the knowledge of non-native scientists.

The elders who attended the conference, called the Circle of Wisdom Native Peoples/Native Homelands Climate Change Workshop, stated: "It is this spiritual connection to Mother Earth, Father Sky and all Creation that is lacking in the rest of the world. . . . We call upon the people of the world to hold your leaders accountable."

According to documents issued by the workshop, temperatures will become warmer in the Northern Hemisphere by 5 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit within the next 20 years. The primary source of human-induced climate change is the burning of oil, gas and coal. The melting of sea ice "affects the exchange of energy continuously taking place on the Earth's surface," according to
NASA. While it might seem a distant problem to many people in the United States, all life is interconnected.

We have long said that native prophesies are misunderstood. They not only are spiritual visions, but often also come from a life-science observation of the natural world. When people understand that they are not separate from the natural world, they will seek to honor and understand it.
This is why Chief Joseph said long ago that the Earth was part of his body and they were of one "mind."

Native people traditionally have understood that the Earth and universe have a mind and a spirit, a cosmic intelligence that responds to us, to our intentions. "Earth is a living mother, an organism. I know none of us would think of abusing our birth mother. She is a spiritual woman . . . that gives life. Through our ceremonies, we honor her life-giving power so that she can
continue to nourish us," says Cheyenne elder Henrietta Mann.

When people no longer live and learn from the land, their disconnection to it leads to the abuse of Mother Earth. Along with the land, native people's traditions die: their food, their ceremonies, medicinal plants, their fibers for making sacred baskets. And much of it has been through the greed of market economies and the perversions of science and technology that
have claimed or contaminated the land, particularly native lands, through deforestation, pesticides, industrial waste, radioactive poisoning and mining. "What good is an economic system if our children die anyway?" asked a Kanaka Maoli elder from Hawaii. A nearby flip-chart read, "There is no post-environment economy."

There are myriad things to be done, including requiring companies to factor the environmental impact of their projects into their businesses, and demanding that all public projects invest in clean and renewable forms of energy. But most of all, we must begin to value life in all its manifestations.

Corbin Harney, a Shoshone elder, says the spirits of the land and the ancestors are waiting for people to recognize their responsibility to Mother Earth. "They want to hear us pray so that they can work with us, so everything can heal."

Your assistance is needed.

Please consider making a donation to support this site. In the ancient Andean spirit of "ayni," sharing and riciprocity, I thank you.
Kathy Doore
The hallmark of the Fifth World is the positive life giving Feminine energy expressed in love and nurturance, cooperation and assistance, harmony and balance, giving and receiving. It is the absolute balance of both the female and male. It honors the gifts of spirit, and psychic vision; it is one of confidence in a new way without fear, aggression or dominance.

I Love that. :)
And this prophecy is written (in my own words) in other threads like "The Chackras and the Dimensions of Spiritual Evolution" and that other one about the future of the human being... :)

Freaky... :eek::bugeye:

very interesting thread.. I have read some of it and have to get to the store but I will read more as Native Americans have never used the Great spirit in a selfish way. Even in the wars of 1700 and 1800 they respected the Europeans as part of God's creation even though the Europeans thought they were heathens. That fact has had an everlasting impression on my life.
I received this one in my e-mail:

News from Whitley Strieber

We do not normally send this newsletter out more than once in two weeks, but one of its purposes is to attempt to give 'heads up' warning of things to come, and there are two situations that seem to call for that now.

One: The Mideast Situation

Everyone is aware that the situation in the Mideast is tense. However, something happened yesterday that may mean that the Arab countries are considering open war with Israel, and this event has gotten lost down the cracks of the media, which is concentrating on more lurid aspects of the problem. This is that Jordan, the most moderate of Arab states, called the Israeli ambassador to their foreign ministry and warned that they
would be taking "further measures" if the Israelis did not leave
Palestinian areas. A few hours later, Israeli troops entered another Palestinian town.

Further measures may only mean the closing of the Israeli embassy. But this may also be a signal that military action on the part of more radical Arab states will not be opposed by Jordan. This situation is a box of dynamite with the fuse lit.

Saturday Night's Dreamland Mideast Shocker

On Saturday night, we had an exceptional interview with William Henry about his new book, Ark of the Christos. In the last half hour of this interview he delivered an absolutely extraordinary statement from the book about the hidden Bibilical reasons that the US is so concerned about Saddam Hussein. You can listen on our Internet radio station. This part of the interview begins at 143:51 in the archived program. For simple instructions about how to navigate in our on-line programs, please see the bottom of our Internet radio station's webpage.If you are unable to
connect immediately, please be patient. This means that the archive is being heavily accessed. To reach our station, go to and click on the green "Listen Now" button under the word "Dreamland" on the right hand side of the masthead.

Two: The Earthquake Situation

In our last newsletter, we warned that the eastern half of the Pacific 'Ring of Fire' appeared to be experiencing an earthquake cluster, with 32 major quakes being reported in the past three months. The next day, a quake registering 6.8 on the Richter scale struck Taiwan with extensive damage and some losss of life.

Unfortunately, science knows little about earthquake clusters, or even whether or not groups of quakes like this are related. It would seem that they must be, but the mechanism is unknown. We feel that readers resident on the West Coast of the US, as well as those in Asia, should be aware of this unusual level of tectonic instability, and review community and personal preparedness plans at this time.

Whitley's Easter Journal

Whitley Strieber has created a beautiful Easter journal entry about his intense personal struggle with his religious faith in a time when world peace is being threatened by religious fanatics, and his own Catholic church is plagued by a scandal that is deeply rooted in the flawed nature of the institution itself. Find out where these issues take a man of faith. His conclusions are sure to surprise you. News Stories

Two remarkable stories today. The stories about George W. Bush and T-Rex are not to be missed. Go to to read these stunning scoops.

“From outside of time, man’s effort to know God appears as a single form, a work of art that has evolved across history. You have created it in three phases. The first is negative, the age of sacrifice. This is why the old testament God is so terrible. The moment that God tells Abraham not to kill Isaac is a record of one of the most sacred of all human moments, for it sets the stage for the next age. The second age is positive, the age of worship. This is why the God of the new testament is full of compassion. Your present age is when man and God become one. You find in yourself Christ, Buddha, Allah, Krisna. In this age, the elemental body has evolved to the point that it has the potential to reflect divine ecstasy. It is happening already, in the secret lives of your own children. I am here to bring you a promise from on high: if you surrender yourselves to God, you and the earth will be saved. Otherwise, you will be extinct before the end of the age.”


I received this e-mail today. It talks about ice melting in Antartica, Earth Changes, Planet X (Noburu or whatever)... everything...

PLEASE NOTE: There is an astrological interpretation in here of the date of April 13th for the Light Grid Activation. Very powerful! But the time is incorrect as it is listed as standard
pacific time, when it should be daylight savings time. The Light Grid Activation time given in the Vision DOES INCLUDE the fact that we will be in daylight savings time. The Source is
perfect in it's information . Times are 3:00PM Daylight Savings Time for the US Central Time ie Chicago/Houston, 4:00PM Daylight Savings Time for the US Eastern Time ie New York/Atlanta, 2:00 PM Daylight Savings Time for the US Mountain Time ie Denver, 1:00 PM Daylight Savings Time for the US Pacific Time ie Los Angeles/Seattle for the continental US. Thanks so much. The Vision showed the sychronization of exact time was very important to activate the grid. The following has some very interesting information for your discernment.
Blessings to All!
All My Relations in Love and Golden Light,
Turtle Woman
April 2002
By Mahala

The emotional energy of Pisces has been in effect since
mid-February. First the planet Venus went through that sign, then the Sun, and now Mercury is in Pisces until the full moon of March 28, 2002. Neptune rules Pisces and that planet rules water, fog, ships, chemicals, drugs, alcohol, addictions, abusive situations, diseases, infections, foresight, flexibility, fountains, idealism, healing, magnets, mediumship, pineal gland, rejuvenation, dancing, and cosmic consciousness.
This is the type of energy we have been dealing with since
February. During that time period many people were looking at their issues, going within, and hibernating. In April we will be moving into the Aries energy, which is fiery and active. Pisces is female emotional energy, and Aries is male action energy. It’s time to take action.
The planet Venus will move into Taurus on April 1, which means
we will start feeling the energy of that sign. Taurus rules money, and with Venus in this sign, it looks like money issues will start to improve. The full moon of April 27 finds Venus making an aspect to Uranus, which is the planet of change and surprises, so look for some unexpected energy around money issues during that time period.
Mars is also moving through the sign of Taurus.
It lines up with the Sun Alcyone at the time of the new moon on April 12. I hear the Crystal Grid will be activated on April 13 at 1:00 PM PST. It’s definitely a good day for this activation. There will be four planets in Taurus at that time - they are Mercury, Venus, Mars and the moon. At that time Mars will also be making a ninety degree angle to Uranus. This is a very powerful aspect and could also cause Earth changes.
The meaning of the degree in Taurus, that will be activated on April 13, is one that means humanity has the capacity to rise in consciousness and feelings above biological limitations. Let’s take advantage of this degree and activate the crystal grid. Picture this grid as strings connected like a spider web all over the world. Then picture the golden light coming in from Alcyone and activating this grid on Earth. Everyone will be at the right place at the right time to act as conduits for this light.
The exact placement of Mars conjunct Alcyone is right over the Pacific Northwest (where I am!! :);)). This means the golden light from Alcyone will first activate the violet grid located off Vancouver Island, B.C.- then the energy will travel around the world. It’s very important to activate this grid so more people can wake up and become aware of what is transpiring around
them. Many people will be amazed by how much control there is in the world. Once they wake up they will realize they are great beings of light, and will choose freedom over being controlled.
On April 13, the planet Uranus will be on the degree of a
butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. This means we have the capacity to utterly transform the character of our consciousness by radically altering the structural patterns of everyday living and the types of relationships we enter into. This is another good reason to activate the grid. Uranus first touches this particular degree in April and stays there until it retrogrades in June. In February of 2003 it will reach this degree again, so if you miss this opportunity to transform your consciousness you will have another opportunity next year.
Uranus is the planet of change. It is electrical in nature and
rules light, or enlightenment. It is considered the great awakener and is very rebellious by nature. When it moved through the sign of Capricorn, it transformed governments by revolutions. Capricorn rules governments, and Uranus rules rebellion. Look at the Berlin Wall - who would have ever thought that wall would come down and that Russia would fall apart. Then there were revolutions in the Balkan countries during that time period.
There was much violence, death, and starvation in many countries.
Uranus moved into Aquarius in April of 1995 for a few months. Then it retrograded back into Capricorn, and in January of 1996 it went into Aquarius to stay for seven years until 2003. This started the computer revolution because that is one of the things Uranus rules. Look at how the Internet has grown and expanded in the last couple of years. We are now connected to a World Wide Web, and through this Web has come much information. Uranus rules High Tech, and when Saturn was in Taurus (the sign that rules money) making a ninety degree angle to Uranus, the bottom dropped out of the NASDAQ market.
Soon Uranus will move into Pisces. In fact it will be in that
sign by March of 2003. This is when there will be a tremendous revolution in consciousness. Many will start experiencing cosmic consciousness on a regular basis. Pisces is a water and emotional sign. When Uranus moves through this sign from 2003-2010, there will be many changes on Earth concerning water. I think this will be the time to stay away from the coastal areas because the ice sheets of the Arctic, and the Antarctic, have already started to melt.
I would like to quote from Zecharia Sitchin’s book The 12th Planet . He says: “ One endeavor to unravel the puzzle of the Deluge, then, focuses on Earth’s climatic changes, and in particular the abrupt collapse of the ice age some 13,000 years ago. What could have caused a sudden climatic change of such magnitude? Of the many theories advanced by the scientists, we are intrigued by the one suggested by Dr. John T. Hollin of the University of Maine. He contended that the Antarctic ice sheet
periodically breaks loose and slips into the sea, creating an abrupt and enormous tidal wave!
This hypothesis-accepted and elaborated upon by others-suggests that as the ice sheet grew thicker and thicker, it not only trapped more of Earth’s heat beneath the ice sheet but also created (by pressure and friction) a slushy, slippery layer at its bottom. Acting as a lubricant between the thick ice sheet above and the solid Earth below, this slushy layer sooner or later caused the ice sheet to slide into the surrounding ocean.
Hollin calculated that if only half the present ice sheet of
Antarctica (which is, on the average, more than a mile in thickness) were to slip into the southern seas, an immense tidal wave would follow and raise the sea level all over the world. How could the Nefilim predict when the Deluge would burst out of Antarctica? The Mesopotamian texts relate it to the periodic passage of the Twelfth planet. Both Mesopotamian and
biblical texts described how the Earth shook when the Celestial planet passed in Earth’s vicinity. Could it be that the Nefilim, observing the climatic changes and the instability of the Antarctic ice sheet, realized that the next passing would trigger the impending catastrophe.� End of quote!
The ice sheets started melting in 1995. Does that mean the
twelfth planet will pass by Earth soon? Several people on the Internet seem to think so. In the mean-time we have other things to think about. At the March full moon, the moon’s node will be on 20 degrees Gemini. This is the degree of the planet Mars in the United States chart. Our president’s
Uranus is on 19 degrees Gemini, along with his node at 20 degrees. This is a military degree, and if activated upon, may end in disaster. In other words, this means he should not start a war.
The Mars/Uranus aspect will be affecting Iraq and the other
countries surrounding the Persian Gulf in April, so there will be more action in those countries. The sign of Aries is ruled by Mars, which is a fiery, violent energy, so we will be feeling that energy all month.
At the March full moon the planet Jupiter will be conjunct
Jupiter in the USA chart. This means we should be starting a new money cycle or an upturn in the economy. Time will tell how that works out. In George Bush’s chart, Jupiter will be conjunct his Sun shortly. This planet is the largest one in our solar system and brings with it much power. He will be feeling that power for a few months. Jupiter also rules religious leaders and beliefs.
On June 10 there will be a solar eclipse on 19 degrees Gemini. This eclipse will be very powerful because of the fact that it activates the United States Mars, and also affects the planets in George Bush’s chart. Also, during that same time period, the planet Saturn will be opposing Pluto. This is the aspect that started the terrorist war in the first place.
Pluto is considered the God of the underworld. It is also the
great transformer. Since February Pluto has been activating black hole energy. Picture a black hole as a vortex. A tornado manifests like a vortex, and you all know how powerful that energy can be. This energy can also be used to pull any remaining negativity out of your consciousness, or in other words - transform it into light.
Back to April. The full moon of April is a double-edged sword.
We have the culmination of the Wesak Festival, which is a yearly celebration of light, and we have Mars conjunct Saturn opposing Pluto by sign. Mars and Saturn together rule police action, or control issues like a police state, and dealing with dark energy. Then we have the aspect of a Mercury/ Uranus square, which means accidents or communication problems.
This April full moon is exactly over Israel. There will be
comets passing by Earth in April, which will stir up energy because of their magnetic force. Astrology works by the magnetic energy moving between planets when they make certain angles. This in turn affects us according to the placement of those planets in our chart. Astrology is God’s law in action.
The next few months will continue to be very intense. It’s nice to be aware of what is going on, although we don’t have to be part of the drama. Most of us came here to help the Earth through her change. By manifesting peace and love within our own being, we can act as channels for that energy. Once you have reached a state of peacefulness, others
will follow. Remember, there is a world of light overshadowing the
world of darkness. Who knows what may happen if enough reach for that world of light. Let’s reach for the light - and lets be ready to activate the Crystal Grid on April 13, 2002.
I send you my blessings for a happy Easter.


I’m sorry if I haven’t answered your email. I do the best I can. I don’t

have room for anymore addresses in my address book, sorry! I can be reached at

Received that in my e-mail...



**the universal cosmic web * the harvesting**

Beloved masters, a new wave of energy is sweeping the Earth that cannot be ignored. The Earth s spirit is freshening and coming alive as she moves upward into a spiral of new beginnings, leaving the old outmoded energies behind. The heartbeat of the Supreme Father/Mother God continually creates
cycles of expansion, and then from within the stillness of perfection, watches to see what the results will be as the brave new seeds of creation go forth to fulfill the Divine Mandate. At the predetermined time, the Creator once more becomes an active participant in the creative process. The pulsations from within ITS heart core radiate down through the dimensions and slowly penetrate everything within the universe and out to ITS
furthermost creations. This process is called many things, the cosmic lattice, the procession of the ages, the Photon Belt, stargate and portal openings, the quickening, and return of the Christ. All of these are appropriate and valid descriptions, but there are cycles within cycles and what might be called the culmination of a grand cycle. That is what is occurring at this time.

Many of you are aware that the influx of higher refined frequencies began to affect the Earth and humanity in the late 1800's. These were regularly revved up or accelerated until 1987, an important time aptly named the Harmonic Convergence. At that time, it was determined that humanity and the Earth had received the maximum level of higher vibrational frequencies that
could be absorbed or integrated without triggering the cataclysmic events that had been foretold for ages past, thereby causing more distress instead of assisting humanity as was the plan. The Quickening began and you, the Starseed, began to stir and awaken. As you bravely stepped onto the path and began to rediscover who and what you truly are, you also began to clear the negative fields and vibrations within and around you, thus allowing your Soul Self, Higher Self, and Christed Self, once more, to take dominion within your physical vessel. You became the receptacles, transformers, and transducers for these higher frequencies and began to radiate them further and further out into the world. You were then able to tap into the resources
of the Cosmic Mind and bring down more and more information and rarified life force energy which was quickly spread around the world. Your vision has expanded beyond the stars you can see as you grasp the magnificence of Creation and know that you have galactic and universal origins. At the same time, your world has shrunk so that you are aware of what is going on any place on Earth at any given moment. You call one of your major information
systems the World Wide Web. Now we wish to make you aware of the Universal Cosmic Web that has been woven and is slowly descending down upon your galaxy. Its effects are being felt by all star systems, planets, and sentient beings, down to the most minuscule level.

We have spoken much of the Pyramids of Light and the Pyramids of Power in the fifth dimension, and many of you who are actively using the process are receiving astounding results. Let us give you further insight so that you will understand how truly magnificent this gift is. Even before a grand experiment comes to a conclusion, the Prime Creator puts forth the Divine Schematic or Divine Blueprint for the next creation. The harvesting of the
wisdom and harmonious creations from the past experiment begins, and all of humanity is given an opportunity to partake of the gift of reunification with Spirit so that everyone who wishes to do so can move into the new Web of Creation, and eventually be a part of the next cosmic experiment. Envision the God Force radiating the Essence of Self and the encodings for ITS new creation down through the dimensions. Within this Web of Creation are all the wisdom, virtues, attributes, information, and abilities you will need to create anything you desire. The many diverse facets of creation are then brought together and placed in what we call the Pyramids of Light/Power in the various higher dimensions. What we are helping you to understand and
hopefully to tap into are these pyramids of Cosmic Life Force energy at the fifth-dimensional level. That is the higher level that is most accessible to humanity at this time. Here you can transform and release old impacted energies and begin the process of building your brave new world. As your visions take form in the fifth dimension, they quickly or gradually take
form (depending on the complexity of the vision and your ability to hold a perfected focus) in your world of physical expression.

Be aware that you may tap into as many Pyramids of Light/Power as you wish. Build a pyramid in which you join with all who wish to participate, and envision the world in the center of the pyramid with all of you surrounding it and radiating unconditional Love/Light upon and through her. Build a personal pyramid for yourself which will be your sanctuary, and where you may ask any or all of us of the Higher Realms to join you. Go there for
healing, nurturing, wisdom, support, or help in resolving the issues that arise in your everyday life. Please ask for insight and the highest solution which serves everyone involved, and then release the situation into our care. When you tap into a pyramid for a specific project or creation, you not only draw to you the Divine Wisdom and energetics of that thought form, but also those who have the same interests, as well as those from the Higher Realms who carry the Rays or Sub Rays of Creation for that area of Divine Expression.

Creating your Prosperity Box and placing within it those things you wish to manifest in your life is a physical manifestation of the Pyramid of Light/Power and is one way we are helping you to realize that you have the ability to tap into the Divine Storehouse of Treasures. Yes, it may take some of you a little longer to begin to manifest your visions, but please do not become discouraged. As you learn to stay focused and follow through with the necessary steps, the small miracles will begin to happen, which makes way for larger and more dramatic miracles. You did not become a master of limitation overnight and you must be patient with yourselves as you re-learn self-mastery and the positive forms of creation.

Beloveds, endeavor to spend time each day in your Pyramid of Light/Power. Become accustomed to the feeling of the refined energies there, where your burdens seem lighter and hope begins to stir within your heart. Here, you can draw on the courage and reinforcement that you need to move through the
trials and tests of your everyday life. Here, you will receive all the
unconditional God Love/Light that you can integrate. Here, you can assist those in your life who are searching for the "Way," by radiating love and understanding to them and blessing them with the transforming energies of the Violet Flame. Leave your burdens and your cares with us in your pyramid, dear hearts, and you will find that your load in life seems considerably lighter.

As you join us in the Pyramids of Light/Power in the fifth dimension, you also assist in bringing these refined energies of Source down into the vibrational level of Earth and humanity. This makes these energies accessible to those who do not, as yet, have the ability to tap into this level of Source Power. So you are benefitting the Earth and humanity at many levels. You are radiating the Love/Light from within and you are anchoring
the energies of the fifth dimension on Earth, as well as being the examples for others to emulate. What a glorious opportunity this is, and how blessed we all are to be active participants. Do not for a moment doubt the importance of your part in this grand plan. Each of you is needed and you all are an integral part of the process.

Some of you have asked for further explanations regarding the Power Tools of Creation and the energies of the Elements. Your goal is to integrate, balance, and utilize all the Elements and Rays of Creation in equal measure. We know that this is not an easy task, for down through the ages imbalance and discordant energies have become the norm. First of all, you must identify the imbalances and then you must have the desire to make the
changes necessary to correct them. Using your Pyramid of Light/Power will greatly assist you in achieving this goal.

If you wish to enhance or utilize more of the element of FIRE, you may focus on the SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra and the refined frequencies of golden energy from your I AM Self. See a sphere of radiant golden Light begin to pulsate and glow in your heart center and expand to incorporate your solar plexus and
throat, thus becoming your SOLAR POWER CENTER. See the red energy of the First Ray of Divine Will and Power penetrate your Crown Chakra and ignite the attributes of the First Ray within you. Use the red energy to create strength, power in thought, action, and deeds, to claim and manifest abundance, enhance your courage, and stimulate you into action. Also use the
yellow energies of the Third Ray to reinforce your will, perseverance, and forbearance. Wear red stones such as ruby, garnet, or bloodstones and yellow or gold-colored stones such as topaz, amber, or citrine. Eat yellow and red fruits and vegetables and exercise to stimulate the heart and purify the blood. As always, drink pure water to release the toxins that accumulate
within the body as you move ever more quickly through the transformation process. Gaze into a dancing fire or a candle and imagine the life-giving energies of fire power penetrating the depths of your Being and stoking your reserves.

To stimulate and enhance the element of EARTH, focus on the ROOT CHAKRA at the base of the spine. Even though you are reaching for the stars, you still need to be firmly anchored in the physical vessel and to the Earth. Envision a rich copper color from within the Earth rising up and permeating your Root Chakra, then see the transforming energies of the five higher galactic rays
add sparkling violet tones to this area. This will assist you to release survival/scarcity issues and keep you firmly grounded as you become multidimensional and move easily between the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions. Wear or use black tourmaline, obsidian, smoky quartz, or red jasper. Eat vegetables grown within the ground such as white and sweet potatoes, onions, and small amounts of protein. It is for you to decide along with your body Elemental whether or not red meat is beneficial for you
at your present level of evolvement. Walk on the soft earth in your bare feet, and lie in the cool grass at night gazing up at the stars, and consciously attune your heartbeat to that of the Mother Earth.

To balance and harmonize the WATER element within, focus on the NAVAL CHAKRA, located in the lower abdomen just below the naval. This chakra rules the functions of procreation, assimilation of food, and sexuality. This is the center of the "feeling mind" chakra and is the seat of the emotions. See this chakra flooded with Light as it becomes a luminescent orange/pink. This will help you access your higher emotional nature, whereby you will move out of the emotional nature of the ego and begin to function under the direction of your Higher Self. Wear or use stones such as carnelian, coral, gold calcite, pink tourmaline, rose quartz, or peach aventurine. Drink orange or grapefruit juice and eat orange or yellow fruits and vegetables. When possible, allow the gentle waves of water to wash over you, and imagine that
this healing energy is washing away your cares and strengthening you with its powerful, positive energies, or take soothing salt or mineral baths.

The fourth element we will focus on is the element of AIR. There is also the element of the ETHERS, but for this lesson we will incorporate the Air and Etheric elements into one. These elements are centered within the HEART AND THROAT CHAKRAS. The heart chakra anchors the life-force from the Higher
Self, and the throat chakra rules the energies of vibration through the spoken word, sound, and communication. Envision the green of the heart chakra as it gradually turns into a pale pink/violet, and the thymus area begins to radiate a beautiful turquoise as it encompasses the throat area and becomes a part of your power center. To activate the throat chakra wear
turquoise, chrysocolla, blue topaz, sodalite, lapis lazuli, and aquamarine. For the heart chakra wear emeralds, green or pink tourmaline, malachite, green jade, green aventurine, or kunzite. Eat blue or purple fruits and vegetables, and for the heart center, eat green fruits and vegetables. Consciously move into the flow of the wind and feel the surges and ebbs of its energies. Feel it as it soothes, cools and refreshes your body and allow
its calming effects to do the same for your internal body/mind structure.

Space does not allow us to recap all the lessons and tools we have given in the past to assist you to balance and harmonize the energies within the seven "mind centers" or chakra centers of the body. However if you are serious about creating harmony within your inner world of reality which will quickly manifest as harmony and balance in your outer world, you will seek
out these messages and solutions. Clearing the old energy patterns within makes way for a new auric overlay the gift of your personal Cosmic Web of Light a filter which will allow you to see your world differently as you create anew your version of paradise on Earth. You are building your own body of Light, beloveds, thereby enhancing and assisting the Earth and
others to do the same. Join us in your Pyramid of Light/Power and let us assist you to move through the process with ease, grace, and great joy. May the radiance of our Father/Mother God pour down upon you and fill you with the Light of life everlasting. Know that we are ever near to guide and protect you. I AM Archangel Michael.

Banshee... why don't you post anymore?

Well did you open that Crystal Grid?

I found your crystal grid post by Turtle Woman intresting. :)

I thought it would have been inspiring moment to meditate too for myself. But i fell asleep before the right time as I got too relaxed. :eek:

So I'm just intrested did you do it? Did i miss enlightment? ;)

Hmmm... Well I guess I gotta wait till next year then.
Yes, we did it...
But we don't become enlightned, we just help Mother Earth to recover from all those stupid things humans have being doing with Her.

I received that in my e-mail. Unfortunatly I didn't have time to read it yet:

"Date: Wednesday, 22 May 2002 3:06 PM
From: States UFO Information and Rese <>

U.S.U.F.O.I.R.C. News and Updates
Volume 1, Issue 38

An Internet Publication of the
United States UFO Information and Research Center <>


1) An Important Foreword and Disclaimer
2) Blindsided By The "10th" Planet in 2003?


1) An Important Foreword and Disclaimer:

The United States UFO Information and Research Center has been monitoring the
reports and claims that humanity's final, or finest hour may come in the next
year of 2003...

Although we maintain complete neutrality when it comes to extreme conclusions
regarding any information forwarded to us we felt that the following information
is of sufficient interest to the many to forward it directly to you for your own
investigation and review...

The information contained in the text to follow is not necessarily the views of
the United States UFO Information and Research Center and it is NOT our
intention to spread negativity, misinformation, or fear... It is with high hopes
that you will know that our place in the hear and now is to provide an
atmosphere of acceptance and support, a vessel through which information can
travel, and an instrument that can be used to allow the expression of ideas,
understandings, and experiences, no matter how individual, or outrageous they
may seem... Therefore, we invite you then to draw your own conclusions about the
information contained in the following forwarded message...

Important Note: The author of the book in which much of the following
information is elaborated on is now a confirmed speaker for The ARC - Alternate
Realities Conference 2002... Come see him LIVE on the Summer Solstice, June
21-23, 2002 at Roan Mountain State Park in Roan Mountain, Tennessee...

To get more information on the conference and to register please go to <> and thank you for your time
and attention...

2) Blindsided By The "10th" Planet in 2003?

Insiders from NASA speculate 2/3 of the population of the planet will perish
during the coming pole-shift caused by the passage of Planet X in 2003. Another
2/3 of those that survive initially will pass away to starvation and exposure to
the elements within 6 months. Every secretive government agency in the USA is
fully aware of what is expected in 2003 and are readying themselves. The Vatican
is fully abreast of what is expected. The public is not being warned and given
their chance to prepare.

The volume of leaks from insiders, observatories, and the Vatican is going to
burst the dam of this disclosure wide open. The most important story on earth in
over 3000 years is fast breaking loose from being held back by the controllers
of the financial markets and major media for fear of panic and financial
collapse. The public can be given a chance to prepare by being informed. Our
planet is about to go through massive regular earth changes once again in the
Spring of 2003 as a result of the passage of our 10th planet through our
immediate solar system.

Planet X orbits between our sun and its dark twin. A diagram from the 1987 NEW
SCIENCE & INVENTION ENCYCLOPEDIA shows our dead twin sun & the 10th planet. (see
diagram here):

Zecharia Sitchin, the world renowned scholar, author of "The 12th Planet" and
archeologist, does indicate on occasion his knowledge of the return of Nibiru AT
THIS TIME!" To be too public about it would prove dangerous because of his
weight in the scientific community.

A group of scientists in Russia in year 2000 held several meetings to discuss
the inbound planet discovered from one of their largest observatories. A 66 year
old professor and physicist let it be known he attended this meeting. This led
to the infamous "2003 Problem" Reuters news service wire on Sept.13th 2000. Top
Russian government officials called for a commission to study the problem which
was said to expect to cause "a string of calamities and a massive population
shrinkage." They openly wondered whether Russia would still even exist as a
country afterwards. Andrei Shukshin, who wrote this story, has admitted publicly
he did not know why the Russian leaders were saying this and added his own
speculation that didn't fit the story. All follow-up stories written to quash
the disclosure elaborated on Andrei's speculation and left out key points in the
original story.

Private contact made by a wealthy business man in Germany to a large observatory
in St. Petersburg, Russia yielded significant information. The man in charge of
finding new planets there admitted they've been watching Planet X for 3 years
and are worried about the substantial damage it will do to Earth during its
passage. The name they gave for Planet X was "Raja Sun" or "Great Star."

I recently received a call from Canada. Roy was thanking me for having received
my book. His first call to a local observatory yielded the following results. An
intern to the astronomers answered. Roy asked if she had heard of Planet X. She
said "yes," but told him "she wasn't supposed to talk about it & the scientists
were in disagreement as to whether it would cause substantial damage when it
passed." Roy then asked one of the astronomers employed there with her. The
astronomer said that they don't look at objects such as that.

Insiders in NASA & the military privately confirm that many of them are quietly
contracting out the building of dome-homes (strongest structure known to man) in
the upper USA (one of the safest areas). These domes should withstand the
hurricane force winds and world wide earthquakes expected at the time. If these
domes are built in the rolling hills or foothills, well away from the
shorelines, major population centers, and flat plains (that are expected to
flood with the constant rain and melting poles), the chances of survival are as
good as you can get.

There are a wide variety of alternatives to dome housing. Some are very
<> <>
<> <> <> <>

If you've ever watched the Flintstones cartoons, you can imagine how you might
get around without auto fuel. Look here: <>

Trusting the pentagon and the government to guard itself & relay needed
information to protect you is clearly illogical. Planet X is Nibiru, Wormwood,
regular orbit, it will pass again in SPRING 2003. Planet X's effects on Earth
are clearly shown as recorded in ANCIENT TEXTS and in THE SCIENCE OF GEOLOGY &
ARCHEOLOGY with each passage. I've uncovered 34 names for Planet X in my book
from a wide variety of sources and since then several more like "The Destroyer."
{See its coordinates and actual comparative pictures of Planet X from these two

"WHAT IS APPROACHING US?" Father Malachi Martin explains in 1997 that the
celestial body approaching us will cause millions to perish during its passage
in 5-10 years. Even the Vatican owns its own telescope. VATT (Vatican Advanced
Technology Telescope) is operated out of the Mt. Graham Observatory located in
SE Arizona.

The purpose for Mt. Graham International Observatory is explained in an
interview with Art Bell. The actual time of the clip is April 5th, 1997at 4:30AM
PST. The complete broadcast begins Friday, April 4th, 1997 at 10 PM PST.

Malachi Martin's background: Father Malachi Martin, eminent theologian, expert
on the Catholic Church, former Jesuit and professor at the Vatican's Pontifical
Biblical Institute, is the author of the national best-sellers Vatican, The
Final Conclave, Hostage to the Devil, and The Jesuits. He was trained in
theology at Louvain. There he received his doctorates in Semitic Languages,
Archeology and Oriental History. He subsequently studied at Oxford and at Hebrew
University in Jerusalem. From 1958 to 1964 he served in Rome, where he was a
close associate of the renowned Jesuit Cardinal Augustin Bea and Pope John
XXIII. Martin passed away late 1999. Some believe his death was a result of his
open disclosures of the inbound planet and that the Vatican did not want to
reveal this was also tied to the 3rd Secret of Fatima.

I understand that the Catholic church sponsors and engages in scientific studies
and not just to prove biblical history.

As of late there's been a rash of observatories that have closed their doors for
various reasons. Many will simply not point their equipment for anyone in the
direction of the Orion constellation if they do remain open. Some will give an
excuse that there is some sort of obstruction in the way or equipment failure.
All at once, renovations are their favorite excuse. Griffith Observatory is the
latest of a handful of the nation's oldest planetariums to undergo major
renovations in recent years. Others include the Adler Planetarium & Astronomy
Museum in Chicago and the Hayden Planetarium at the Rose Center for Earth and
Space in New York. Coincidental or not, there are other observatories in various
countries doing the same thing at this time.

reasons. One of which is to avoid causing panic among the world's population.
Many websites and articles continue to be written about Planet X that spread
lies. They say it only MAY exist or there's no evidence for its existence or it
comes around only once every few million years if it does exist. This
disinformation is widespread. The second layer of disinformation is for people
that have done their homework and absolutely know that Planet X does exist. For
them, the disinformation artists are saying it will not arrive in our lifetime.
Lastly, for the observatories that are completely aware of Planet X and its
arrival time, they are saying "keep quiet and don't worry, nothing will happen
during the passage."

surface of EVERY PLANET IT PASSES. In fact, history shows approximately 7 YEARS
PRIOR to its passage that its far reaching electromagnetic and gravitational
influence changes Earth's core flows, TRIGGERING MAJOR WEATHER CHANGES. VOLCANIC
and SEISMIC ACTIVITY start to change 3-4 decades prior to each passage. Since
early 1996 traditional WEATHER has CHANGED DRAMATICALLY, breaking all time
records regularly. The up-tick of QUAKES, VOLCANIC INCIDENTS and changes in
ELECTROMAGNETICS are being kept out of the media as much as possible. Weather
alone can falsely be blamed on global warming & sun cycles but not Earth's
rumblings and solar system wide changes at the same time.

99% of the universe is made up of charged-plasma. Planets are
dense-charged-plasma-spheres. The approach of Planet X back into our immediate
solar system is sending a tremendous amount of plasma energy particles and
electricity to all the planets in our solar system via the filamentary magnetic
field lines that criss-cross the universe. The entire Universe is a web of
electricity and plasma is the conductor. (See and take pictures and drawings
from this site):

The media would have you believe that it is the pollution of our industrial
civilization that is the cause of the weather changes or has caused global
warming over the last few years. They fail to mention the seismic and volcanic
changes occurring simultaneously. When you understand how our sun and all the
planets of our solar system are also being effected by Planet X's approach,
you'll see how ridiculous the media cover-up becomes.

Volcanic and seismic activity have increased 500 percent since 1975. All planets
are changing. Basically, all the planets and sun are experiencing unusual
phenomena, increased activity, and unusual weather. This is the Russian
perspective on earth changes. Hard facts that are going unreported in America.
The atmospheres of the planets are changing. Dr. Dmitriev's work shows that the
planets themselves are changing. They are undergoing changes in their
atmospheres. For example, the Martian atmosphere is getting sizably thicker than
it was before. Earth's moon is growing an atmosphere. Also, Earth's moon is
growing an atmosphere which is made up of a compound Dmitriev refers to as
"Natrium." Dmitriev says that, around the moon there is this
6,000-kilometer-deep layer of Natrium that wasn't there before.

Plus, we're having this kind of change in Earth's atmosphere in the upper
levels, where HO gas is forming that wasn't there before; it simply did not
exist in the quantity that it does now. It's not related to global warming and
it's not related to CFCs or fluorocarbon emissions or any of that stuff. It's
just showing up.

Magnetic fields and brightness of the planets are changing. The planets are
experiencing sizable changes in their overall brightness. Venus, for example, is
showing us marked increases in its overall brightness. Jupiter has gotten to
have such a high energetic charge that there is actually a visible tube of
ionizing radiation that's formed between its moon. You can actually see the
luminous energy tube in photographs that have been taken more recently.

The planets are having a change in their magnetic fields. They are becoming
stronger. Jupiter's magnetic field has more than doubled. Uranus's magnetic
field is changing.

Neptune's magnetic field is increasing. These planets are becoming brighter.
Their magnetic field strength is getting higher. Their atmospheric qualities are

Uranus and Neptune appear to have had recent pole shifts. When the Voyager 2
space probe flew past Uranus and Neptune, the apparent north and south magnetic
poles were sizably offset from where the rotational pole was. In one case, it
was 50 degrees off and in the other case the difference was around 40 degrees,
both of which are pretty big changes.

The overall changes could essentially be broken down into three categories:
Energy field changes, luminosity changes, and atmospheric changes.

Natural disasters increased 410 percent between 1963 and 1993. This does not
take into account the largest increases that have taken place in the last 8-9
years since then! Dr. Dmitriev did a very elaborate calculation of natural
disasters to come up with these figures. The Sun's magnetic field increased by
230 percent since 1901.

So, all in all, what we're seeing is a lot more than just what they call Earth
Changes. Very, very few people are aware of the work that is being done in the
Russian National Academy of Sciences in Siberia, specifically in Novosibirsk,
where they are doing this research.

The glowing plasma at the leading edge of our Solar System has recently
increased 1000 percent. That higher-charged energy is in turn exciting the
plasma and causing more of it to form, so you see more luminosity, more
brightness. This energy is then flowing into the Sun, which in turn emits the
energy and spreads it out along its equatorial plane, which is called the
Ecliptic. All this is happening all at the same time and it's all working up to
a crescendo where there is going to be a sudden shift.

Research the advent of PLANET X and the cataclysms it will trigger by passing
EARTH. Being prepared and FOREWARNED gives one an EXCELLENT CHANCE to SURVIVE.

Even the majority of the earth change intuitive prophecies are tied into or name
Planet X.

BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS.... Learn how to prepare for this event and get a copy of
"BLINDSIDED, PLANET X Passes in 2003, EARTHCHANGES!" as well as shake hands with
the author Mark Hazlewood at The ARC - Alternate Realities Conference
2002... Register now to attend at WWW.ETCONFERENCE.ORG
<http://www.ETCONFERENCE.ORG> Your registrations MUST be post marked BEFORE June
15th 2002 if you wish to attend...

To get a copy of this intriguing book by Mark Hazlewood

Clear Skies, and Happy Skywatching!

Stacey Allen McGee
Founder and National Director
United States UFO Information and Research Center <> ~


Pyramid Healing ~ <>
Southern Appalachia UFO Network ~ <>
National U.F.O. Sightings ~
The ARC - Alternate Realities Center ~
Report Extraordinary Experiences online ~
The E.T. Mall and The U.F.O. Store ~ <> ~ <>
U.S.U.F.O.I.R.C. Research Complex and Building Donations ~

Mailing Address & Telephone Number:
Post Office Box 153, Unicoi, TN 37692 USA
Sightings & Information Hotline: (423) 735-0848
SAUN Meeting Information: (423) 943-6477
Email: <>

Quotes: "The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. The evidence has
been denied the American people for over 50 years!" ...UFO Investigative
Colleague and Researcher, Clifford Stone

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands, but
in seeing with new eyes." ...French Novelist, Marcel Proust"

By DeNeen L. Brown
Washington Post
Tuesday, May 28, 2002; Page A01

IQALUIT, Nunavut -- And so it has come to be, the elders say, a time when icebergs are melting, tides have changed, polar bears have thinned and there is no meaning left in a ring around the moon. Scattered clouds blowing in a wind no longer speak to elders and hunters. Daily weather markers are becoming less predictable in the fragile Arctic as its climate changes.

Inuit elders and hunters who depend on the land say they are disturbed by what they are seeing swept in by the changes: deformed fish, caribou with bad livers, baby seals left by their mothers to starve. Just the other year, a robin appeared where no robin had been seen before. There is no word for robin in Inuktitut, the Inuit language.

Elders say they are afraid of the changes. "When I was a child, if there was a ring around the sun or the moon, it meant the change of weather in the next few days. Better or worse, it was nature's message for the hunter," said David Audlakiak.

He is walking on a thick layer of ice frozen over the arctic waters. The hills behind him should still be covered in snow, but are mostly bare. As this winter ends, he says that it has been warmer than winters past. The bald spots showing the tundra are disturbing.

Audlakiak, who grew up in an igloo, says there are more signs the land, sea and animals are in turmoil. "The weather pattern has changed so much from my childhood. We have more accidents because the ice conditions change. We are living in one of the most unforgiving climates in the world. It is becoming more dangerous every year."

There is increasing evidence that the Arctic, this desert of snow, ice and killing cold wind, one of the most hostile and fragile places on Earth, is thawing. Glaciers are receding. Coastlines are eroding. Lakes are disappearing. Fall freezes are coming later. The winters are not as cold.

Mosquitoes and beetles never seen before are appearing. The sky seems to be clapping as thunderstorms roll where it was once too cold for them.

"The Inuit always observed the sun and astrology for direction and for weather," Jayko Pitseolak, an Inuit elder here, said through an interpreter.

"We were taught . . . that one day the world will change, and it has."

While scientists debate the causes of climate change and politicians debate whether to ratify the Kyoto accord to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that many scientists believe cause global warming, the Inuit who live in Canada's Far North say they are watching their world melt before their eyes.

For years, the wisdom of Inuit hunters and elders about climate in the Arctic, known as "traditional knowledge," was largely disregarded. Sometimes it was called merely anecdotal and unreliable by scientists who traveled here with their recording devices, measuring sticks and theories about the North. Some of them viewed the Inuit as ignorant about a land in which they and their ancestors have lived for thousands of years.

But in the last few years, scientists have begun paying more attention to what the Inuit are documenting, and even incorporating it into their research about changes in the climate, the prevailing weather conditions of a given area. In 1997, the Canadian government mandated that government agencies incorporate traditional knowledge into land-use decisions and consult aboriginal people about the environment.

"Traditional knowledge is very useful," said George Hobson, a
geophysicist and retired director of the Polar Continental Shelf
Project, a Canadian government agency that provided logistical support to government and university scientists researching the Arctic.

"If you go back 100 years or 200 years ago, European forefathers thought they [the Inuit] were savages. 'What did they know?' they said. But there was traditional knowledge and people were not tapping it. It was just waiting to be passed down. Some people might say, 'I'm a university
prof, what does that fellow know? He doesn't have grade six.' But when they have grade six and they have lived out on the land, they had one hell of a lot of knowledge about land and animals. They may not have had the same education, but they were not stupid. You could not be stupid and survive in that kind of climate."

During the past 40 years, average temperatures in Canada's Western Arctic have risen by 1.5 degrees Celsius, to -13.5 degrees Celsius, according to Environment Canada, the government's environment ministry. Temperatures have also risen in the Central Arctic, but not in the Eastern Arctic, where some scientists suggest there may even be a modest cooling. "Global warming doesn't mean all areas will warm," said Tom Agnew, a senior meteorologist with the Meteorological Service of Canada.
"Some will warm and some will cool a bit." Some scientists predict a rise in sea levels leading to devastating floods, thinning ice and
perhaps even an ice-free Arctic within 50 years.

Terry Fenge, former research director of the Inuit Circumpolar
Conference of Canada, said that in the last decade scientists have
acknowledged the Arctic as a barometer of climate change and the effects of pollution. "This is one of those very important areas where traditional knowledge and traditional science is coming together with Western science and they are both in essence saying the same thing: Climate change is not a future event. It is happening now."

For the Inuit, climate change poses an immediate danger to a way of life. They cannot read the weather the way they used to.

"When you think in terms of the long-term negative effects of climate change, this could be the beginning of the end of the way of life for a whole people," said Sheila Watt-Cloutier, president of the circumpolar conference. "Our cultural heritage is at stake here. We are an adaptable people. We have over the millennium been able to adapt to incredible circumstances. But I think adaptability has its limits. If the ice is not forming, how else does one adapt to seasons that are not as they used to be when the whole environment is changing underneath our feet, literally?"

For thousands of years, the Inuit have lived by rules that require them to respect animals and the land. The Inuit's ancestors are believed to have arrived in the Western Arctic about 10,000 years ago, migrating from Siberia across what was then the Bering land bridge.

They adapted to the cold climate as they hunted seals, walruses and beluga whales. It was a time "when people and animals could speak together and when spirits of the sea and the land controlled the fate of both the animal and human world," according to a report by the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada, a nonprofit Inuit organization.

Hunters would forecast the weather by looking for signs in the way animals behaved or by looking at clouds, stars, wind, snow and water currents. Some Inuit knew to expect bad weather if a caribou or seal shook its head, according to a report on traditional knowledge by the International Institute for Sustainable Development, a research institute in Winnipeg.

"In spring, Inuit expect bad weather when northbound geese reverse direction," the report said. When an echo traveled for miles, poor weather. Cold was expected when "the woodpecker's beak moves fast."

Siloah Atagoojuk, who lives here in Iqaluit, has lines on her face, but she does not want to pretend she knows more than anyone else -- nor does she try to assign blame. She is simply worried. Her world is not as it used to be and her people may not be able to adapt to it. "There is sickness in the animals," Atagoojuk says. "The flesh doesn't look good. You have to cook it extra. Even the caribou are not healthy, as fat -- same for marine animals.

We have known all along since we were little kids there will be a time when the Earth will be destroyed and destroy itself. Seems this is happening."

The sustainable development institute produced a videotape of
observations by Inuit hunters and elders that was recently shown as evidence of climate change at a conference in The Hague. In the video, hunters and elders speak about melting permafrost, shrinking glaciers and a stronger sun. There is concern that the community of Tuktuujaqtuuq, in the Western Arctic, could slide into the sea.

"Tuktuujaqtuuq is very low and very vulnerable," said Rick Armstrong, manager of scientific support services for the Nunavut Research Institute.

He said ice acts as a buffer between land and ocean and protects coastal communities from storms and erosion. "With the warming, there is a concern they may need to move buildings in Tuktuujaqtuuq."

The Inuit, many of whom toggle between the Stone Age and the Space Age, building igloos and surfing the Web, have created a Web site on which elders and hunters post their observations. "About two years ago, when we were corralling reindeer . . . the north wind started blowing and there were dead birds and dead hair seals and dolphins. All kinds of
sea birds that were washed ashore," said Herman Toolie of the community of Savoonga. "And dog salmon that were never touched by sea gull or foxes. They were never eaten.

We were wondering why. . . . One of the elders said that these things never used to happen. It is something new to them."

Near the sea's edge, the ice floes are melting. The hunters are heading out on snowmobiles. Natsiapik Naglingniq knows they are headed into danger, unable to rely on the weather or the ice, which is opening and closing,teasing those who walk across it. Just the other day, a hunter went on the local radio to warn that the ice seems to be melting from the bottom.

Naglingniq says that when she was just a girl, living in an igloo, her job was to take out the garbage and, as she did, take notice of the world.

"When I would come back in, my parents would ask, 'So what was the weather like out there?' I would explain. By explaining the weather to my parents, I learned to be able to tell what the next day's weather would be like."

In the dark, she would watch for a ring around the moon. "That would mean that it will be a bad day tomorrow." But if she saw a clear night and the stars getting closer and farther, as if they were getting bigger and smaller at the same time, "it meant it will be windy the next day."

In the past, Naglingniq says, there were good days and bad days, but not the same as the weather today, changing so rapidly that people cannot make sense of the ring around the moon or the burning circle around the sun.

"We were told by the elders at the time there will be a change,"
Naglingniq says. Beneath her fur-trimmed parka, her eyes are turning a milky gray, but she says she can see when something is amiss. Last summer, the elders saw insects they had never seen before. "The insects are larger," she says. "It has lots of legs and it is quite big. As soon as it observes humans, it curls up in a ball. It's strange." She cannot say its name. There is no word in Inuktitut for this insect...."
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Native people throughout the Americas respected corn as sacred and worked with it in numerous ceremonial settings. We moderns might say that corn is a high frequency life form that approaches the frequency necessary for opening dimensional doorways.

The natural environment in which humankind has evolved has been changed so radically that it will take decades -- in some cases centuries -- to heal the pollution on a planetary level. There's no turning back at this point, and we must ride out the storm.

Offsetting the effects of pollution is the only option available to individuals, and that can be done by controlling one's personal environment on many levels. Corn is one of the natural elements with a sufficiently high frequency to remedy one's personal environment when used properly.

"Sacred" is a English word used to describe what Euramericans observed in native practices; thus sacred did not necessarily mean the same thing to Native Americans as it did to Euramericans. Euramericans believed the native people were heathens because they did not worship the Judao-Christian god and accept Jesus as their savior, even though many Native Americans lived Christ-like teachings far more thoroughly than Euramericans.

View the sacred as that which raises consciousness, because the view of the powers of life become more visible in heightened consciousness. Efforts to increase the frequency and the awareness of your personal environment are directed to achieve heightened consciousness of all its elements.

Native people in Montana said the sage for vision quests had not grown this year (2002) due to dry conditions. If they don't get some rain soon, there won't be any sage for sun dance. This has never happened before. Sage grows in pretty dry conditions. Some farm kids from the same area said there are miles of fields where wheat is not growing this year. There's personally spoken to the native people and the farmers about these areas that have received absolutely no press.

Magnetic north is steadily trending northwest towards the Arctic Ring at an exponentially increasing rate since 1994. Canadian scientists, who watch magnetic north pretty closely, say the sun is the primary factor in the movement in magnetic north.

Pollutants are carried to polar regions -- Arctic and Antarctic -- by wind and water and accumulate there. These pollutants then make the natural cyclic changes of the planet far more difficult than they need to be.

Electromagnetic pollution is a factor that has received far less press than chemical pollutant, but, the believe, combine with chemical pollution to make a living hell. Both chemical and electromagnetic pollution are capable of causing tremendous genetic damage which is already seen in a wide variety of life systems.

Response to both the native people and the farmers observing the Pacific Northwest draught is that nobody is entitled to be surprised about these changes. They were warned in the mid-1980's the environment was in radical change and chose to ignore the warnings. Now the dramatic changes widely predicted more than two decades ago are upon us.

These environmental conditions are going to take a while to straighten out, and, hopefully, Homo sapien will be a wiser specie when the changes are complete. We'd like to see a little more respect for the Laws of Nature the Founding Fathers of America acknowledged in their Declaration of Independence and Constitution before the starving Christians overwrote these documents with Manifest Destiny...
Yes, I've read about it in the newspapers and it I just don't know what to say about it.

Things are getting worse and worse over there. :( We'll see what the final outcome will be, in time. It is a downward spiral...
hey all

hi banshee
sorry for the long time no text :(
ive been busy in the land of the materialist :(

i have only scimmed your post and will come back to read it when i have more time...
is it possible that we are not going to change and so therefor be wiped out again for another try?

it seems that the dark forces are more prevalent every day and stronger in some people i know ...
i have seen the lean away from rightouseness to foster sloth and greed
and lazzyness :(

i hope the BANKS dont winn!!!
the I.M.F C.I.A E.C.H.E.L.O.N... (echelon) .. ?sorry bad spelling?
it is the name of the computer system that is run by the C.I.A
that tapps into all Email and Phone lines, ... basicly all data is processed through it!

sorry must cut it short.
can you set up a psychic meeting?

peace and love..
keep posting banshee!

and most of all
keep grooving! :D

By Kenneth Chang
Oct. 7 — Astronomers may have found hints of a massive, distant, still unseen object at the edge of the solar system — perhaps a 10th planet, perhaps a failed companion star — that appears to be shoving comets toward the inner solar system from an orbit 3 trillion miles away.
Two teams of scientists — one in England, one at University of Louisiana at Lafayette — independently report this conclusion based on the highly elliptical orbits of so-called “long-period comets” that originate from an icy cloud of debris far, far beyond Pluto.
“We were driven to this by rejecting everything else we could think of,” says University of Louisiana physicist Daniel Whitmire.

Clump of Comets
A couple years ago, Whitmire, along fellow physicists John Matese and Patrick Whitman, noticed the farthest points of the comets’ orbits didn’t appear random but bunched together, tracing a path across the sky.
“We accidentally noticed they weren’t uniform,” Whitmire says.
First, they tried to explain the clumping from the gravitational pull from a main disk of stars in the Milky Way stars. “That ultimately didn’t work,” Whitmire says. “We’ve gone through several other models trying to explain this.”
At around the same time, John Murray, a planetary scientist at The Open University in Great Britain, made a similar observation in similar comet data. “I started puzzling what this might could be,” he says.
The most obvious but seemingly unlikely explanation would be a planet. “I thought we’d better rule that out,” he says. But as he analyzed the orbits, the farthest points appeared to fall on a circular orbital path — “which is exactly what you would expect if there was a planet out there.”
As the planet — estimated to have a mass between one and 10 Jupiters — orbits, its gravitational wake disturbs the icy debris of the outer solar system, causing some of it to plunge toward the sun as comets, sort of like an elephant ambling through a china shop.
No one has yet directly observed a 10th planet, and there could still be another cause for the cluster of comets.
The University of Louisiana research will be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Icarus. Murray’s paper will appear in Oct. 11 issue of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Very Distant
What’s surprising is just how far out there this supposed planet is. Both Murray and the University of Louisiana physicists put the planet in an orbit about 3 trillion miles — or half a light-year — from the sun. The nearest star is four light-years away.
To put this distance in perspective, consider a miniaturized version of the solar system in which Earth is one inch from the sun. On this scale, Pluto, the ninth planet would be a bit more than a yard from the sun. The new planet, by contrast, would be a half-mile distant.
At that great distance, the 10th planet would be too dim to see by current telescopes, although there is some hope that if it exists, the next generation of space-based infrared telescopes might be able to pick it up.
Murray hypothesizes the planet may have been wandering through the galaxy before being captured by the solar system’s gravity. Whitmire suggests it is a “brown dwarf,” or a failed star, a companion to the sun that was too small to light up.
Although suggestive, the findings are not conclusive. While Murray and the Louisiana physicists agree how distant the new object is, they trace out very different orbits. Murray considers the orbits of 13 comets with the most accurately known orbits; the Louisiana team considers 82.

Too Early to Look for a Name
“It’s possibly suggestive,” comments Brian Marsden, associate director for planetary sciences at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass. “I don’t want to bet on it. We’re certainly not going to name it.”
Whitmire agrees it’s too early to say definitely there’s something out there.
“Until it’s found, you can never be overly confident,” he says. “We know in science you can be fooled by statistics.” But he adds, “If I was betting, it’s better than 50-50 odds that it’s there.”