Earth Changes...Message

Pollux V, you are asking for doom information all the time. Well, here you have one of them. I am not bothered with it in any way though. My life is as sunny as I make it. I suggest you do the same and leave the asking for doom information out, if you don't want to have it after all...:confused:
Well proving how illogical these armaggedon theories are always makes my days sunny:D
Now its my turn to post something about armaggedon I saw on my favorite paranormal

Read the article, it's short and interesting. The one problem I have with this theory, that every 3600 years Nibiru rotates around the sun, right? This means that it has a very slow orbit, and if and when it starts its journey to the inner planets, wouldn't we be able to easily see it with our own eyes? Plus is it even likely that Earth will be on the same side of the sun as Nibiru? A lot of factors have to come together to make Nibiru work as the ultimate armaggedon, and I think that if it were to crash into earth in eleven years then we'd probably see it outside the orbit of mars because it'd be so damn close and its orbit is so slow.
Hey Shrike,

i have posted an article in astronomy forum that you might want to take a look at.


A time when humankind first emerged from the test from the research laboratory of galactic scientists who manipulated Apewoman was the backdrop of the longer 275,601-year resonant cycle to Sept 11. Zecharia Sitchin's Time Chart from "The Wars Of Gods And Men" notes 300,000 B.C. as the date of Homo sapiens' genesis, and the 275,601-year marker was a time when Homo sapien had started to multiply on the Earth.

300,000 B.C. - The Anunnaki [ET scientists] toiling in the gold mines mutiny. Enki and Ninharsag create Primitive Workers through genetic manipulaton of Apewoman; they take over the manual chores of the Anunnaki. Enlil raids the mines, brings the Primitive Workers to the Edin in Mesopotamia. Given the ability to procreate, Homo sapiens begins to multiply.

200,000 B.C. - Life on Earth regresses during a new glacial period.

What's so interesting about this is the parallel between the ET scientists who mutinied against laboring in the gold mines, and the current protests against the World Trade Organizations efforts to put humankind on their game board as a labor pool. In 200,000 Life on Earth regressed, and genetic changes now attributed to global warming reflects the early stages of another regression.

It looks like humankind is acting out the events set in motion by the Anunnaki at the beginning of Homo sapiens' existence. Perhaps we can move out of the human mold the Anunnaki put in place and create a new beginning with the influx of novelty at the timewave's zero point in 2012...;)
Pollux V...

Did you lose it now? What do you want to know? More about the Anunnaki or timewave's zero point in 2012?

Thought you knew all about the Anunnaki? Reading the article you posted, you must know more about this particular subject.

Well, let me know, always happy when I see your posts. I'll be at your sevice...:cool:
Please tell me you don't <i>really</i> believe that stuff, Banshee.

Where are these gold mines? Where's the evidence of them? Where do your dates come from? For that matter, where does this whole story come from? It reads like a bad 1940s pulp science fiction story.
Banshee is right...

Have you guys heard the news? Some volcanoes are erupting. One in Africa some weeks ago and Etna recently. Banshee is probably right. There have been more Earth activity lately...
Is this a sign of what Banshee says it will happen?

Speaking of Vulcano Eruptions...

Guess it is certainly a sign yes.:( There is a lot of Vulcano activity going on. The following article is only 1 of them. Vulcano activity will increase, as will Earth quakes. Sign of the times...:rolleyes:

Alert as volcano explodes 400 times an hour

A sharp increase in activity by a volcano near a major tourist centre has led to the declaration of an alert in three states in central Guatemala.

The number of explosions within the Volcano del Fuego - or Volcano of Fire - has increased to about 400 per hour from the usual 75 or so.

A flow of glowing lava was seen running down the volcano's south slope.

National disaster officials declared the alert for the departments of Escuintla, Chimaltenango and Sacatepequez, warning that residents of the area should be ready for possible evacuations.

The 3,763 metre volcano overlooks colonial Antigua, which was the capital of Guatemala until an eruption by the Volcan del Fuego caused a mudslide that buried it in 1541.

One of the hemisphere's most active volcanos, it has erupted repeatedly since 1524. The last major eruption was in 1974, but activity in 1999 forced evacuation of nearby villages.

A volcano of the same name in the state of Colima, Mexico, also has been erupting in recent days.

Story filed: 17:35 Monday 11th February 2002
Near here, where I live, is Yellowknife. Some Scientists reported big activity in Yellowknife. There is no volcano there, but there is risks of "eruptions" (or whatever) in an area of hundreds of kilometers... How does this works? Do you know? Is it those kind of earthquakes that opens the ground and the lava comes up?


Prehaps I can give you an answer. In an article I read sometime back, (please don't ask for a link as I don't even remember where) there was made mention that in the midwest is a large area that is thought to be a weak area in the plate. In this area, satellite measurement has made the indication that it is a large bulge. This bulge is thought to be made from magma being close to the surface. And it is slowly growing. The danger area was thought to be able to extend to the Texas vicinity should another eruption occur. This is quite a large area. It may be possible to do a search of the internet and recover the article.

The one I heard about is in Canada. But It seems it is the same case as this one. Thanks for the explanation.

Great thread Banshee!!

4 what its worth in Mar '86 Paul Tuttle channeling Raj mentions a little of this type stuff - the relevant bits at the bottom but I'll paste the whole section - he says its going to be gradual but hey - He may be in on the 'keep the people calm' conspiracy!

If you want anymore of this go

QUESTION: Is there something cataclysmic that is going to occur on our planet or this solar system in the next 30 years on the material plane?
RAJ: Each dimension is embraced in the succeeding dimension. Therefore, the first is embraced within the second. The first and second are embraced within the third. The first, second, and third are embraced in the fourth. This plane of existence does not exist independent of the Whole. It is in actuality the visibility and tangibility of the Fourth Dimension, which is Conscious Being.
Although there is a major shift of consciousness, which will be occurring, which, to the ego, will be cataclysmic because it will mean the end of the ego sense, it will nevertheless constitute the clearer and clearer vision of Reality. And this is a wholizing process rather than a disintegrating process. It is the ego, which projects calamity-“The End of The World.” Its purpose is to conflict you so as to keep you from being centered, because, of course, being centered is what is going to promote the shift.
My answer to you is, no. So, you can dare to get about the business of giving your attention to your own transformation.
QUESTION: I probably chose the wrong words on that question. You spoke of a dramatic change in mankind. Will there also be a change in the physical nature of our world? I’m looking for elucidation on the transformation of mankind from the ego to the Fourth Dimension.
RAJ: As incredible as it might seem, it will involve every single individuality, from an aborigine in Australia to your most advanced scientists. You may understand it most easily in this way: The sun is quite capable of arousing the most educated individual in the morning,
as it is the most uneducated.
Waking up has absolutely nothing to do with the degree of education one has, or apparent spiritual progress, or obedience to religious rules. It is literally a matter of opening one’s eyes, because each one already is what he imagines he is moving toward. This is wonderful for those who might feel uneducated. And it might come as a shock to those who have worked so hard to develop a very marvelous superstructure of spirituality. But it needs to be understood that you are what you Are at the essence or kernel of your Being, and it doesn’t have anything to do with what you are understanding with your logical thought processes.
You are Meaning in the act of fulfilling Its purpose or Intent to be what It is. It is ultimately simple. It is totally nonconceptual. It is totally nonintellectual. It is what you are at your essence. This is why it is essential to relax, to become still. You must allow that which You already Are to emerge, and the emergence will not happen when you are so busy “thinking.”
Anyone who is actively practicing the Power of Positive Thinking is not in a position to experience the fundamental Orderliness of Life that is going on before a thought is thought. Yet, it is only as one releases the sense of having to maintain order, and is quiet enough and attentive enough to experience the Orderliness of Life, Itself, that any sense of peace and stability can emerge at an experiential level, so that there is confidence because of what Life is and not confidence because of the skillful way in which you are handling life.
Part of the marvelous transition will be the discovery that what you are calling the physical plane is only apparently a physical plane from within the three-dimensional-only frame of reference. The fact is that everything you call “physical” is absolutely mental. Is that marvelous enough for you?
Every single thing, which you see, whether it looks like redwood or birch or plaster or thread or cloth, is absolutely mental. It is a conscious experience. You say, “Yes, but I can feel it. It has weight. It has density. It has color. It refracts light in such and such a way.” But, the feel of it is also a conscious experience! Density is a mental experience. Texture is absent if there is no consciousness to experience it.
Now, the substance of every single idea or Meaning is Love. So, you will have the opportunity not only to experience the absolute mental nature-as opposed to purely physical nature-of forms, but the fact that it is Love expressed in form. Therefore, as well as expressing line and form and color, it is also expressing Love. It is illumined with Love. It is expressing Love-love that you can feel. Every single thing you see is a communication of Love at this instant, and in times of illumination it is possible to experience them that way, and it is just a glimpse of the incredible nature of this shift of consciousness.
You will have the added joy of not feeling separate from it in any way. You will be loved by a Love that is not different from You. There will be no sense of separateness from It, even though the apparent structure, the space-time continuum, will still be perceived. But, you will be able to own it all as You, as some aspect of the infinitude of your Being. As this happens increasingly, everything that you see will become less and less subject to dysfunctions of any kind. Ideas do not die, because they have arisen from the infinite Mind, the Life-Principle, and are as eternal as that Life-Principle.
So, yes, there will, indeed, be great transformation, a great leveling of the inequities, both in terms of relationships of all kinds as well as in terms of the imbalance, which is increasing at a “physical level” on your planet-the pollution, et cetera.
I will share with you also that there will be a shift of the poles, a shift of the axis of the earth. But, it will happen gradually, harmoniously, as the evidence of the clarification going on in individual consciousness in mankind as a whole.
Wonderful Post...

Guess everybody reading the post made by Jaames understands by now the real meaning of the very first post, made in this thread, better.

Thank you Jaames, good link too. I appreciate this very much...:)
we've got armaggeDON, we've got armaggeDON, bumbah duhma bumBAH...

....well, one way or another. Banshee and jaames why do you even bother with these 'mystics,' why not just write repeatedly:!!
Oh Pollux V, why do you even bother to read it, if it makes no sense to you.

Vaguely I remember you, wanting to know everything about it. Did you have a kind of 'selfconvienent' memory loss...?:p
Pollux V..

By the way, real nice, new avatar you have. And new 'lyrics' to go with it. Wonderful...;)
A look at prediction for zero-point

In the process of learning to predict events that are probable in cyclic periods, some conclusions have been reached that are pretty far off the beaten path. The viewpoint of predicting produces such a diverse perspective from the viewpoints learned as a child that is suspected that the biblical admonishments against soothsaying was a strategy to tighten the noose around humanity's ability to control its own destiny. That's an obtuse statement and obscure viewpoint, don't want to go into a lot more explanation here.

Once a person sets out to predict events, sources, whys and wheres that you wouldn't question otherwise become more apparent. One thing that has become clear in the search for underlying causes necessary to predict is the startling string of events that lead back to the desire of humans to control humanity.

Even more startling is the desire of some humans to be controlled, because they feel out of control and, in fact, are out of control. Conclusion is that sheer despair drives the actions of such a large number of humans, particularly religious fundamentalists of all stripes and strains, that they have lost hope in themselves and others. Therefore, anyone or anything that promises to control looks good to them.

In a situation described here, the Internet would be a perfect target to get the hopeless under better control. It's not hard to imagine that an effort could come from the highest levels who ride on human despair with promises to get other people under control.

We are in a melt-down of human beliefs that began its last phase around 1945 and reaches zero point in 2012. Pressed for a date for the next onslaught, I would guess that the autumn of 2002 would be a good date, because that's when historical stability, the re-enactment of history, reaches a small peak. But that peak lasts only a short period then collapses into novelty again. The last semblence of historical stability collapses in 2008.

The trend moves in peaks and valleys, and the next major peak of historical stability will come next fall. To predict a peak of historical stability one must take a good look at the history of Planet Earth, and a good look at our history reveals a saga of tyranny and victimization. This is the background with which we are approaching zero point, and fast and heavy efforts to achieve this historical goal should be expected...
