Does this happen a lot at your schools?


Hellenistic polytheist
Valued Senior Member
Fights. Full-blown fist-fight fights. Today, we had our homecoming parade in 3rd Period. On the way back into the school (the parade was in the main road near the school), no less that five but no more than seven fights occurred.
I personally witnessed one, I was not more than six feet away from it. This white girl, her name is Abby King, she was in my German class last year and is in my Latin class this year, was hit in the head by a black girl behind her with an umbrella. She then shouted that she hated black people, I presume in anger, and the black girls behind her started to hit her in the head, which turned into a horde of 30 people chasing her. There were so many people chasing her, that the doors were clogged.
I was in the schoolbuilding, starting to walk up the stairs. I was on the 4th step, when the she turned the corner, and all of the black kids piled in and started issuing a major whupping on her.
About four or five black girls had pushed her into the wall, punched her in the head, knocked her to the ground, and started to stomp on her head, kicking her in the face and ribs, and stepping all over her. It was un-****ing-believable. It was just...brutal. Oh, and then, she ran up the stairs, followed by the kids, who found her trying to get to the library, and they pushed her up the a locker and started hitting her again, then a teacher came a broke the fight up.
The whole school was buzzing about this for the rest of the day.

I'm asking two questions here:
1. Do fights happen frequently at your school, and how many insofar?

2. Did this girl deserve what she got? Explain.

To me, what the kids did to her was a bit too brutal and cruel. I mean, what she said was probably just in anger, after all she had been hit in the head with an umbrella. She got the **** beat out her, and I think that is going way too far. I mean, what she said was stupid and wrong to say in a public school, especially when there are a lot of black kids around you, but it's not something meriting a severe beating like that. And this beatin' was just..nasty.
People shouldn't concentrate on such trivial things like race, religion, ethnicity, etc. It leads to brutal violence like this.

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1. Not often, but I didn't particiate in these inherently violent sports events.

2. Yes, she deserved it.
It did not happen when I went to school.

No she did not deserve that sort of a whopping by that many students. It only will cause her to become more embittered about blacks by the way they all "jumped in". Where were the teachers or are they panzies that don't get involved?
They were either outside, upstairs, or dealing with the other 4-6 fights.
Hapsburg said:
Can you explain why you think she deserved it?
She should have forgiven a mere accident, but if not, she could have at least addressed her comments to the person who offended her, and not all black people.
Nope, no, no, no. J.B, you are not going to start spread your fucking racist propaganda in this thread.
This thread is about school fights, not your false beliefs of racial inferiority.
Nope, not in Wales. Fairly peaceful here. Can't remember the last time there was a fight here in QEHS (Formerly QE Cambria and QE Maridunum, now amalgamated)
Back in my freshman/sophmore year like 10-11 years ago, during the Proposition 187 here in California where they wanted to get rid of illegal aliens (which the law passed in the state but the Supreme Court or Senate -- I forget which -- overturned it), and also during the time when gangsta rap first started taking off and all the gangster movies were coming out, also the movie Malcom X where everyone wore their African gear and Cross Colors for the battling dancers, the L.A. Riots, and all that was happening with Rodney King and Reginal Denny, there used to be a lot of racial tension.

During lunch, we'd have local gangs hop the fence into our school and beat up certain people and sometimes there'd be huge ass fights and riots. Cops would have to be on guard a lot and they've used pepperspray/mace a lot of times. In those two years, we went through like 6 principals, heh. My best friend also got in a few fights, mainly caused by rude ass black girls talking smack to antagonize whites which would result in their black boyfriends stepping in.

Also a year prior in Jr High, some local gang member assaulted and hit the principal over the head with those minature Dodger bats! A bus also got drive-byed.

And during one anti-prop 187 march, all the local Mexican high school kids left their schools in a pre-planned (this is why I don't doubt those crazy ass Aztlan's having some sorta mass surprise uprising) march towards town center, breaking windows, vandalizing cars, and all sorts of things on their way there. Those were some crazy times.

This also all took place in Oxnard.. biggest city between L.A. and Frisco. A high population of Mexicans but it's a pretty good town, on the coast between Santa Barbara and Malibu.

- N
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School violence arrestees were more often black (71.5%) than white (28.5%). Asians and Native Americans accounted for less than 1 percent of all school violence arrestees. School violence was largely intra-racial, 76.1% of victims and arrestees were members of the same racial category.

Black males constituted the single largest group of arrestees for school violence by race/sex categorization, followed by black females, white males and white females respectively. Asian and Native American males and females combined accounted for .3% of total arrestees.
J.B, again, this thread isn't about race. Stop making it about it.
If you can't discuss the actual topic propery, then just don't post.
I can't stand how racist black people are, yet they never get accused of it since they're black. It's pretty ridiculous.
Hapsburg said:
J.B, again, this thread isn't about race. Stop making it about it. If you can't discuss the actual topic propery, then just don't post.

Ye're wrong, Hap! It is about race, dammit, and you might as well admit it. In fact, I'd suggest that you re-read YOUR OWN fuckin' topic-post, then tell me why you think it's NOT about a "race issue".

Baron Max
It's not about race. We are here to talk about school fights and whether or not Abby got what she deserved, not your racist theories.
Hapsburg said:
It's not about race. We are here to talk about school fights and whether or not Abby got what she deserved, not your racist theories.

Then why did you even mention the race of the girls in your original post? Why even bring it up if you didn't want it to center on racial issues? YOU, Hap, were the one to bring race into the discussion, not anyone else!! If you don't think so, please read your original post more carefully.

Baron Max
I'm asking two questions here:
1. Do fights happen frequently at your school, and how many insofar?

2. Did this girl deserve what she got? Explain.

School violence arrestees were more often black (71.5%) than white (28.5%). Asians and Native Americans accounted for less than 1 percent of all school violence arrestees. School violence was largely intra-racial, 76.1% of victims and arrestees were members of the same racial category.

1. I went to an all black school in FLA. There were very few fights at my school. No reason to fight. N0 racial issues there. No segregation there. Everyone had nearly the same things (upbringing etc....). Maybe one or two fights over relationships but that was about it. There were some white people who attended my school but they fit in perfectly with our other words they were COOL.
2. This girl deserved to be hit but only by the person she offended. OOPS, she did offend all blacks right? :confused: She did not need to be beat and chased. But what she said was very offensive. Even white people or any other race of people should be very offended by the comment she made if she was speaking about that race of people. An accident is just accident.
ReighnStorm said:
This girl deserved to be hit but only by the person she offended.

Interesting, Rieghn're advocating violence/physical vengence/vigilate actions just because someone feels offended by a verbal comment??? Oooh, are you sure that you wish to stand by the comment?

ReighnStorm said:
OOPS, she did offend all blacks right?

Do we not have the right to hate anyone that we want to hate? ..even if it's an entire race or culture? That should NOT offend people or a race. What should offend them MORE is to be forbidden to voice ones opinions, even if it is hatred!

ReighnStorm said:
I went to an all black school in FLA. .... N0 racial issues there. No segregation there.

No segregation???? An "all black" school IS segregation!!

However, I see that ye're finally coming around to my opinion that segragation is the best way to combat rasism and racial hatred. Congratulations, Reighn.

Baron Max
Yip Haps are resident-racist homophobic misogynists are here here like sharks on blood

cant believe you actually asked if that girl deserved that mass beating.....? N O!
NOone deserves gettin hit. period

school is theproblem, and school is a micro-beginner for the big macro which is one big violent mess
duendy said:
school is theproblem, and school is a micro-beginner for the big macro which is one big violent mess

Do our schools teach kids that it's okay to beat the shit outta' others??? What class is that? Perhaps we should have our teachers quit teaching that subject, then all would be wonderful with the world, huh?

Baron Max