Does life on other planets exists???


And animals do not turn to rock under the right circumstances, eh? lol


hmm, may be kidna true, animals do turn into ashes, or it's bones, slowly by time turn into ash, also rocks can be buldozed, and buldozed again, to make it like ashes,
but, i don't think they can turn into rock, but they can in cartoon, or anime,

and you shouldnt call him stupid, his kinda, smart, to think like that, to think deeply, but he also needs more facts, and reaserches, and more knoledge about life, but he don't know much of those, so, he's thinking is kidna silly, but i don't say stupid, if just got that idea and thoght about it, it means he have a brain,
oh i haev a question to him,
are you alive?
i can prove that plant is exactly like humans, or animals
if you remove the brain from the animal, or the human, he will be like a plant, useless, just a body, just a structure,
and i know what you mean teh difference between alive, and living,
i can feal it, but, the feal is not always true, what a human or an animal ecauls without a brain,
anyway, there are some plants, that eat fly, and other insects, with some kidna of reactions,

as for the gellyfish, it's not an animal, it's a structure, it's liek a moving colony, the big cover of teh jellyfish, is just a roof, what under it, is many little creature,s or organisms, each of them have a role, they are like many creatures stuck together under one roof, like a family, but the jelyfish don't have a brain, it's just a thing, cant call it alive, as a jellyfish, it's not alive, but as what's under it, it is alive,

There are other senses involved so a brain is nice but not a strict requirement for being alive. sensory organs or thing that, frankly, i nor anyone else is aware of presently, but they can perform simialr functions.
I know he communicated with you via PM.
Also wrong.
You believe (on no evidence) the same way you believe that trees aren't alive: i.e. totally incorrectly.
I wasn't even aware Enmos was logged in until I saw his post.
In other words: if you have ridiculous ideas back them up or don't post them. It only makes you appear to be more stupid.
There are other senses involved so a brain is nice but not a strict requirement for being alive. sensory organs or thing that, frankly, i nor anyone else is aware of presently, but they can perform simialr functions.

hm, yeah, but still there a huge difference between alive=living things VS non-living things
but brain is the difference, between, alive, and living
hmm, may be kidna true, animals do turn into ashes, or it's bones, slowly by time turn into ash, also rocks can be buldozed, and buldozed again, to make it like ashes,
but, i don't think they can turn into rock, but they can in cartoon, or anime,
Umm.. animals do turn into 'rock'. It's called fossilization. The organic materials of the organism are gradually replaced by minerals.

and you shouldnt call him stupid, his kinda, smart, to think like that, to think deeply, but he also needs more facts, and reaserches, and more knoledge about life, but he don't know much of those, so, he's thinking is kidna silly, but i don't say stupid, if just got that idea and thoght about it, it means he have a brain,
oh i haev a question to him,
are you alive?
I didn't call him stupid, but I could have.
There are other senses involved so a brain is nice but not a strict requirement for being alive. sensory organs or thing that, frankly, i nor anyone else is aware of presently*, but they can perform simialr functions.
Exactly: so why is a tree not alive?

* You may not be aware of them, but I'm sure other people are.
Also wrong.
You believe (on no evidence) the same way you believe that trees aren't alive: i.e. totally incorrectly.
I wasn't even aware Enmos was logged in until I saw his post.
In other words: if you have ridiculous ideas back them up or don't post them. It only makes you appear to be more stupid.

enmos did NOT PM you in the last hour? Be honest.

john i have a very good questions for you,
and answer me

Are you alive? Are you a living? Are you a plant? Are you a mater?
Tell me enmos did NOT PM you in the last hour.

I PM-ed no one in the last hour. I advice you to take back your lies immediately.

And, FYI, both Dywyddyr and I are invisible. So even if I did PM him you have no way of knowing that.
Umm.. animals do turn into 'rock'. It's called fossilization. The organic materials of the organism are gradually replaced by minerals.

I didn't call him stupid, but I could have.

actually, fossilisation, is not an animal turn into rocks, for example, le's take a turtle, when turtle dies in soem surquestences, maybe mud, or the sediment materials, that later will take the animal's shape.
the turtle house, will stay into that mater, it will leave a trace, when the mater become rock, after it filled the inner body of the turtle, it finally, will have it's shape,
like making a copy but from a different matter
Tell me enmos did NOT PM you in the last hour.
Which bit of:
And yet another stupid assumption on your part.
Enmos sent me nothing.
I wasn't even aware Enmos was logged in until I saw his post.
do you not understand?

Just for your information my last PM from Enmos is dated 29th January 2010, and I didn't even know he was around (as stated) until I saw his post #72.
actually, fossilisation, is not an animal turn into rocks, for example, le's take a turtle, when turtle dies in soem surquestences, maybe mud, or the sediment materials, that later will take the animal's shape.
the turtle house, will stay into that mater, it will leave a trace, when the mater become rock, after it filled the inner body of the turtle, it finally, will have it's shape,
like making a copy but from a different matter

actually, fossilisation, is not an animal turn into rocks, for example, le's take a turtle, when turtle dies in soem surquestences, maybe mud, or the sediment materials, that later will take the animal's shape.
the turtle house, will stay into that mater, it will leave a trace, when the mater become rock, after it filled the inner body of the turtle, it finally, will have it's shape,
like making a copy but from a different matter

I dont know what he was trying to show with that example. It doesnt even fit with what was discussed. I think he is conditioned to respond with something fossil related when there is no real response.