Does life on other planets exists???

We KNOW there are no intelligent lifeforms in our solar system, aside from Earth.
We know no such thing. It's limiting our search to assume all intelligent life must be like us, must do the things we do, and must show up as we do. Maybe they live in gas giants and travel via wormholes between them. Maybe they live underground and teleport between planets. Maybe they float around in the toxic (to us) atmosphere of planets like Venus, and we simply can't see them. Maybe a hive mind of little bug-like things on Titan that doesn't need our sort of technology to survive, yet is capable of thought and communication.
We know no such thing

When i say intelligent i mean intelligence beyond an insect or some bacteria. I should make that distinction previously. Of course we know full well that no INTELLIGENT life forms exist in our solar system, aside from the Earth. The conditions on none of the other planets would support this type of life, aside from bacteria, so how would you explain complex life forms being on those planets.

What about the planets where we can SEE the surface of?
I'm not assuming intelligent life is bacteria, nor that it is anything like us. What if there's intelligent life swimming in oceans under the ice of Europa? Heck, what if there is intelligent life within Earth's crust? We generally don't go down there, and any form of intelligent life under our feet would have far more living area that we humans have (since their world is up and down as well, while we exist just atop the crust).
I didnt know planets were hollow.

Start another thread on it because this thread is in Religion Forum.
I didnt know planets were hollow.

Start another thread on it because this thread is in Religion Forum.

WTF are you talking about?

Look, this ain't difficult. Take a sphere the size of Earth. Subtract a sphere the size of Earth minus the crust layer. That gives you a 3-dimensional region which is far greater in volume than the area which is inhabited by humans. Humans live on a plain, the two-dimensional surface of the planet (yes, it maps around in 3 dimensions, but we essentially live on a plain). The skin of the crust. And only on the parts of it that aren't covered in water. The crust is:


Which is a 3-dimensional volume, with up and down. And that's only assuming creatures which may live in tunnels and such.

There could also be life further in, things such as archaea or some other extremophile, which might inhabit an even broader up-and-down region of the sphere.
Aaaand this belongs in Religion because.....?

well im not 100% sure on this as i dont read the bible but, now correct me if im wrong" does the bible even mention life outside ours, or even state or point tward humans being the only intelegent life or all intelligent life is on earth? now the reason for this to be in religion is if we did find life outside our planet and the bible doesnt mention it then wouldnt that somewhat throw religion out the window?
I am beginning to seriously doubt that. It is VERY possible that no other notable life forms exist anywhere else. As it stands now, none of the planets we are able to observe have any life at all.
John, this is due, in part at least, to the fact that the very technology we currently use is totally unable to pick up earth-like planets. We can only see large, gas giant type planets, but not because there aren't other types of planets out there, rather we just can't find them.

Imagine a magnifying glass vs a microscope - they both allow us to see greater detail, but a magnifying glass will not, for example, allow you to see bacteria.

So the fact that the three hundred odd planets we have so far discovered does not speak at all to the presence (or lack) of other "earth-type" planets.

Just FYI... :)

there was a news recently, that pluto, started to melt, it's ice started to melt, it began to ge warmer, and ice is truning into water,
it's in his new sicle that happen each 256 years,
after they thoght that pluto is a giant ice ball, but they were wrong, it seems that it is a planet,
there was a news recently, that pluto, started to melt, it's ice started to melt, it began to ge warmer, and ice is truning into water, it's in his new sicle that happen each 256 years, after they thoght that pluto is a giant ice ball, but they were wrong, it seems that it is a planet,
M*W: I think they changed their minds again.
John, this is due, in part at least, to the fact that the very technology we currently use is totally unable to pick up earth-like planets. We can only see large, gas giant type planets, but not because there aren't other types of planets out there, rather we just can't find them.

Imagine a magnifying glass vs a microscope - they both allow us to see greater detail, but a magnifying glass will not, for example, allow you to see bacteria.

So the fact that the three hundred odd planets we have so far discovered does not speak at all to the presence (or lack) of other "earth-type" planets.

Just FYI... :)

You should post some references.

Also, there is a distinction between life and intelligent life. My posts were assuming an intelligent life form. Bacteria is not, afaik, intelligent life form although it is a hell of a lot closer than a tree or plant which have some associations with what people would view\perceive as living but certainly not alive.

Therefore, the bacteria is in the realm of human life, to a degree, and the tree is one level above a rock (as an example). It is no coincidence that trees\wood, under the right conditions, turn into rocks.
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Bacteria is not, afaik, intelligent life form although it is a hell of a lot closer than a tree or plant which have some associations with what people would view\perceive as living but certainly not alive.
More rubbish from you.
Trees are certainly alive.

the tree is one level above a rock (as an example). It is no coincidence that trees\wood, under the right conditions, turn into rocks.
Even more specious nonsense.
They are not alive

i know this.
No, you (incorrectly) believe this.

What makes you say they are alive?
Because it's a fact, of which everyone, except, apparently, you are aware.
This thread highlights your sustained and repeated (and obviously successful since you've posted the same nonsensical and incorrect assertion again) attempts to maintain that ignorance.
My question to you was:

What makes YOU think they are alive?

Anything alive has awareness, trees do not have any awareness. This is eaily tested and can be confirmed.

Tress cannot move according to their own free will. Now look at ocean coral. Some erroneously consider them to be plant like but they are certainly not, i know why they are considered to be some form of plant so o need to focus on that. However, they are animals due to their awareness, amongst other things. I dont think anything can be both plant and animal.

Trees are NOT alive. The live (in a sense) but they are not alive. If i take an ice cube and put it on my desk would you consider it to be alive? and when it melts i suppose you consider ti dead.
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My question to you was:
So what?
YOU made the initial statement.

Anything alive has awareness, trees do not have any awareness. This is eaily tested and can be confirmed.
Also wrong: it can be, as has been, shown that trees (as do most, if not all, plants) possess some degree of awareness.

Tress cannot move according to their own free will.
Which has nothing to do with being alive or not.

Trees are NOT alive.

The live (in a sense) but they are not alive.
If they live then they are alive.

If i take an ice cube and put it on my desk would you consider it to be alive? and when it melts i suppose you consider ti dead.
False assumption on your part.