Does life on other planets exists???

you have to realize that an ice cube goes through a transformation process as well and needs certain requirements to be met in order to stay in its form.

to answer on your question, that trees or plants are not alive:

first, if a tree didnt get sunlight, or water, it will stopc growing, her leafs will fall, it want produce anything

trees breath air right? it use oxygen at night, when there's no sunlight,
in day, it produce oxygene, but more than she use at the nigh,
she grow,
she use water
she creat it's organic materials,
she give fruits
she give other organic stuff that she needs, also other stuff, like some trees that produce things like gum, or plastic,
when it's dead, it don't produce it,

alive, doesnt mean, to walk, and to think, or to move, it's just to make something, to make a difference, to have a role in nature
if trees weren't alive, then they are useless on the planet, they don't have any role, so, when you get rid of all of them, it want make a difference to the planet, that's what you think? but no, it do have a very very big role, in nature, earth's atmoshere, in other plants, that need to grow in their shadow, also animals, burds, insects,

if trees are not alive, or they are just as rocks, or sand, then, why we cant find trees on moon, or planet mars, or anyother planet???
Humans share about 35% of their DNA with daffodils. Plants and trees have DNA. Only living things have the building blocks of life, DNA.


the ice cuba is not living, cause, it don't use any other material,
like trees or animals, they breath air,
also, it's water, have a law tempature,
water is alive, no it's not alive, if water is alive, then why you cant see, maybe, a water geny, or, an animal of water, and nothing but watern
why water don't do some behaviour, or breath, or do something, or produce,
producing, is the biggest role of being alive, using, and producing
to answer on your question, that trees or plants are not alive:

first, if a tree didnt get sunlight, or water, it will stopc growing, her leafs will fall, it want produce anything

trees breath air right? it use oxygen at night, when there's no sunlight,
in day, it produce oxygene, but more than she use at the nigh,
she grow,
she use water
she creat it's organic materials,
she give fruits
she give other organic stuff that she needs, also other stuff, like some trees that produce things like gum, or plastic,
when it's dead, it don't produce it,

if trees are not alive, or they are just as rocks, or sand, then, why we cant find trees on moon, or planet mars, or anyother planet???

I am aware of this.
That is where your confusion is. Tell me why the tree is living and the ice cube is not living.
The confusion is solely yours.
A tree is alive, an ice cube isn't.
A tree is an organism, an ice cube isn't.

Try Wiki:
1. Homeostasis: Regulation of the internal environment to maintain a constant state; for example, electrolyte concentration or sweating to reduce temperature.
2. Organization: Being structurally composed of one or more cells, which are the basic units of life.
3. Metabolism: Transformation of energy by converting chemicals and energy into cellular components (anabolism) and decomposing organic matter (catabolism). Living things require energy to maintain internal organization (homeostasis) and to produce the other phenomena associated with life.
4. Growth: Maintenance of a higher rate of anabolism than catabolism. A growing organism increases in size in all of its parts, rather than simply accumulating matter.
5. Adaptation: The ability to change over a period of time in response to the environment. This ability is fundamental to the process of evolution and is determined by the organism's heredity as well as the composition of metabolized substances, and external factors present.
6. Response to stimuli: A response can take many forms, from the contraction of a unicellular organism to external chemicals, to complex reactions involving all the senses of multicellular organisms. A response is often expressed by motion, for example, the leaves of a plant turning toward the sun (phototropism) and by chemotaxis.
7. Reproduction: The ability to produce new individual organisms, either asexually from a single parent organism, or sexually from two parent organisms.

you have to realize that an ice cube goes through a transformation process and needs certain requirements to be met in order to stay in its form.
So what?
the ice cuba is not living, cause, it don't use any other material,
like trees or animals, they breath air,
also, it's water, have a law tempature,
water is alive, no it's not alive, if water is alive, then why you cant see, maybe, a water geny, or, an animal of water, and nothing but watern
why water don't do some behaviour, or breath, or do something, or produce,
producing, is the biggest role of being alive, using, and producing

No all liquid can freeze. The point is that certain criteria needs to be met for this ice cube to form. When those criteria subsist the cube no longer exists. So for all intents and purposes, it is dead. That is if you use Dwyders arguments. I do not, so i never considered the ice cube to be alive.

Water in most cases, except sterilized is full of living organisms.
No all liquid can freeze. The point is that certain criteria needs to be met for this ice cube to form. When those criteria subsist the cube no longer exists. So for all intents and purposes, it is dead. That is if you use Dwyders arguments. I do not, so i never considered the ice cube to be alive.

Water in most cases, except sterilized is full of living organisms.

all liquides can freeze, but in different tempatures,
also, not all waters are full with living things, we can boil water, and put some chimicales, and make it pure, no organisms,
so we can say, air is alive?
or all earth is alive,
or maybe teh sun is alive, maybe fire is alive?
and here you said it, full with living things, but not alive, it's not one builded core, or body, or structure,
So for all intents and purposes, it is dead. That is if you use Dwyders arguments.
At no point did I claim that ice cubes are alive: that was YOUR assumption accredited to me.
Humans share about 35% of their DNA with daffodils. Plants and trees have DNA. Only living things have the building blocks of life, DNA.


My first comment to that is: this is what we know, this is what we are aware of. Of course it is all well and good but there is a whole lot more to it than that.

I said trees were living, just that they are not alive. Some can see the difference, but this is a matter of visualization and perception.

ok, then, asnwer those questions,
is fire alive?
is water alive?
is gas alive?
is rock alive?

=> if yes, then the sun is alive, the hall earth is alive, planets are alive, the dark matter is alive, the hall univerce is alive,
it's like saying outer-space, space, isn't actually a space, nothing in it, the outer space is full with dark matter, and other matters, wich i'm sure we don't know them, all the material that we know, is just 3 percent of the hall deal, the kind of matter we know is just 3 percent, imagine this,
so, the hall outer-structure, is alive?
i don't call the space, space, cause the word, space, is a word we are used to, but it's not the real word, there's nothing empty, nothing, there's always things,

can you tell me the defenition of empty, completely empty, it means, somethign don't exist, 0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0, 0/5454545=infinty, anynumber /0 eculse infinity,
the empty, is not existed, like, you say, this room is empty from plastic, or wood, means, no wood in this room, no plastic in this room,

what is empty?
what is space?
what is the matter??!!
what is life?
what is light?
what is darkness? i think we all know, darkness is the non-precense of light, so, you cant find a dark point place in a lamp, or a lighted room, that there is no object in it to make shadow, so this point must be a matter, or something
what is electrecity? not with the normal definition, i mean, what is what is, or more spesephic, what is the electron as a matter, or as an existing thing, not it's definition i need?
can you answer those question?
if you can,
i may say, you are just genius, and totally genius
Therefore, the bacteria is in the realm of human life, to a degree, and the tree is one level above a rock (as an example). It is no coincidence that trees\wood, under the right conditions, turn into rocks.


And animals do not turn to rock under the right circumstances, eh? lol

Well you did send dwyder the link to the other discussion, through PM.
And yet another stupid assumption on your part.
Enmos sent me nothing.

And even if he had YOU, made the (ridiculous) assertion before I posted the link. :rolleyes:
My first comment to that is: this is what we know, this is what we are aware of. Of course it is all well and good but there is a whole lot more to it than that.

I said trees were living, just that they are not alive. Some can see the difference, but this is a matter of visualization and perception.

i can prove that plant is exactly like humans, or animals
if you remove the brain from the animal, or the human, he will be like a plant, useless, just a body, just a structure,
and i know what you mean teh difference between alive, and living,
i can feal it, but, the feal is not always true, what a human or an animal ecauls without a brain,
anyway, there are some plants, that eat fly, and other insects, with some kidna of reactions,

as for the gellyfish, it's not an animal, it's a structure, it's liek a moving colony, the big cover of teh jellyfish, is just a roof, what under it, is many little creature,s or organisms, each of them have a role, they are like many creatures stuck together under one roof, like a family, but the jelyfish don't have a brain, it's just a thing, cant call it alive, as a jellyfish, it's not alive, but as what's under it, it is alive,