Does Jesus (pbuh) ever claim to be God in the Bible? (No Atheists Please)

I consider myself a Christian, a Taoist and a Zen-Buddhist (mainly).....
I'm also agnostic. I consider the above to be philosophies. Doesn't mean I don't believe in God, just means I'm trying to "find" Him. ;)
TruthSeeker said:
I consider myself a Christian, a Taoist and a Zen-Buddhist (mainly).....
I'm also agnostic. I consider the above to be philosophies. Doesn't mean I don't believe in God, just means I'm trying to "find" Him. ;)

Wow so many things :D . So you are trying to find "him" then surely your name Truthseeker is really appropriate for that.

Well I try to study as many religions possible for me, but my main is Christianity, which basically covers Judaism aswell since Jews basically have the Old Testament, but I guess I should also study the Talmud but still most my study is in Christianity.

So if you ever need help regarding a verse, I'll share with you my interpretations, but really it depends on how YOU interpret it, and how it relates to YOU to find the religion what is right for you. But again sometimes what you like isn't always the good thing so it is adviseable to ask others opinions aswell, from all type of people. I think this just helps you know and be aware of the many ideas and interpretations out there regarding the particular verse or issue.

I encourage you to find God, God willing your destination will be Islam.

If you are ever in doubt or have any question regarding Islam, you can ask me. I can't promise you that I'll know the answer as I am also growing in my knowledge, but I can try to answer your questions.

Good luck with your search. Hope you find him.

If you do have questions I would recommend that you PM me because I don't want to go away from the topic of this thread, I hope you understand, but if you wish to ask right on here it's fine but then the topic will just change and I don't want that to happen because the concept of God is a real important issue, and I believe so many Christians have fallen into the corrupted teachings of the Church, which I try to explain.

Peace be unto you :)
So if you ever need help regarding a verse, I'll share with you my interpretations, but really it depends on how YOU interpret it, and how it relates to YOU to find the religion what is right for you.

Sounds like you're shopping for a pair of shoes. You insulted your god.
(Q) said:
So if you ever need help regarding a verse, I'll share with you my interpretations, but really it depends on how YOU interpret it, and how it relates to YOU to find the religion what is right for you.

Sounds like you're shopping for a pair of shoes. You insulted your god.

Well you see sometimes the morals of a religion are appealing to someone. But if you kept reading I said that the things which you like aren't always right either. So basically I made 2 points. One is look what appeals to you, and then test that religion, because whatever appeals to you isn't always right.

And I don't think I insulted my God, but only God knows best.

Peace be unto you :)
One is look what appeals to you, and then test that religion, because whatever appeals to you isn't always right.

I don't agree with that at all. What does anyones appeal to a particular religion have to do with god?
(Q) said:
One is look what appeals to you, and then test that religion, because whatever appeals to you isn't always right.

I don't agree with that at all. What does anyones appeal to a particular religion have to do with god?

Huh? Whats the definition of religion?

And religion does have to do with God.

The Trinitarian religion of Christianity has a Trinity which is God.
There is Islam where there is no Trinity but just simply 1 God and ONEONESS, no duality of Trinity.
And then there is Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism.
So basically the question is which is the right religion, then automatically you will know God then because that religion will tell you about him.

Peace be unto you :)
I think they are just purely different perspectives of the same "God", with some things added and subtracted. It's like a huge puzzle, where you have to bring all the pieces together and not leave any out, otherwise you won't understand the big picture...

So, really... all "religions" are just different perspectives of something which is true to all of them. And what is true to all of them cannot be considered a "religion".
Huh? Whats the definition of religion?

Religion: A strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny.

So basically the question is which is the right religion, then automatically you will know God then because that religion will tell you about him.

Yes, that is the question - do you know the answer?
(Q) said:
Religion: A strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny.


you misrepresent the almighty in all his wondrous glory
he gave us choices

forgive q cos he knows not what he does!
(Q) said:
Huh? Whats the definition of religion?

Religion: A strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny.

So basically the question is which is the right religion, then automatically you will know God then because that religion will tell you about him.

Yes, that is the question - do you know the answer?

I would think that the answer is obvious since you know who you are asking the question to, so why ask? If the other guy is Christian and then the answer to the question is obvious.... If the other guy is Hindu and then the answer to the question is obvious.... So to ask me this question is always obvious, as I am a Muslim!!!! That is why I told him to find, search, seek, and test that religion.

But please Q can we stay off this, because we are just going away from the topic of this thread, which I don't want to do. I know there is a habit amongst Atheists to go to the topic of "Does God Exist, prove it." and "How do you know this religion is right" that is the reason I said "No Atheists Please" but if an atheist can add on and contribute to the topic of the thread and not deviate from the topic then their contribution is encouraged. So this is my request to you that can we stop going farther on this, and stay on the topic. I know this is a public forum, and you have the right to post anything you wish, but please consider my request. I just want to get as much out as possible out of this thread. I hope you can understand.

Peace be unto you :)

So are there any verses which a Christian has which can answer the question?

Peace be unto you :)
Not really. Religion was invented. Religion is a concept that was invented to determine a collection of rituals and dogmas. It's like a bottle which holds water. Their are various bottles with different shapes, but the water is the same. In the same way, there are many religions with many different characteristics, but the spirituality which they hold inside is common to all of them.
Which bible the damn thing gets revised as the religion evolves into new brands.
I am pretty sure that the Christian version of the Myth claims that the Character Jesus
was the self proclaimed son of God after God raped Mary, Of course Joseph did not mind cause whose gonna accuse a God of getting jiggy with you wife, and besides jesus was running that Fillet-O-Fish venture so they did OK.