Does God regularly reward rebellion?

Good and evil is as arbituary as happy and pain.
Some machistics(?) like to feel pain to an extent in that it gives them pleasure or "degree of hapiness" same can be said about heavy drugs.
Does it make it evil or good.....overpopulation control idealsm is good but reality is evil...I mean even from a thiest view point, who are we to judge what is good and evil outside our own paramaters? God must like the rebel because if everybody were goody too shoes it would render existance to be obselete.

In other words if we were HAPPY all the time and were "ignorant" of "knowledge" like the bible were no different than the handicap who are "happy" by default.... it would eventually make life meaningless and our ever changing will is going to subsitute "pain" with "happy" if that makes sense.

are you trying to say that good and evil are determined by an emotional response or outcome? emotions don't really seem like a reliable indicator to me, and apparently to you as well.

i don't understand why you think that goodwill would render existence obsolete. can you explain please?
Yeah buddy she was a friggen saint . Eve was the star of the show . She still is and her day is at the brink of time . I got a feeling Man is going to pay big time for his greedy ways of denying Eve her just due . I heard a statistic here lately. Don't know if it is true or not . Here it is " Most murders are women killing men " Husbands I think . Don't know? sounded like it might be right with the way Man has abused women for so long

Perhaps we have paid with 3,000 years of unrest and war.
It may have turned around.

this is disgusting. if you really believe that, you should be seeking out negative experiences or don't try to avoid harm in any way which i don't believe you would do. so many theists have this view. also, religionists who wish to go to heaven like the hypocrites they are. as for evil, there are people who do embrace it. it's not a matter of everyone just trying to embrace good but also experiencing the negative. some like the dark more. some like to rape, murder, steal, cheat etc.

Birch, your definitions of good & evil are not off base.
But they are relative. The constructs of evil and good are negated when its not relative. That was my only point. Not to say I prefer the "evil" construct but that its constructed from good. Your hyperbolizing this fact by stating: "you should be seeking out negative experiences" is bullshit because I'm saying that evil is the frame of reference we use for good. In other words, it is gods best invention.

What I'm saying is this: Can you imagine reality without evil? In a meaningful way? Before you anwser this; think about it. Dont let your reactive nature say yes without thinking. Reality would be meaningless.

I think your disgusting if you think that your life is more valuable than a cows life (thus the relative degree in the evil/good scale) but "Jesus" condones this. Who cares. If it wasnt evil I would suspect meat would just grow out of the fields without a complex consciousness.

What I'm saying is that without evil; on a relative degree as 'evil' as it sounds more evil would be the ultimate result. Lets pretend we found a way to make someone immortal.

Would this not be evil? Or result in evil rammifications? Ah...
you have a slave's conditioned mentality. an orange is still an orange whether there are bananas around or not and vice versa. a pure glass of water is a pure glass of water. to say that some type of poison is necessary to be in it to appreciate that pure water is good, is moot. in short, theists are insane and even degenerately illogical. with this logic, you should try to hurt the people that you love so that they can appreciate the times you don't even more (doesn't work that way). that's not real appreciation, it's just adaptation. sick logic.

Theists are insane, degenerately illogical? Explain what basis you draw this conclusion from? Wouldent you have to have knowledge on the premise before drawing this conclusion? What is logical about the premise of reality?

Hint: Nothing!
are you trying to say that good and evil are determined by an emotional response or outcome? emotions don't really seem like a reliable indicator to me, and apparently to you as well.

i don't understand why you think that goodwill would render existence obsolete. can you explain please?

Without conflict, pain, misery... life would be meaningless. If there was no obstacles to rejoice this feeling of happiness what would there be.

I cant even imagine pure unadultered good will. Im actually sure this is an oxymoron.:rolleyes:
Without conflict, pain, misery... life would be meaningless. If there was no obstacles to rejoice this feeling of happiness what would there be.

I cant even imagine pure unadultered good will. Im actually sure this is an oxymoron.:rolleyes:

so you think the meaning of life is to suffer? that's horrible. it's shocking to me that you can't comprehend achieving anything without misery. why can't love and joy be motivators?