Does God regularly reward rebellion?

Was this a one time experience or does it happen often. If it happens often, I think you should see a doctor. Just in case it isn't actually God speaking to you but some sort of mental disorder. Not that i want to question that he does, but it's better to be on the safe side in these matters, I think.

this event was different from god speaking to me. perhaps a communication; i took it that way, but...we're discussing a particular event during which i sat and watched a piece of paper and some stationery packaging move and morph shape on my coffee table, seemingly all by itself, but we all know that paper doesn't move or change shape by itself. there was apparently some unseen force at work. i don't know what it was exactly. what i do know is that i was not hallucinating nor was i asleep.
Either she has a false awakening or she witnessed some sort of miracle. I guess it's 50/50.
Let's look at the evidence:

1, You experienced a well documented sleep disorder.
2, The supreme being, creator of the Universe spoke to you by crumpling up some paper.

Get real, get sane, and stop hawking your bullshit.

I know it felt real, I have had real feeling experiences, as documented here. I realised mine for what it was, that's the only difference. Realise this and get sane.

so in other words, in order for me to be "sane", i have to have the same experiences you do, or at the very least, interpret my experiences the same way? talk about bullshit!

there is no evidence that i have or have had any sleep disorder. i have never been diagnosed with a sleep disorder. there is no evidence that i have ever hallucinated. as a matter of fact, i couldn't even manage to hallucinate back in college when tried a little lsd and wanted to! and you were not there, nor was anyone else there to witness what happened. if there had been, you know damn well you wouldn't believe them either. if i had filmed it you'd say it was a fake. and if you had been there, you would either convince yourself you were asleep when you saw it, or immediately take yourself to the doctor.

i'm going to call you and spidergoat hypocrits right now because you guys are doing the same thing you rip on religious people for doing. you guys don't have any evidence about what happened to me at all, except my testimony. and you don't even care which explaination it is, hallucination, sleep disorder, an outright lie. as long as it jives with what you don't want to believe. that an unseen force moved some stuff around on my coffee table? and why? is it because there are no unseen forces in the universe? no. because we know all there is to know about the forces in our universe? no. because you know a goddamn thing about me or what i experienced? no! it's because you guy's egos are so closely attached to your beliefs, and you are terrified of the notion of a god or a spiritual realm existing, and that theists are right.
Either she has a false awakening or she witnessed some sort of miracle. I guess it's 50/50.

what's a miracle really? everything's a miracle; nothing's a miracle. it was just unusual perhaps, and unexplained. and that's really nothing new.
See, it was dream. Just with the phenomenon known as 'false awakening'.

I've had it several times, the last time I woke up to discover a dark haired woman was strangling me. She was very strong, only using one hand, but had me pinned down. I struggled, screamed, thrashed around, got onto my stomach, and then managed to stand, and turn around. She wasn't in the room, so I ran into the kitchen, got a knife, checked the back door was still locked, and removed the key. Then did the same with the front door, and then checked every fucking room, and she wasn't there. Then I realised it had just been a dream. All windows and doors were locked, there's no way anybody could have got in or out, and I had experienced a false awakening. It seemed so very real at the time, as the others I had did too. But you have to realise these things are merely dreams Lori.

heh, you apparently don't have very good perception of reality. when you really do wake from a dream, you tend to know immediately that what you just experienced was a dream no matter how vivid it was. the fact you had to get a knife and check the door means either you are retarded or can't distinguish reality from your dream very well.

another stupid thing you are doing is projecting your own experiences and explanations on other's experiences when these types of experiences are so varied in complexity between one person and another. it's not as general as people assume. it's obvious since these are considered "unsusual" in so many ways. this is what i've noticed these so-called scientific and logical idiots do for all experiences that they cannot relate to or they try to rationalize them all with very little knowledge or understanding themselves. that's an extremely weak argument as well and not even logical.

some people's experiences are easily explained by them providing details and some are just not and the ones that aren't are what bug cowards so much they've got to find some way to shut others up to make them feel safe about the world.
Are you saying that God "chooses" (note the quotes indicating lack of free will) to defy his own ability to create perfect things? It would seem so.

God sounds like a fucking idiot to be honest with no free will just like every other living thing.

Obladee obladda life goes on.

How did Noah rebel? i thought he just listened to God's voice and followed his commands?

I think Jesus Christ was the shit. He wore long dirty robes and yet still made healing the blind and dancing with the lepers a beautiful thing.

Okay, so does that give us a ticket to go out and deliberate into the province of rebellion?

Would you tell Rosa Parks that she did the wrong thing?

As to Noah.
If Noah believed in the sanctity of human life, and lived by Jesus’ command to do to your neighbor as yourself....he would refuse to build the ark. It is a moral issue, Had Noah done that, God would have had to kill everyone, or no one. This sort of moral position is upheld occasionally when a person refuses to back down, even at the cost of his life. We revere a person like this, call them heroes. This is NOT the cloth Noah was cut from.

Fact is, he rebelled agains the teachings of Jesus and became a traitor to humanity for an alien God. Traitors rebel against their own and that is exactly what he did.

OP should specify what sense of god he is discussing it's a very broad moot point presently. Christian/organized religion sense of god than yes, god himself does plenty of evil himself. In non organized religion sense god does as well because irritation and change is the only thing that we can ascertain from this physical reality and its corresponding non physical nature.

I guess you missed all the Christian dogma.

Either she has a false awakening or she witnessed some sort of miracle. I guess it's 50/50.

Or aliens took over mind, so it's 33.333/33.333/33.333

Or the Flyging Spaghetti monster may have been involved so it's 25/25/25/25

or any number of other ludicrous scenarios,....

No, she had a false awakening, or some other mental aberration, 100%.

And lapsed into sleep for this episode. My false awakening started with me awake, reading, sat up in bed. That is where I nodded off, and had my false awakening, and that is where I actually awoke. It was seemless, perfectly real, until I realised it couldn't have been.

I understand these experiences feel real, but they aren't. You had a funny dream. I mean, god, calling you on the telephone? Come on, that's your psyche telling you a method of communication is necessary! Classic blending of reality in a dream, Lori.
And lapsed into sleep for this episode. My false awakening started with me awake, reading, sat up in bed. That is where I nodded off, and had my false awakening, and that is where I actually awoke. It was seemless, perfectly real, until I realised it couldn't have been.

I understand these experiences feel real, but they aren't. You had a funny dream. I mean, god, calling you on the telephone? Come on, that's your psyche telling you a method of communication is necessary! Classic blending of reality in a dream, Lori.

no, no, it was my ex-husband on the phone! you are uber-projecting here. the experiences aren't even remotely similar.
heh, you apparently don't have very good perception of reality. when you really do wake from a dream, you tend to know immediately that what you just experienced was a dream no matter how vivid it was.

And you clearly aren't very well read or experienced in the matter! If you'd actually bothered to read and comprehend you would have understood how it linked togther, but you're just so keen to criticise because of your frustrations on other threads where you've utterly failed to make a compelling argument. But instead of letting it go, you are now embarrassing yourself here.

the fact you had to get a knife and check the door means either you are retarded or can't distinguish reality from your dream very well.

During a false awakening one is still asleep, which part of that don't you get? DUH! When you do awake, thrashing, that part, the actual thrashing, is real. Which part of this don't you get, DUH! It all ties together. Maybe if you had some more life experience you would be qualified to talk, but you haven't, so don't.

another stupid thing you are doing is projecting your own experiences and explanations on other's experiences when these types of experiences are so varied in complexity between one person and another.

It was an example, related by way of personal experience, of a well documented phenomenon. Show me any documentary evidence that Lori speaks to god!
no, no, it was my ex-husband on the phone! you are uber-projecting here. the experiences aren't even remotely similar.

You said:

then i was awakened by a phone call that scared the shit out of me, then god yelled at me

Excuse me for not knowing it was not god on the aforementioned phone, and it wasn't the ringing of the phone that startled you. I've not an expert in your delusions.
You said:

Excuse me for not knowing it was not god on the aforementioned phone, and it wasn't the ringing of the phone that startled you. I've not an expert in your delusions.

oh, so now you're not an expert. i see. i see that.
you sound like a child.

"stupid" because i have more faith in jesus than i do in you. hahaha...


Faith without facts is for fools.

Being stupid and foolish is one thing.
Taking an immoral position is quite another.

Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.
Martin Luther

Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.
Martin Luther

Faith without facts is for fools.

Being stupid and foolish is one thing.
Taking an immoral position is quite another.

Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.
Martin Luther

Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.
Martin Luther


my position may or may not be immoral. morality is relative. my goal is to wipe evil off the face of the earth, and my faith is my trust in something i know. perhaps one day if you do for me what jesus has, then we can revisit this topic. until then.