Does God regularly reward rebellion?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Does God regularly reward rebellion?

God, in the beginning, rebelled against the status quo that he had lived in for millennia.
He rejected what was and created what we have today and gained a reward, pleasure. He was pleased and named it all good. To insure that the trend of rebellion continued, he brought Satan to earth and ordered him to tempt Adam and Eve. The only way Adam and Eve could know that they were autonomous entities was to go against God’s command.

Satan is said to be the first autonomous entity, other than God, to rebel. He was rewarded by being named the King of this world. God’s jewel and greatest achievement till that time. This truth is exemplified by his tempting Jesus by offering him the world. If it was not his world to give, there would not have been a temptation for Jesus to face and master. Mark 1: 13 And he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan.

Adam and Eve were next to rebel. Their reward as we know was to be elevated to God like status. Genesis : 22And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil. They were also given dominion of the earth, as is plain to see.

Moses, rebelled against Pharaoh and was also rewarded with a kingdom. Israel. Noah, rebelled against the rest of mankind and was rewarded with a new earth.

Jesus rebelled against the status quo of the written laws and was rewarded by being said to have saved the whole of mankind. Even as believers think only their pitiful little numbers are saved. A hold over from old tribal thinking.

There can only be one conclusion to what is written. God regularly rewards rebellion.

In heaven as on earth.
Mankind does the same. In these times in the middle east, we see much rebellion against authority, while we in the west are applauding their efforts and indeed, helping them to the best of our present capabilities.

We also have our own examples of the benefits of rebellion.
The U S rebellion against England. Canada’s rebellion against our own European masters. Our own rebellious hero’s such as Rosa Parks and Louis Riel. In these cases, not only personal fame was gained but also a betterment for all of us.

There can only be one conclusion here as well. Man regularly rewards rebellion.

Now the ancient Jews and Hebrew interpreted their scriptures of Eden as the elevation of mankind. To know good and evil, the root of our moral sense, and be as knowledgeable as God, was seen as a great benefit. Somehow, Christianity turned that view, which was consistent with the above precedent, to one of a fall for mankind.

This Gnostic Christian disagrees with the Christian view because, first of all, I would not want to live like a dumb animal, without a moral sense or being able to recognize good and evil at a level higher than instincts. Further, we all know that almost any topic or issue you can think of has good and evil implications and conditions and without knowledge of good and evil, we would not even be able to discuss much of anything and society would stagnate.

Rebellion, from the Christian viewpoint, is a sin and evil and Eden was our fall.
If we go with this view, we must see reality somehow going against Gods wishes and must see him as a loser.

If we go with Gnostic Christian, Hebrew and Jewish interpretations, we end with a God who is a winner.

God and mankind thus seem to benefit to a huge extent thanks to rebellion and sin.
Would our secular laws be as good as they are if people had not rebelled against the older religious laws and amended them to the degree we have?

Should Christianity and other non progressive religions, notably Islam, rebel against their more draconian laws and continue the trend of benefiting from rebellion?

Does God and man regularly reward rebellion?

I don't know , but I understand what you are talking about clearly . Rebellion is similar to evolution if you ask Me . It creates change and change is one thing that seems to be constant in life .
The fall is misinterpreted I think. If you combine it with alien mythology of serpent people crashing or landing on earth you can get a feel for a new interpretation of the fall concept . As I take a looksy at the Sumerian myths I see the versing similar to fall concepts . To me it all boils down to someone saying Hey this is the way and if it is then eventually the rest of the people say hey they were right lets go that way . So consider Eresh-Ki-Gal the Goddess of the underground went there of her own free will in some ancient myths. More fall concepts I believe . Think were we would be if proverbial Eve never stood up. I bet back in the day everyone was thinking " What a friggen fruit cake that Eve is , Can you believe what she has been doing . Standing on her back legs only . She is going to hurt her self . Look at Mikey , He likes it , Oh Mikey likes every thing . Well now we got 2 crazy people standing . Mikey and Eve
Thanks for this and yes, it is evolution at work.
Now if the Christians and Muslims would just recognize their fatal to thought error about Eden, perhaps they too could evolve their stagnating laws.
They are doing way to much harm to society.

Thanks for this and yes, it is evolution at work.
Now if the Christians and Muslims would just recognize their fatal to thought error about Eden, perhaps they too could evolve their stagnating laws.
They are doing way to much harm to society.


I don't know . I like to consider displacement and resistance a form of expression by the act of displacing . The old ways pass in slow motion because of displacement if you ask Me . Indoctrination of systems run deep in society . Real people base there lively hoods off of past systems and if you jerk the rug out from underneath there foundation bewilderment and confusion might fill the void and tumble into complete chaos . Hey that sounds like life as we know it as of late .
I don't know . I like to consider displacement and resistance a form of expression by the act of displacing . The old ways pass in slow motion because of displacement if you ask Me . Indoctrination of systems run deep in society . Real people base there lively hoods off of past systems and if you jerk the rug out from underneath there foundation bewilderment and confusion might fill the void and tumble into complete chaos . Hey that sounds like life as we know it as of late .

Yes. A measured approach is best if you can keep some momentum in it.

Of late though, I see more control and less chaos.
There is a lot of turbulence in the midle east that can be seen as chaos but I see the organization of dissent as a stabilizing trend for the populations and chaos for the tyrannical leadership.


jesus is the greatest revolutionary of our time, and if people who call themselves christians don't understand that, then they don't understand him.

not only to rebel against sin, but to conquer it once and for all.

what more triumphant rebellion could there be than the annihilation of the sin that rules us?

none, that's what.
No one would have heard about him had the Roman emperor Constantine not make Christianity the official religion of Rome.
That's why you believe in it, not because he was such a great revolutionary.

no it's not. jesus spider, don't you listen to anything i say? ever? i don't believe it just because it's written down.

but just to play devil's advocate, what if i did? so?
So these beliefs are an arbitrary cultural form. The essential thing is your ability to have a spiritual experience, not the truth of the details about vicarious redemption for "sin" or the idea of eternal life, etc... I suggest that if our culture valued a god of corn, you would incorporate that into the interpretation of your hallucinations instead of some rebellious Jew.
So these beliefs are an arbitrary cultural form. The essential thing is your ability to have a spiritual experience, not the truth of the details about vicarious redemption for "sin" or the idea of eternal life, etc... I suggest that if our culture valued a god of corn, you would incorporate that into the interpretation of your hallucinations instead of some rebellious Jew.

to my knowledge the only time i've ever hallucinated was about 20 years ago. some disappointing tracer off of a tie-dye table skirt when i was tripping. i haven't since.
What was the thing about the paper?

yeah what about it? i fucking watched it. it fucking happened, and i'm cognizant enough to know when i'm tripping and when i'm stone cold sober.

just because you don't believe it and i can't explain it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

it fucking happened.

and that's not all that's happened. as a matter of fact, by that point to me, the event was wondrous, but at the same time blaze. it didn't surprise me that much. a little.
Didn't say you were tripping.


back to the point of having heard it and having it match my experience to the point where i believed it. i believe in fate and that everything happens for a good reason.
i believe in fate and that everything happens for a good reason.

if you really believed that, then you wouldn't need to see any faults to be corrected in the world.
if you really believed that, then you wouldn't need to see any faults to be corrected in the world.

no i don't see that. imo, the consequences of evil being what they are, suffering and death, is a good thing. leads me to discern that evil is a bad thing...something that we don't have to choose...something that i personally would like to get rid of.

jesus is the greatest revolutionary of our time, and if people who call themselves christians don't understand that, then they don't understand him.

not only to rebel against sin, but to conquer it once and for all.

what more triumphant rebellion could there be than the annihilation of the sin that rules us?

none, that's what.

I agree that he was a rebel and showed his reward in the O P.
Pay attention.

And what is the big deal with his conquering sin. Can God not conquer what he himself created?

Let's see, I will create sin, then make a show of conquering it and become the super hero of the whole world. Jesus looks like a glory hog.
