Does God Love You?

Assuming there is a God and assuming one of the major religions is correct, then it is safe to say that the chances are that God despises you.
For example if Catholicism is the true religion of God then that would mean that God loathes 83% of the population of earth. He hates those people so much that he wants them to suffer for eternity.
Assuming there is a God and assuming one of the major religions is correct, then it is safe to say that the chances are that God despises you.
For example if Catholicism is the true religion of God then that would mean that God loathes 83% of the population of earth. He hates those people so much that he wants them to suffer for eternity.
Assuming they haven't all been worshiping the same God this whole time. Quite honestly, none of us could own a god, I believe. As for being despised, the sun has risen on my world for the past six decades. How about yours?
Can you answer your own question?
I'm fully capable of killing myself and if I were living in the US I would have gone to the kwik e mart, bought a gun and blown my brains out already. In Canada I would have been too impatient on waiting on bloody trains...

I'm fine if I take my meds. On the other hand, my recently deceased friend was prescribed morphine for the pain. (Actually, don't know if it was prescribed but need a doctor to come to your house to administer it.)
Well, given that "evil" is still around (i.e. hasn't ended), I'm gonna have to go with "nobody".

thats right, I meant who will go on to end "knowledge of good and evil." Why end evil when we can prevent suffering all together. It's like the evil can't hurt you if we get rid of suffering, but if we got rid of evil but left suffering life would still suck. As far as good and evil goes I know one thing, but I can't tell you, so I guess you just have to believe... All I can say is invincibility can be a anti-Christ.
I'm fully capable of killing myself and if I were living in the US I would have gone to the kwik e mart, bought a gun and blown my brains out already. In Canada I would have been too impatient on waiting on bloody trains...

I'm fine if I take my meds. On the other hand, my recently deceased friend was prescribed morphine for the pain. (Actually, don't know if it was prescribed but need a doctor to come to your house to administer it.)
If the meds help, keep taking them. Life has a lot to offer, not just pain.