Does God know everything ?


Someone needs to draw up a graph showing the mysteriosity quotient: ratio of godliness to mysteriousness.

The more mysteriousness goes up

the LESS likely you are to find a god

Think about it

Every where we look in the Universe USED to be mysterious

Great hunks of it still are

Even some of the explanations are mysterious

However we have in our puny human way explained a fair bit

Each rock of mystery turned over has only shown physics

NONE have given even a hint of god

My guess at a ratio

Infinite mysteries to zero gods

The more mysteriousness goes up

the LESS likely you are to find a god

Think about it

Every where we look in the Universe USED to be mysterious

Great hunks of it still are

Even some of the explanations are mysterious

However we have in our puny human way explained a fair bit

Each rock of mystery turned over has only shown physics

NONE have given even a hint of god

My guess at a ratio

Infinite mysteries to zero gods


Of course, many things the devil was blamed for or god was credited with we now understand. The more we learn the less we can blame on god.

The more mysteriousness goes up

the LESS likely you are to find a god

Think about it

Every where we look in the Universe USED to be mysterious

Great hunks of it still are

Even some of the explanations are mysterious

However we have in our puny human way explained a fair bit

Each rock of mystery turned over has only shown physics

NONE have given even a hint of god

My guess at a ratio

Infinite mysteries to zero gods


On the other hand, contemporary physics theory believes in a universe of extra dimensions beyond 4-D, and/or in alternate universes. This is not new but was recycled from the ancient beliefs in heaven, hell and Hades. These are not part of this world; 4-D, but would need to exist in another dimension, since we cannot build a stairway to get there. To get there it needs a different type of navigation and access to Scotty; God, to beam you up. That is fairly advanced thinking for ancient people who were superstitious by modern standards. An all knowing God is not limited to inertial time, but can allow the future and past to overlap.
On the other hand, contemporary physics theory believes in a universe of extra dimensions beyond 4-D, and/or in alternate universes. This is not new but was recycled from the ancient beliefs in heaven, hell and Hades. These are not part of this world; 4-D, but would need to exist in another dimension, since we cannot build a stairway to get there. To get there it needs a different type of navigation and access to Scotty; God, to beam you up. That is fairly advanced thinking for ancient people who were superstitious by modern standards. An all knowing God is not limited to inertial time, but can allow the future and past to overlap.

It really does not matter if we have Universes ranging from ½ a dimension up to Infinity dimensions

Or billions of alternative Universes

Not sure how the past would overlap the future???

Would that squeeze out the current NOW?

Anyway which ever multi Universe you pick and regardless of its dimension number

You will not find god

Take a trip with Dr Who and you WILL find Daleks



:) i'm always tickled by how society keeps feigning society is something that it isn't. that people are actually human when most are not. i remember growing up surrounded by a world and population that was mostly cruel, depraved and inhumane. so much so that sometimes the metaphor of a 'real ' person was more rare or a truly good person. it was so cold, you could feel/sense often the shark-like, uncaring, brutal, sinister power just pervading society barely covered amongst outward normalcy but what really struck me about all of it and the most depressing part was that the most cruel were closer to the truth of nature is responsible for that and if there is a creator then also. you got the sense that you were swimming against the current to save your soul but you wouldn't be able to forever and you would get worn down and eventually would be eaten up in the end. if they want to screw you over, destroy you, subjugate you or denigrate you, they eventually will because they run it. that there is no real way to win if the creator has designated them as having more power, rights and numbers.

these are the same people who exist in society today, the only difference is now they are blended in with those of new-ageism. meaning, since liberals are more truly democratic and not as cruel, they are not apt to show themselves capable of what they really are at the moment because they are unethical. it's like when conservatives have full sway, the liberals go back to hiding in the woodworks or vice versa.

i've noticed here is that evil wants your soul especially. it comes through people but it's the same agenda. it wants to take it and you will be hassled and tortured and tested until you give that up. the reasons are twofold, jealousy for those who already sold out as they are the proverbial devil and because if you don't, then you are a threat to either the corrupt system. so if you fight, just make life more hell or harder so it ends up corrupt/tarnish your soul anyways from the struggle. once this is completed, either taken or destroyed, you will be left alone in peace like life is 'normal' once you pay this heinous due. but you have that gnawing sense that your original higher mission was thwarted, the real truth that's never really allowed to grow and flourish here. false halos mimiced in light or low-level patronised form of innocence./naivetey that is controlled/controllable. that's the point, it is not allowed here, only the APPEARANCE of real good. of course not, the proverbial devil runs this. heh.
Last edited: i'm always tickled by how society keeps feigning society is something that it isn't. that people are actually human when most are not. i remember growing up surrounded by a world and population that was mostly cruel, depraved and inhumane.

If most humans are 'X' then surely 'X' is, by definition, human.

In order for something to be 'inhumane', it would have to be the extreme exception from normal humanity. If it were common, it would be human.
I don't care what the logic or excuse is about nature. I don't agree with it and i would never make a system like this as it's too cruel and perverse. i would think it's more ethical then to not create it at all. The only real justice will be when this entire system and universe ends and all life in it dies so this madness and inherent foundation of immorality upon immorality ceases to be.
