Does God implicitly consent to everything that happens?

Goes against survival instinct? Actually I don't know, it just doesn't seem logical that they would though.
Well, people do some pretty dumb and illogical things now and then. And of course, not everyone sees a lie.
Enigma'07 said:
Masses of people don't die for a lie.
M*W: Are you a high school drop out? You sure sound like one. You obviously don't know world history. Masses of people have died in the name of lies.
Christianity caused Holocaust which killed >6 million Jews due to anti-Semitism.
Stalin killed 50 million of his own people.
Inquisition killed >9,000,000 women + x# of others for xianity.
Some 3,000+ in the Twin Towers on 9/11.
Pearl Harbor 2,500+.
The Crusades killed _____? in the name of Christianity.
Terrorists in Spain killed 200+ recently.
Pol Pot killed ______ of his own people.
Sadaam Hussein killed _____ of his own people.
USA lost some 55,000+ men and women in Viet Nam.
Viet Nam lost _____ men, women and children.
In WWI & WWI, the USA lost ______ GIs.
Jim Jones killed >900 innocents in Guyana to for Christianity.
The list goes on...

I don't have all the numbers because my computer is acting up, but all these losses of human life were based on lies, including the lies of Christianity.

I suggest you do some reading.
Are you a high school drop out
No. I'm a sophamore. Sorry to confuse you. I ment like people in China and stuff that are given the option to spit on the Bible and denounce their faith and live or to keep their faith and die.
Gro$$, I meant the comment about you hoping leo volont dies. It's sorta monty pythonish. It was unexpected and funny in a black humourish way. Nothing personal leo. Long life to everyone here.

So just because masses of people believe in something strong enough to cause their deaths doesn't mean that what they believed in was true. Look at that heaven's gate cult. Sure it was a just a few but it proves that people will sacrifice their lives for almost anything...whether it was true or not. Hmmm, maybe they really did get beamed up onto that ufo that was hiding in that comet's tail. Why not?