Does God have a God?

What causes hurt?
a) infliction from another being
b) natural disaster
c) infliction of ones own mind
d) illness, sickness of the body.

All four. But then it also depends on what we understand by "suffering" and "self".
It is said that the soul cannot be hurt; but when it identifies with the body (or mind, emotions, possessions, relationships) and the body (etc.) is afflicted, the soul feels hurt - but that hurt is felt due to the identification with the body (etc.).

I am not sure though that this holds true for the case of the Christian understanding about souls who burn in hell. It appears they posit another kind of suffering, one that is not contingent upon being entangled into material existence, but one that the soul experiences directly or in-and-of-itself somehow. The possibility of this kind of suffering worries me. I'll post a thread on this.

But then it also depends on what we understand by "suffering" and "self".

Regardless of what we may understand, or, decide, what constitutes suffering, we have all experienced it, and we will continue to experience it as long as we are alive.
While there are those who could give lavish explanations of suffering, nothing brings it home like seeing sufferation, or experiencing it.

It is said that the soul cannot be hurt; but when it identifies with the body (or mind, emotions, possessions, relationships) and the body (etc.) is afflicted, the soul feels hurt - but that hurt is felt due to the identification with the body (etc.).

This makes more sense.
We create our own situations, not that God punishes us because we don't believe in him.

I am not sure though that this holds true for the case of the Christian understanding about souls who burn in hell.

The christian idea of the "soul" is different, period.

It appears they posit another kind of suffering, one that is not contingent upon being entangled into material existence, but one that the soul experiences directly or in-and-of-itself somehow. The possibility of this kind of suffering worries me. I'll post a thread on this.

If the spirit soul experiences suffering, then it serves no purpose, as we don't need to die to achieve this.
That would mean God experiences great suffering, meaning that God is just a infinate version of us. What would be the point.
When you get right down to it, such an understanding is more super secular humanism than theistic.

The christian idea of the "soul" is different, period.

It's not clear what Christians mean by "soul" ...
For example, I once asked a Mormon about these things, about who I really am. He replied "And if you don't even know that, then you have serious problems and should seek professional help, you need to go to a psychotherapist." A Protestant and a Catholic sent me off to a psychotherapist as well for that same issue.

If the spirit soul experiences suffering, then it serves no purpose, as we don't need to die to achieve this.
That would mean God experiences great suffering, meaning that God is just a infinate version of us. What would be the point.

Justice would be the point - the sort of justice that is in line with the notion that God birthed himself in the human form and killed himself or got himself killed, but it wasn't really a killing because he was resurrected, but we should think it was a killing for that's the way we can be saved ... or is it that Jesus, as the son of God, suffered the pains of crucifiction infinitely more than humans do, this is why his crucifiction isn't a "simple" crucifiction, but a divine, infinite crucifiction ...

Anyway, on the one hand, I find this rather stupid and agree with you when you say that "such an understanding is more super secular humanism than theistic". On the other hand, though, I find it hard to believe that this Christian belief that so many humans have invested so much into and so many humans and animals suffered so much from it, that this Christian belief is nothing but a stupid trifle, an error that simply took great proportions, but is an error nonetheless.

Just the other day as I was cleaning up, I came upon some astronomy magazines and took a quick glance inside - all those charts, telescopes, satellites, theories, so much time and money spent. I really find it hard to believe that humans could spend so much time and money on something that is actually insignificant.

I am still inclined to think that there is some great relevance in astronomy - and in most other fields of human endeavor, especially science and art - that justifies spending so much time and money on it, and that I am just too stupid to see this relevance.
I'd still sooner believe that I am stupid and limited, as opposed to believing that human society really is that stupid to spend so much time and money on things that don't really matter.

But perhaps I will have to rethink my position on this.
we humans and all species and all that exists and lives is God and God is us all and God is universe conscious of itself yet not conscious of the greater part it is of, a God it is part of, a universe in multitude of other universes and dimensions which make up each their own God but ultimately give rise to one unison consciousness, this goes on ad infinitum...and the higher hierarchy of God's existence the lower the consciousness of the parts making of the universe of God, us humans.
Does anyone have proof that God has a God? Does anyone have proof He doesn't?

I don't think anyone can answer either question with absolute certainty. So in keeping with my believer friends logic I'll will state right here and now that yes God does have a god, if for no other reason than God must have come from something. Never mind God's god, he's been here since time immemorial.
god isnt someone to bow to in flesh, god is everything he is the goodness in your heart and everything beyond that. thoughts are infinite.
god isnt someone to bow to in flesh, god is everything he is the goodness in your heart and everything beyond that. thoughts are infinite.

So you have no problem about my belief in the flying spaghetti monster? Since I think he's real he must be, right? I believe in my heart that my school janitor is God, does that make him God? Didn't think so.