Does God have a God?

John99 and StrangerInAStrangeLa have you not witnessed your own life or do you not see your own life as a miracle? So being created is not a miracle anymore?
if an aids vaccinate was finally created that would sure as hell be a miracle to society.
the gift of life, is incomparable with anything else and should think about that.
theres more everything then just knowledge any given person knows. its if you choose to go passed what you know then your fine, if you dont its ignorance.
John99 and StrangerInAStrangeLa have you not witnessed your own life or do you not see your own life as a miracle? So being created is not a miracle anymore?

If life itself is a miracle, what's not a miracle? What use is the word?
Created by what?

if an aids vaccinate was finally created that would sure as hell be a miracle to society.
the gift of life, is incomparable with anything else and should think about that.

As was the miracle of less spreading of disease thru doctors washing their hands? The miracle of electricity & automobiles & telephones? The miracle of heart transplants? The miracle of men walking on the moon? The miracle of a golf ball bouncing off a tree, skipping across water, hitting a rock & landing in the hole? The miracle of an absurd book of lies, foolishness & cruelty being treasured & revered by so many people for so many centuries? The miracle of IPU? The miracle of condoms? The miracle of orgasm? The miracle of me surviving something that killed others? The miracle of "the sun coming up every morning"?
The miracles of AIDS & other horrible diseases?

see, draqon everyone cant look beyond themselves.

theres more everything then just knowledge any given person knows. its if you choose to go passed what you know then your fine, if you dont its ignorance.
and is selfish

Pluck the beam from thine eye.
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mr. 1111 created is a whole world within its self, each person has been created and given what they have recieved whether throught technology or environment and everything in your path was created for you. the miracles of society based things were a complete creation once in its time. created and beyond that.
if your already righteous in the whole based eternity given a gift of live and recieving it, great quote!
and if you are not judge because you know in the end they will get what they deserve, for being selfish. and if what your saying is true the isnt it the truth you speak?
i will continue to argue back unless what im saying to you is offensive. but you could be curious and putting my word to the test in your mind. using it as a thought
God doesn't have a God because God is a procedure. A process begins as something else—and will ultimately lead to something else. God couldn't have led Himself to God.

But has God led any of you elsewhere away from Him?
No I meant the whole entire process—not just one of the individual procedures themselves.
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