Does God have a God?

Does God have a God ?

I would only ask that question of someone who believed in god.

Infinity in this case, is not something we are able to understand. Tends to make our minds explode.
IF a god had a god, and that god had a god, and that god had a god, and so on...

... there would no god.
It's quite amusing how some atheists skip around the notion that the scriptoral God, the being that the majority of theists believe in, is defined as spiritual by nature, therefore not subject to the known laws of material nature. And defined as everlasting, and eternal, does not come into being, does not die, or any kind of regenerative processes.
And opt for there own idea of what God is, putting him in category of a material being.
You'd think they'd just decide not to believe it and be done with it.

It's quite amusing how some atheists skip around the notion that the scriptoral God, the being that the majority of theists believe in, is defined as spiritual by nature, therefore not subject to the known laws of material nature. And defined as everlasting, and eternal, does not come into being, does not die, or any kind of regenerative processes.
And opt for there own idea of what God is, putting him in category of a material being.
You'd think they'd just decide not to believe it and be done with it.


We decide to question the universe first before we just instantly accept things, but I suppose it's too much to say that we think we could be wrong, I'm frankly amused that thiests don't do more questioning

"You'd think they'd just decide not to believe it and be done with it."

We would but we keep having the god crap shoved in our faces.

For example, the religious litmus test for politicians at the national level.

"You'd think they'd just decide not to believe it and be done with it."

We would but we keep having the god crap shoved in our faces.

For example, the religious litmus test for politicians at the national level.
how does sniffing about on a religious sub forum go for an example?
IF a god had a god, and that god had a god, and that god had a god, and so on...

... there would no god.
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Discussing the foolishness of religion on a sub-forum is one thing.

Having a religious litmus test on a presidential candidate in a society that is not supposed to be a theocracy is another.
Discussing the foolishness of religion on a sub-forum is one thing.

Having a religious litmus test on a presidential candidate in a society that is not supposed to be a theocracy is another.
democracy is all about popularity - the fact that no atheistic presidential candidate has made it to the point of sitting the test simply indicates that most people think it's a bad idea.

But don't fret

You can always try your luck in places like Russia and China


Meanwhile, if you are distressed about the aroma of things thrown in your face, I kindly suggest you re-examine your web browsing history ...
"democracy is all about popularity - the fact that no atheistic presidential candidate has made it to the point of sitting the test simply indicates that most people think it's a bad idea. "

No, it's called throw a little of that god stuff in there, they love it.

Would you call Clinton a true believer ? Obama ?

Do you really think they believe or do they just tell you that so they can get past your litmus test.
not all matter organizes itself

Yes, all matter organizes as it loses energy.

only matter infused with consciousness

Consciousness is not a tea.

Until matter is at a sufficient level of complexly (i.e. the development of neurons) there is no consciousness. Consciousness is a function of neural activity.

"Consciousness is not a tea."

LO F-ng Loud

Yes, I'll have my consciousness infused tea now.

good 1