Does God have a God?

Which is..........?

Yep, you guessed it, a part of the 1.
Without the 1 there can be no0.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
For perception of existence to occurr there has to be something that just is, and from that thing, everything comes.

But we can still ask why 1 is 1, why shouldn't 1 be 4? Because there is no explanation, the point of origin could be anything hell, 2543 could have been 1 if society had made it so.
What is your point? I'm trying to say that one doesn't have to be one, nor does it have to equal one to someone outside of our numerical system.

You can call 1 whatever you like, but the point of 1 can only be what is understood to be 1.
You ask if God has a God, and my point is, he is God, numero uno, one without a second.

You can call 1 whatever you like, but the point of 1 can only be what is understood to be 1.
You ask if God has a God, and my point is, he is God, numero uno, one without a second.


But why can't the universe have just always existed, why God?
wait <looks around> poo on the walls, yep this is religion, what does math have to do with it?

Why God? Eh. Why not? Is God hurting you somehow?
wait <looks around> poo on the walls, yep this is religion, what does math have to do with it?

Why God? Eh. Why not? Is God hurting you somehow?

Not me in particular but many people have been hurt in many religious affairs, and as for math that was all a metaphor.
If not you in particular, then why do you care? Are you standing in someone's stead? Whose?

Religious extremism hurts everyone, 9/11 for example? I feel concern that religious lunatics will mess up this world more than it already is.
Hitler=religious? Stalin? I mean, between the three abrahamic religions the western world was able to maintain itself through the dark ages, despite infighting and hatred. Don't stress religion too much, man, unless you're checking out real soon. Your own set of beliefs, whatever they are, will develop, and the ony one you have any power over is you.
M*W: Why would god need a god? If god needed a god he isn't god. The question is, "Why do people need a god?"
I once heard this version: we eventually become godlike, then in a big free for all one of us survives and becomes god, then he/she/it starts everything all over again because they can. What I couldn't figure out is what happens when another god is formed by the same process, because then you would have two gods, no?
I once heard this version: we eventually become godlike, then in a big free for all one of us survives and becomes god, then he/she/it starts everything all over again because they can. What I couldn't figure out is what happens when another god is formed by the same process, because then you would have two gods, no?

Mortal Combat deathmatch between them winner take all loser FATALITY!
Instant annihilation, like an electron and a positron meeting, resulting in one astounding thing: There is no God! :eek:

That's a great hypothesis. You may be on to something.;). No Gods left standing but we have a universe full of God parts:cool:
...we have a universe full of God parts:cool:

Try God's Debris. But don't take it too seriously. As a natural philosopher, Scott Adams makes a great cartoonist!

“Are you saying that God blew himself to bits and we’re what’s left?” I asked.
“Not exactly,” he replied.
“Then what?”
“The debris consists of two things. First, there are the smallest elements of matter, many levels below the smallest things scientists have identified.”
“Smaller than quarks? I don’t know what a quark is, but I think it’s small.”
“Everything is made of some other thing. And those things in turn are made of other things. Over the next hundred years, scientists will uncover layer after layer of building blocks, each smaller than the last. At each layer the differences between types of matter will be fewer. At the lowest layer everything is exactly the same. Matter is uniform. Those are the bits of God.”