Does god exist?

Now when god exists 1.the world remain stable for ppl to worship him 2.the rules fit human beings for them to be able to worship him too
U can't expect the world to remain stable in its own everything is dynamic
Like time space movement and others so why wouldn't the rules change them selves?
That is of course without gods grip on the universe the universe would go to chaos every since change is a rule that should be given in a world without god for example u would be dead and heart not alive and be able to live or at least change of ur place like when there is no control just like when the ping is high in some games and there is lack of control stuff like that but in real world everything is rational
Islamic apologists often use flawed examples to illustrate their delusion that the Quran describes scientific explanations for things that could not have been known at the time. Their repetition of flawed examples doesn't help.
When u see someone who uses repetitive method to make u understand something either 1.he is stupid and can't explain 2.there is no other way for u to understand something and u are the stupid which happens quite often in this limited universe where the only thing to tell u something is is by telling u that it is and it's not flawed not even a bit it's words of god u are the one that didn't understand correctly and thought something else from it
Now when god exists 1.the world remain stable for ppl to worship him 2.the rules fit human beings for them to be able to worship him too
U can't expect the world to remain stable in its own everything is dynamic
Like time space movement and others so why wouldn't the rules change them selves?
and one more thing the rules of dynamics in this universe is limited to gods will for u to worship him
Why do you go on & on claiming to believe crap you don't truly believe?
When I talk ppl say iam wrong and shove evidence in my face which I can disprove and then claim that they are right and all I do is listen coz iam not really having the will to change their opinions and all I care for is my opinion so I shut up and do not talk and that what I usually do with others but now since I have all that hatred for ppl not understanding my true genius I would shove stuff in ppl faces and tell u PROVE mE WRONG the 2 previous points and nothing else coz it's the only thing that is my own opinion so if u prove me wrong I would take it personally I guess it's my turn to shove stuff in ppls faces so
When I talk ppl say iam wrong and shove evidence in my face which I can disprove and then claim that they are right and all I do is listen coz iam not really having the will to change their opinions and all I care for is my opinion so I shut up and do not talk and that what I usually do with others but now since I have all that hatred for ppl not understanding my true genius I would shove stuff in ppl faces and tell u PROVE mE WRONG the 2 previous points and nothing else coz it's the only thing that is my own opinion so if u prove me wrong I would take it personally I guess it's my turn to shove stuff in ppls faces so

It's good of you to admit it. Did you look into a mirror?
It's good of you to admit it. Did you look into a mirror?
No all what iam saying is that I was kind and nice and not tell ppl that they are wrong in something but now since I hate all these ppl now I would shove their mistakes in the face of any one telling me iam wrong so again PROVE the 2 Points WRONG which prove that the universe must have someone to control it and that it can't be comfortable for human beings without god
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Shovin time all that hatred :) Didn't know that shovin in the face is so stress releasing