Does God care about atheists

Yes but not too far.

Then come back I've stopped already :)

I'd like to think we are setting a standard as to how debates can be held with to and fro with some humour

Unfortunately he who I won't name is the Lucy of threads

I'm not playing such a stupid game

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Yes but not too far.

You do deserve more

I do not speak the name of he of whom I do not name speak

If you know reality you know his name just is

Well just is is not his name but it just as well may be

You cannot know his name because you do not know his name

If you knew his name you would know his name just is

Well just is is not his name because I just told you it is not just is

But you know that

And you know I cannot say his name because it is a name of which I cannot say and of which I have told you I cannot say

And that is just is

I hope you come to know the name and then you will know the name of which I not speakith but until you know the name you shall be nameless unless you come to know the name

I can agree about my self talk but that does not mean you have established a soul.

It establishes there is you, and your body. IOW you're not your body.

What I gather is you think the voice in your head is your soul.

How so?

Fine if that is what you think but a study of the science may give you an understanding of our brain function that leaves no reasonable prospect available to suggest anything like a soul exists other than as a religious concept.

What do you think the soul is supposed to be?

I see now that you think you are offering evidence for the soul. OK.

I'm offering evidence that you are not your body.

I get what you suggest I think but I reject your approach as it makes no sense unless you are religious and as I am not say your approach makes no sense to all.

What about my approach is religious?

What do you imagine the real motive to be in your words.

To justify your God-less position.

The body is the conduit upon which the Soul uses to experience the material world .

There are lessens that the material world can teach the Soul .

me said:
Are humans special, Alex?
If yes, why?

Yes and no.
Yes because they are and no because they are not.

Why? On both counts?

Clearly you have difficulty in working out when something is made up like scriptures and various religious books.

Yet you have given no reason to support your idea.
Why don't you give some?

There are so many things that are just so wrong and uninformed recording of natural observation in religious text

Such as?

If you met a liar you would throw him out when you discover his first lie...but even when confronted with lie after lie in a religious text the fool we call a thesist is not convinced it is a book that can only beconsidered unreliable at best and nonsense if one is to be objective.

You're making a claim Alex, and I am asking you to back up your claim. How long are you going to avoid that? Simply making a claim does not make the claim true. You need to back up that claim Alex.

If it is real the facts will support the reality..

You're in denial Alex. This is why your simply claiming, and running.
When you're prepared to discuss properly in future.

IOW you're not your body.
Considering the way our brain works a scientist would say you are wrong.

But for the purpose of proceeding you dont need my agreement so please continue.
Trying to take some sort of meaning from your attempt to reach consensus on the alledged separation of I and the body.
What do you think the soul is supposed to be?
I dont know. I asked you a series of questions that would have started me off but you did not treat those questions with respect and did not answer even one, which is unfortunate because I still have no idea of the vision your imagination holds of a soul but what is worse you now ask me what my idea is...even after reading wiki one gets little idea as to how any particular individual imagines their soul.

You should present the image of the soul you would say exists...But not this same old trick you try with tiresome regularity ...what do you think God is...why not ask what do I think the easter bunny is...well you could because God , the soul and the easter bunny all have the thing in common...all made up and no evidence of actual (factual) existence.

So no effort from me to describe something I think is imaginary but everytime you use this ploy I will use the opportunity to be cute and nice.

I'm offering evidence that you are n
Very well please proceed.
What about my approach is religious?
There was a hint when you mentioned the relationship between God and the soul and words of similar effect earlier which gave me the impression.

However if you wish to say the soul has nothing to do with religion perhaps you should say so now.

To justify your God-less position.
If that is what you believe all I can say is interesting but I say truthfully I feel no need to justify any of my views for there is no reason I should but I feel no need that you think I have if you think I am justifying my position to you I say you also have that wrong.
But thanks for a direct answer.

Why? On both counts?
Ok I will add an extention.
Special because I am a human.
Not special because humans are just one of the many life forms on this planet and subject to mass extinction in keeping with the general rule that life forms come and go.
Yet you have given no reason to support your idea.
Why don't you give some
Why when most of what you say enables one to draw such a conclusion.
Well to settle the matter please state your belief in scripture that I contend is merely made up and ebidence that any scripture is anything more thank the written down ramblings of unsupported opinions.
The account of creation an event that could not possibly be witnessed by any human and yet presented as a reliable account.
And that is page one of the bible.
You're making a claim Alex, and I am asking you to back up your claim. How long are you going to avoid that? Simply making a claim does not make the claim true. You need to back up that claim Alex.
Jan I set out the way I regard a liar that is hardley a claim.
That is the way I do things as reflected in many things I say.
I cant give you a specific as that means pointing to a liar thst I have cast out.
Too numerous to list for liars are numerous and many get cast out for lieing in my universe.
ou're in denial Alex.
Do I need to remind you yet again Jan...just because you get an idea in your head that does not mean you are correct and holding an idea will not magically turn it into a reality.
When you're prepared to discuss properly in future.
If you want to discuss anything I say present the subject and I will discuss anything you wish.
But if you fail to offer something please recognise that it is you who avoids discussion.
I love a chat so go for it.
But if you insist on talking about me and my flaws, even as you see them, then go ahead but at least realise that really is not discussion.
Sorry about spelling I wont have time to edit and remember I type one letter at a time..most difficult without a real key board.

god is in everything

In every quantum particle/wave

The intelligence is within all things , is beyond simple chemical reactions .
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Considering the way our brain works a scientist would say you are wrong.

You know you are separate from your body, because you refer to it as ''my body''.
Tell me something you refer to as mine, which does not belong to you.

It would depend which scientists you're talking about. I would steer clear of the explicitly atheist ones.

But for the purpose of proceeding you dont need my agreement so please continue.

On the contrary, I do need you to acknowledge that you are not your body, in order to proceed.
And if you disagree, I need to know that, and why.

Trying to take some sort of meaning from your attempt to reach consensus on the alledged separation of I and the body.

You know it too, you just don't want to accept it.
So when you say ''my hand'', ''my brain'', etc, you pretend it's just something you say, that it doesn't mean anything, blah! blah! But we need to acknowledge the separateness of the ''I'', and the ''body'', the ''I'' claims, before we move on. Think we can do that?

I asked you a series of questions that would have started me off but you did not treat those questions with respect and did not answer even one, which is unfortunate because I still have no idea of the vision your imagination holds of a soul but what is worse you now ask me what my idea is...even after reading wiki one gets little idea as to how any particular individual imagines their soul.

I have answered all your questions. I'm not like you. I don't mess about. If I have to concede, I will.
Look through our discussions and you will see I have seriously answered any question you pose. And if the question is irrelevant because of you not knowing or realising something, I tell it is, and why.

Wiki is not going to tell you anything, only what other traditions, and cultures may have thought, and even then, it's nothing to write home about.
Stop being the comedian, and start to enquire properly, if you are seriously interested in this discussion. Otherwise don't respond, as I haven't got the time to keep responding to nonsense.

The account of creation an event that could not possibly be witnessed by any human and yet presented as a reliable account.
And that is page one of the bible.

So how does the fact that normal humans couldn't have been around at the moment of creation, render the scriptures made up? Obviously, for you, there is no God, so you rule God out of the equation. So what we are talking about here, is your atheism, against theism. The problem is, as an atheist, there is no God, and there never will be as long as you are atheist. That's the actual reality.

Jan I set out the way I regard a liar that is hardley a claim.


Do I need to remind you yet again Jan...just because you get an idea in your head that does not mean you are correct and holding an idea will not magically turn it into a reality.

But you are in denial Alex. The sooner you admit that, the sooner you can let go of whatever is blocking you.

I dont know.

Then how do you know it is a made up concept?
Come on Alex! Stop playing games.

You should present the image of the soul you would say exists...

What makes you think it's as simple as presenting an image of the soul?
I don't believe you are that stupid, Alex.

So no effort from me to describe something I think is imaginary but everytime you use this ploy I will use the opportunity to be cute and nice.

IOW, you're not going to have a serious discussion.
So let's leave it then.
