Does God and his --- Obey or Die law--- say that Christians are to be slaves forever?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Does God and his --- Obey or Die law--- say that Christians are to be slaves forever?

If not, when does your slavery to God or Satan end?

In a discussion of God’s murder of Adam and Eve, a Christian said the following.

“My understanding is that they were created innocent with the hope of the reward for life if they obeyed and the consequence of death if they didn't.”

What this Christian said I believe is true Christian dogma and tradition.

I believe that it basically shows Christians with characters or egos that want to be or will settle for perpetual slavery.
As Paul says, be a slave to sin or a slave to God.

My reply was basic and true to his, ---- Obey or die, statement.

“IOW. Be my slave and do as you are told or die.”

If true, then who in their right mind would or should ever want to be a Christian?

Do Christians want to be free men and women or slaves to a God who creates us ill and demands we be well, ----- or suffer his punishment of death?

Was man created to be a slave and to obey or die?

The sin of Eve and Adam was to decide to be educated and wise instead of just slaves to ignorance.

Were Adam and Eve murdered by neglect by a callous God just because they wanted their eyes opened and to exercise the free will that Christians say God gave us?

God and his --- Obey or Die --- says that Christians are to be slaves forever.

If not, when does your slavery to God or Satan end?

The metaphor used is marriage, not slavery. The devotion is voluntary.

Scriptures use slave, not devotion.

It is not a metaphor and nowhere is marriage spoken of at that juncture of the gospels.

I will be pleased to read something if you find it though. There are many versions of the bible.

God being moral and just I would obey.

God, to you, is a perfect slave owner because of his good morals.

As above so below.
Is it moral then for us to also own slaves?

Have you questioned or judged any of what is written of him for moral content?

For instance. In Job God says that Satan moved him to do harm without just cause.

Does that seem like what a moral God would do? Let Satan manipulate him to do what he himself calls evil?

God, to you, is a perfect slave owner because of his good morals.

As above so below.
Is it moral then for us to also own slaves?

Have you questioned or judged any of what is written of him for moral content?

For instance. In Job God says that Satan moved him to do harm without just cause.

Does that seem like what a moral God would do? Let Satan manipulate him to do what he himself calls evil?


Who says human beings are Gods responsibility?
I'm sure that the OP has a wide knowledge of the Bible. Just misunderstood it a little.

God never owned us as slaves, just as a Father who points out the way to Him and tells you that you must stick to that path if you want Heaven, salvation or any of those things that Christianism preached (that i have somewhat forgotten a little).

Yes, i am a former christian.
Galatians 4
New American Standard Bible (NASB)

4 Now I say, as long as the heir is a [a]child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything, 2 but he is under guardians and [c]managers until the date set by the father. 3 So also we, while we were children, were held in bondage under the [d]elemental things of the world. 4 But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under [e]the Law, 5 so that He might redeem those who were under [f]the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. 6 Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” 7 Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir [g]through God.

i think this is a pretty good description of where humans are metaphysically. Whether there is a way past this for our personal ego-self is difficult to say, but as far as the OP goes, as usual, any scripture can be taken as axiomatic and have other scriptures bent to it, choosing the ones which actually should be used as foundation is key. Not that i want to sound like i am saying the whole bible just makes so much sense, but i do think it is, in large part, navigable.
i think this is a pretty good description of where humans are metaphysically.

... and where Mormons get their polytheism.

Whether there is a way past this for our personal ego-self is difficult to say

What's wrong with our "personal ego-self"?

I'm I, and you're you - what's bad about that??
An eternity of praying and praising and singing, like going to church 24 hrs a day forever.
No wonder Christians are afraid of death.
Who says human beings are Gods responsibility?

Thanks for deflecting. I guess my simple questions were too hard for you.

As to God's responsibility, be we his or not, he decided to torture us if we do not kowtow. I would agree that he is not responsible for us or to us but the Satanic prick will not stop demanding things from us. According to the myth that is.

I'm sure that the OP has a wide knowledge of the Bible. Just misunderstood it a little.

God never owned us as slaves, just as a Father who points out the way to Him and tells you that you must stick to that path if you want Heaven, salvation or any of those things that Christianism preached (that i have somewhat forgotten a little).

Yes, i am a former christian.

Does a human father punish his grand children for what the father does the way God does (original sin)?

You compare apples and oranges and moral people to a prick without morals.

Yep. You have forgotten much of the dogma that drove you out of religion.

i think this is a pretty good description of where humans are metaphysically. Whether there is a way past this for our personal ego-self is difficult to say, but as far as the OP goes, as usual, any scripture can be taken as axiomatic and have other scriptures bent to it, choosing the ones which actually should be used as foundation is key. Not that i want to sound like i am saying the whole bible just makes so much sense, but i do think it is, in large part, navigable.

I agree but I think we both know that the bible can be made to say damned near anything.

Some say that that is a good thing.
