Does god actually exist?

Originally posted by Votorx
Hmm, When did i ever say that the law that the earth is round would be broken?

When you said: "In other words if you haven't caught on yet, The laws of psychics can be complete bull."

Now, as far as answering to the rest of your inconsistent bull, it would require a special skill which I regret not to have...The special skill is "DEALING WITH THE emotionally HANDICAPED AND MENTALLY CHALLENGED". Again I'm sorry I'm unable to deal with your special needs. Raithere have more patience in dealing with such challenges and if you are nice enough to him, he'll debug your brain for free.
Re: Re: hmmm

Originally posted by Flores
How about your extensive memories...Where is this energy kept and how come I can recall anything I wish from it, from my first kiss, first bike ride, to complex engineering equations and contents of books.??

and what happens when you forget these memories and can no longer recall them, not even through techniques such a hypnosis?
Originally posted by Flores
When you said: "In other words if you haven't caught on yet, The laws of psychics can be complete bull."

Im sorry i still never said the law that the earth is round would be broken. You really must stop trying to put words in my mouth and just accept it. What i said in that statment was the following: "The Laws of Psychics can be complete bull". Do you understand now?

Originally posted by Flores

Now, as far as answering to the rest of your inconsistent bull, it would require a special skill which I regret not to have...The special skill is "DEALING WITH THE emotionally HANDICAPED AND MENTALLY CHALLENGED". Again I'm sorry I'm unable to deal with your special needs. Raithere have more patience in dealing with such challenges and if you are nice enough to him, he'll debug your brain for free.

Once again with this excuse. Like i've said before this is a universal way of saying i have no supporting details behind my beliefs. If you have so much time saying this crap then why can't u just explain yourself in a calm coherent way? It must simply be because you cannot since you're allow your mind to live in a box. Oh yes and why do you keep going back to the same thing with the earth being round? I explained to you what I ment, even if an 8 year old could have figured it out. Why haven't you grasped the idea yet? Maybe I'm the one:
Originally posted by Flores

Re: Re: hmmm

M*W: Sound NEVER goes away. It has a ripple effect to the ends of the universe. I don't pretend to be a physicist, but I know the simple truths. There is no end to the sound you made on your keyboard. It resounds forever!

If that were the case M*W then we wouldnt be able to hear anything new for we will be awashed by a sea of previews sayings.

What actually happens to any intelligible noise we make is it degrades with time and distance and at some finite moment the energy in the intelligible noise falls bellow the natural backround noise(molecular noise) at such time whatever is left of the intelligible noise energy just becomes noise, no longer recoverable.

It would have been nice to be able to recover previews sayings from everybody that ever existed, Christ,plato, aristotle,leanardo davinci to name a few but unfortunately their voices have long gone merged with backround noise.

However! You are breathing the same air as they did.

If energy can neither be created or destroyed, then how did energy get here? God couldn't have created it because you can't create energy... the theory that energy can neither be created or destroyed is contradictory, if you cannot create energy or destroy energy then how can it exist? clearly energy exists but it must be created in order to exist. And who is to say that God is energy and not an entity?
Greco think logically for a second. If sound went on forever then it would simply be going to the far reachest of an ever lasting universe. In other words it lost forever in the vast infinity of space. It wouldn't come back since the Universe is not a loop. Not only that but sound degenerates over time, but doesn't necessarily dissapear. While sound may get so soft it is no longer hearable the frequencies are still there traveling to the ends of the universe.

Infact i believe that some "alien" frequencies we here in space is simply the evidence of past sounds.

Brokenpower. Supposedly god is all powerful and can do anything. Therefore he can create energy. But if there is no god then energy had to be created some how. This rejects the idea of the laws of physics.
Votorx "Greco think logically for a second."

Greco "I try to, sometimes for even ten minutes."

Votorx "If sound went on forever then it would simply be going to the far reachest of an everlasting universe."

Greco " I'm not sure what the "far reachest" refers to but sound energy is limited to the confines of this planets atmosphere. Sound requires a medium to travel such as air,liquid or solid.

Votorx "While sound may get so soft it is no longer hearable the frequencies are still there travelling to the ends of the universe."

Greco "Once again sound does not travel beyond our atmosphere and sound will eventually lose its intelligence by convertion of vibration to heat. After a finite amount of time the intelligence is so small that it mixes with the molecular noise of our world."

I think you're mixing sound energy with electromagnetic propagation. Apples and oranges I'm afraid.
Re: Re: Re: hmmm

Originally posted by Greco
M*W: Sound NEVER goes away. It has a ripple effect to the ends of the universe. I don't pretend to be a physicist, but I know the simple truths. There is no end to the sound you made on your keyboard. It resounds forever!
If that were the case M*W then we wouldnt be able to hear anything new for we will be awashed by a sea of previews sayings.
What actually happens to any intelligible noise we make is it degrades with time and distance and at some finite moment the energy in the intelligible noise falls bellow the natural backround noise(molecular noise) at such time whatever is left of the intelligible noise energy just becomes noise, no longer recoverable.
M*W: Thanks, Greco, you explained what I was attempting to say.
It would have been nice to be able to recover previews sayings from everybody that ever existed, Christ,plato, aristotle,leanardo davinci to name a few but unfortunately their voices have long gone merged with backround noise.

However! You are breathing the same air as they did.
M*W: You are right. I agree with you. I read something a long while back that there is also no new water, so that means we're drinking the same water they did, too!
" I'm not sure what the "far reachest" refers to but sound energy is limited to the confines of this planets atmosphere. Sound requires a medium to travel such as air,liquid or solid.

Haha i forgot about that. But still do you realize that we don't know when the atmosphere ends, we just make a general prediction of where the atmosphere MAY end. In reality the atmosphere never ends. But besides that with the new knowledge of Quintessence, or dark matter, this "matter/Energy", may be what's carrying sound or atleast the frequencies out of our atmosphere. IDK, im only trying to come up with a solution to something at heard here.
Re: Re: Re: hmmm

Originally posted by Votorx
and what happens when you forget these memories and can no longer recall them, not even through techniques such a hypnosis?

That have nothing to do with the state of memory or the status of the stored information, only of the inadequacy of the transmitter, perhaps trauma to the wires, brain damage, ect, but the signals are still there, just no wire to transmit them, which deems such readily availalbe information as memories inacceccibale, not destroyed. Perhaps this confirms the inadequacies of techniques such as hypnosis. The memories (non physical aspect of our being) obviously exist and can not be explained fully or attributed exclusively to grey fat matter that is made of only C, N, H, ect....
haha i have to thank you for replying to my post rationally and calmy. It shows that you no longer wish to rant and is actually prepared to discuss this issue.

I personally believe in the laws of physics. The possibilities in the laws of physics being false is there. There's just things right now i can't think of because I got a project to finish up but i leave you with one question:

What happens to energy when an object's temperature reaches absolute 0?