Does god actually exist?

Yes, and we have that too and lots of other differents interpretations of reality that constantly leads to misunderstandings and unfortunately violence.
But interpreting reality different than others and using violence is not the same thing. Everybody who sees the world differently that ones neighbour doesn't necessarily go out and kill the poor neighbour because of that.
Morality and judgement are fully functional in most individuals. But not all, otherwise we wouldn't have any violence in the world.
If we take this further, then there must also be a function for violence, now what could that be?
What if it's the other way around? That the introduction of gods adds a simplification instead?

It doesn’t, that’s the point. If you can provide a simple explanation, please do so. Please remember, these questions have been bandied back and forth for years. The result so far is that we are learning more about the universe without the need for gods.

Or try to change your definition if what god/gods are if the old one doesn't make sense. Try to come up with a godconcept that makes sense. It can be done. Other have done it before you.

There are none available aside from what has been formed from the imagination, which are useless.

Then try out another perception of reality, it may not only include what you actually can see with your physical eyes. Not even nearly everything that can be proven to exist physically can be seen with human eyes.

Here’s where your logic fails. My perception of reality IS reality because there is only one reality. By trying to visualize other realities is little more than what I can imagine. Therefore, if I imagine dragons in my reality, does that mean they exist?

What if it all lies in the preception? That you have to adjust that to be able to see what you can't with your physical eyes? What if imagination is another perception as valid as the physically oriented one?

Then, I should be able to imagine whatever I want; dragons, fairies, ET visiting Earth, etc… and they should all exist. For example, I just imagined a flying fire breathing dragon has just burned your house down with one breath – did it?

Where does imagination come from and what use does it has?

The imagination is a function of the brain and has various uses.

Why is the brain constructed to support a godconcept?

The brain supports many concepts including flying fire breathing dragons.
by stating that the brain is contructed in such and such way is absurd. simply saying that implies there is a design. anyone who knows anythng about evolution will tell you there is no design. it is all a result of random selective pressures over long periods of time.
I didn't read any of this topic


Nobody will tell you anything about whether or not God realy exists, but perhaps you don't want an answer.

I'm hoping that nobody has said anything about this.

The Yogis can enter into a state called Nrivakalpa Samadhi, ie. Nrivana, it is here they say that they become merged with God and therefore know of God's existance. From reading the text of most religions that expound the One God concept, you can draw conclusions that those that wrote these texts and are exepmlified in them, did in fact also enter into this same state. And even more so in the writtings of some followers of these religions, various Saints, and ones most noted as Mystics, when discribing the symptoms of this state, are discribing those of Nirvakalpa Samadhi. I don't know of any, nor do I think there has been any cases of non religious people sharing the same experiences. And it doesn't seem to be a normal physicological state, or some kind of trance, in fact the body is not functioning at all, and they can bring themselves in and out of this state at will, which begs the question, if there is no brain function, and we are soley organic beings reling on this organism for our existance, then who's doing the going in and out.

For more info

It doesn't prove that they can contact an the all knowing, all loving, creator God, that is just what they say, and as usual, there is no way to prove that, or disprove it. You could always go about seeing for yourself, that is what I plan on doing.
“From a scientific point of view, we can make no distinction between the man who eats little and sees heaven and the man who drinks much and sees snakes.” - Bertrand Russell

To answer the questions to this post:

1. For something to exist it would have to have been created, or it just simply cannot be, if the existance of something contradicts itself that it truly does not exist, for instance lets say you buy a bag of red apples, but you notice on the inside they are green apples, the label on the bag says they are red but they are green therefore there are no red apples in the bag, therefore they do not exist. God cannot exist because his existance would be a complete contradiction, to exist you must be made we are all here because of something else.
2. The bible is a story book written by smarter ancient people to control the consumers of that time, extremely unreliable.
3. Adam and Eve is from the book of Genesis, yet another explanation to our suffering but very inaccurate.

I myself am a spiritualist, i believe in highly the theories of Quantum Mechanics and that after this dimention there is another one, but not a paradise, more like another world yet in this one.

There is no God
Re: hmmmm...

I am not a theist, but I do take issue with your reasoning...
Originally posted by brokenpower
1. For something to exist it would have to have been created, or it just simply cannot be...
God cannot exist because his existance would be a complete contradiction, to exist you must be made we are all here because of something else.
What about the universe?

If nothing can exist without having been "created" then the universe can not be eternal, so then, who (or what) created the universe?

If you can aswer that, then apply the same question to the anser you gave...

See the difficulty there?

If you say that the Universe CAN BE eternal, then why can't God?
loose subject

We know more about our brains then we do of the early universe my friend, nobody can really tell if it was created (by some higher being) or made itself (by chemical and dust clouds) "who created the universe?" its almost an impossible question and a very loose subject, but humans will autoatically come up with a solution or a conclution for it to be psychologicaly satisfying, therefore when the smarter people about 5000 years ago said that God told them these things, they believed it because it satisfied their questions... that is the only reason (i believe) that people believe God created everything.
Yea but then....

There was this other real smart guy and asked one simple question. " if god created it all, who created god?".

as you would expect God was so smart that he created himself spontaneously.....we call it the bigbang.....ha ha certainly was!!!

well of course God created himself, i mean he created all of us, hence he should have the power to do whatever he wants... but if one does not exist how can one take any action??????


People, there is no God

Originally posted by brokenpower
well of course God created himself, i mean he created all of us, hence he should have the power to do whatever he wants... but if one does not exist how can one take any action??????


People, there is no God

You have no proof that there is no god, but we can sure show easily that there is no brokenpower. Swallow some poison, cut your wrist, constrict an artery, all fast ways to your non existance.

And since according to the laws of physics, energy can not be lost or destroyed, then see your sorry ass in hell.
You have no proof that there is no god, but we can sure show easily that there is no brokenpower. Swallow some poison, cut your wrist, constrict an artery, all fast ways to your non existance.
And since according to the laws of physics, energy can not be lost or destroyed

You fail to see that laws are ment to be broken. What we believe now can change dramatically in mere years. Once it was a law that the Earth was flat and this was believed for a very very long time. And guess what happened? It was proven that the Earth is actually round. We may think that energy can not be lost or destroyed while in ectuallity we don't know.

As for no proof that there is no god, they been giving reasons for there be no god in the past 3 pages. and yet u still say there is no proof?

Ok if that's the case then what proof do you have that there is a god?

, then see your sorry ass in hell.

I guess this means you going to hell with me?
Originally posted by Votorx
Once it was a law that the Earth was flat and this was believed for a very very long time. And guess what happened? It was proven that the Earth is actually round.

Bingo, it was proven that the earth was round.....Are you suggesting that the law that the earth is round will be broken one day...???? You are such a genius... It was never a law that the earth is flat you bozo, but the laws of physics are all proven. And energy can not be destroyed...Only transformed for one form to another.

Originally posted by Votorx
We may think that energy can not be lost or destroyed while in ectuallity we don't know.

Yes we know, they have simple highschool lab tests to show you this very fundemental thing of conservation of energy and momentum...granted that you have completed some elementry level physics.

Originally posted by Votorx
As for no proof that there is no god, they been giving reasons for there be no god in the past 3 pages. and yet u still say there is no proof?

3 pages of pure shit....and as much as you guys have been talking, a bunch of donkeys have been crying on the other side of the globe....I didn't see any urgent need to interfere with either scenarios.

Originally posted by Votorx
Ok if that's the case then what proof do you have that there is a god?

I wouldn't tell you, I don't want to crowd my heaven space with internet loosers. I'll keep it for myself.

Originally posted by Votorx
I guess this means you going to hell with me?

No, I'm going with brokenpower to the first class section. You are travelling couch.

no one person can prove if energy is created or destroyed, therefore it had to have started somewhere... say i were to commit suicide, then yes exactly, i would not exist but i DID exist and people know i did because they felt my hand or heard my voice and saw my face. energy creates a chain, as of now i am taking the energy i created by eating food, transporting it to my fingers, and into the keyboard which then creates sound... but the sound goes away so then where is that energy? its almost as controversal as the existance of God. the theory that energy can neither be created or destroyed is completely irrelevant to God because God doesn't creat energy, or use it in a chaining sense as we humans do, ya know? REAL PEOPLE ...things that exist. You want proof that God does not exist? Ok i believe another memeber here wrote something about the christian God being omniscent (memeber: Chris) now all men are to have free will correct? OF COURSE! so if the christian God is omniscent then that means he knows everything that is and will be therefore taking away our free will because he already knows whats going to happen resulting in the fact that we cannot choose what will happen to us because our "God" already knows whats going to happen.

Happy New Year
How many times do we start a thread with the same topic? Can't we all just stick to one thread? I am just saying it, I think every week some one starts a thread with the more or less same topic.:cool:

Re: hmmm

Originally posted by brokenpower

no one person can prove if energy is created or destroyed, therefore it had to have started somewhere...
M*W: Dear brokenpower, I find your name to be intriguing. Can you explain why you chose this name?
say i were to commit suicide, then yes exactly, i would not exist but i DID exist and people know i did because they felt my hand or heard my voice and saw my face.
M*W: I hope you don't think of such things, but to comment on your post, if you committed suicide or were killed accidently, your body would no longer functionally exist, although, technically, it would still exist in the form of progressing genetic decay. While you were alive in your "Earthsuit," your body contained a positive force of energy that indeed lived, breathed, created, inspired, loved, touched, bonded, mated with other human beings. That is your spirit which never dies! Only the body experiences genetic decay, but the soul lives eternally. I don't believe in death, per se, but in eternal life in what was our spirit.
energy creates a chain, as of now i am taking the energy i created by eating food, transporting it to my fingers, and into the keyboard which then creates sound... but the sound goes away so then where is that energy?
M*W: Sound NEVER goes away. It has a ripple effect to the ends of the universe. I don't pretend to be a physicist, but I know the simple truths. There is no end to the sound you made on your keyboard. It resounds forever!
its almost as controversal as the existance of God.
M*W: I believe this energy you possess while you're alive is proof of the existence of God. The creativity you gave to the Earth still lingers echoing out to the depths of space, and never ends. Just think, everytime your fingers touched your keyboard, it was recorded in eternity! Someone somewhere in time (TIME) will hear those chords. I cannot explain more than that at this time.
the theory that energy can neither be created or destroyed is completely irrelevant to God because God doesn't creat energy, or use it in a chaining sense as we humans do, ya know? REAL PEOPLE ...things that exist.
M*W: Previously on this forum, the more scientific psysicists have stated that energy doesn't die. It just changes form. What you've created lives forever. Those chords on your keyboard may show up again. I cannot profess to know where, but I believe they would show up in another's spirit, or another time, but they were for the good of all creation, I do know this! Never stop creating! That is your gift to creation!
You want proof that God does not exist? Ok i believe another memeber here wrote something about the christian God being omniscent (memeber: Chris) now all men are to have free will correct? OF COURSE! so if the christian God is omniscent then that means he knows everything that is and will be therefore taking away our free will because he already knows whats going to happen resulting in the fact that we cannot choose what will happen to us because our "God" already knows whats going to happen.
M*W: My dear power, I choose not to call you broken because you have gifted the universe with music. That is a wonderful gift, and I thank you for it. I thank you for the entirety of creation. Your power doesn't seem to be broken but very much intact, and it will live forever. Thank you for what you have given to creation. I hereby state that you should be called "Power" and not brokenpower, because you are One with the Universe. Happy New Year to you and to your family. Thank you for your contribution to our existence! I love you!
Wow Flores, Thank You

I wouldn't tell you, I don't want to crowd my heaven space with internet loosers. I'll keep it for myself.

ahh, the universal way of replying to questions you simply don't know the answer too...

Bingo, it was proven that the earth was round.....Are you suggesting that the law that the earth is round will be broken one day...???? You are such a genius... It was never a law that the earth is flat you bozo, but the laws of physics are all proven. And energy can not be destroyed...Only transformed for one form to another

Hmm, When did i ever say that the law that the earth is round would be broken? I guess you see things that aren't there. This must be because of the sheer bond you have between yourself and god. While it was never called a law the fact that the world was flat was widely known and believed by an exhausting amount of people in this world. At the time terms such as theory and law weren't used but if this had been modern time and such words were used then yes it would be considered a law if such terms were used.

Oh yes and try and think back to when the earth was considered flat. No one dared oppose this idea since everything led to the idea and proved that the earth was flat. It was logical, it made sense. It seemed to make just as much sense as the laws of physics do today. And look what happened.

In other words if you haven't caught on yet, The laws of psychics can be complete bull.

3 pages of pure shit....and as much as you guys have been talking, a bunch of donkeys have been crying on the other side of the globe....I didn't see any urgent need to interfere with either scenarios.

I don't understand what you mean by this. This makes little to no sense, please rephrase yourself and try again.

No, I'm going with brokenpower to the first class section. You are travelling couch.

Wait so this means I have less chance of getting to hell? I don't understand you are a very confusing man. Please don't try and come up with catchy phrases and explain yourself.

P.S- One more thing. The idea that space was nothing but a vacuum filled with nothingness was widely believed. Whether it was a law or not im not 100% sure. But this idea of the space soon dimished from the people's mind once a dark matter called Quinessence was discovered 2 years ago.

Please, there is no need to curse, it really makes you look stupid when u do that.
Wow Medicine Woman. I do not mean to be offensive, but i had a really hard time following what you were saying. Not only that but i had a hard time telling whether you were being sarcastic or if you statements were genuine. I guess that's the fault of today's society, oh well.

Anyways, brokenpower, when a body dies, it's energy doesn't necessarily cease to exist. Infact it is harvested into the organisms which eat the body once it dies. For there it is rereleased into the soil, back into the plants/animals and into the human once more. As for sound, it is true that sound waves are never ending. But, when your finger's touch a keyboard the energy is transferred into the keyboard itself, not the soundwaves. Unfortunetly i do no think that soundwaves hold energy but of course i can be wrong, im not a physist. Anyways, im not here to prove that the laws of psychics are true or not, but rather to show that it can be broken, or, in the least modified.

But i do have one question for flores since he is an expert at the laws of physics:

Since space is a vacuum and doesn't contain any matter or atoms in it, then where does the energy from the fuel of a spacecraft (the fire) go?
Re: hmmm

Originally posted by brokenpower
no one person can prove if energy is created or destroyed, therefore it had to have started somewhere... say i were to commit suicide, then yes exactly, i would not exist but i DID exist and people know i did because they felt my hand or heard my voice and saw my face. energy creates a chain, as of now i am taking the energy i created by eating food, transporting it to my fingers, and into the keyboard which then creates sound... but the sound goes away so then where is that energy?

How about your extensive memories...Where is this energy kept and how come I can recall anything I wish from it, from my first kiss, first bike ride, to complex engineering equations and contents of books.??