Does god actually exist?

Originally posted by (Q)
Nobody/everybody of course.

Obviously this a major contradiction that should have some sort of explanation for it to make any sense.

If nobody, then there is no definition of gods.

If everybody, then an athiest's version is also valid, that none exist.

When yes said Nobody/everybody he implied an infinite possibilities with every possibility in between...Sort of a spherical reasoning...You can not accuse a sphere of being contradictory because different points located within the sphere share the same x axis yet differ in their y,z,k,l-axis component. Their are infinite axis to the equation of defining god just like a sphere possess infinite axis and infinite points and thus without precise information on all the axis, you may not get matching definition of god from all those that believe in him. Our individual definition are incomplete, when you put them all together you may get a clue of the answer.

As an abstract idea that cannot, by the nature of 'reality' (or 'the medium we apparently have in common'), be confirmed or denied.

A more pertinent question I think is:

Since I can't know if god exists, should I care if god exists or not?

To which I'd answer:

Go on about your function. The question of god is irrelevant.

Originally posted by wesmorris
Go on about your function. The question of god is irrelevant.

This is just like saying:
Go on about your life, death is irrelevant...

Originally posted by Flores
This is just like saying:
Go on about your life, death is irrelevant...

To a religious person, yes I can see that.

I am not a religious person.

To me, death is very relevant as if I am dead, I can no longer perform what I perceive to be my function.

If I die and find that I have some form of awareness, that would be sweet.

Of course it is not condusive to my function to obsess about impending doom either, so for the most part I condone your statement. I'd modify it to "go on about your life, be conscious of that which could end it, but don't let it interfere with your function."

Kind of long winded eh? Meh.

(and just to prod: so do you think everyone before muhamed went to hell? what about all those poor christian or hindu infidels since? you think just because you believe some retarded dogma that makes it true? if you are gonna have the balls to come here and question stuff, you should be honest with yourself and realize you are of faith. in order to honestly question, you have to have faith in only reason, assumptions about god will only confuse you, unless of course you choose to be faithful, in which case I'd say you're doing a shitty job if you're coming here to ask questions)
Contradictions, paradoxes, we can never escape them. Once you realize them as a part of reality, then they make sense.

That makes no sense at all and I completely disagree that contradictions and paradoxes are something we can’t escape and we must simply accept. So far you’ve not offered anything other than, “Such is life.”

Aside from your assumption of gods, can you provide any other examples of contradictions and paradoxes that are part of reality and cannot be explained?
Our individual definition are incomplete, when you put them all together you may get a clue of the answer.

I’ve not seen a single rational answer as to the definition of gods by anyone – not even a clue. And since everyone’s interpretation of gods is different, one cannot come to any conclusions other than gods are from the imagination.

Originally posted by wesmorris

(and just to prod: so do you think everyone before muhamed went to hell? what about all those poor christian or hindu infidels since? you think just because you believe some retarded dogma that makes it true? if you are gonna have the balls to come here and question stuff, you should be honest with yourself and realize you are of faith. in order to honestly question, you have to have faith in only reason, assumptions about god will only confuse you, unless of course you choose to be faithful, in which case I'd say you're doing a shitty job if you're coming here to ask questions)

The message is universal and you know it, why do you waste my time in showing you that you claim pure bull shit. This is the same exact reason that I refrain from discussing religion with you despite the fact that you are very intelligent and could actually be pleasant to talk to if you could get over your arrogance.

Neverthless, here's what the Quran have to say about your point.

The Family of Imran
[3.3] He has revealed to you the Book with truth, verifying that which is before it.

The Quran is not anything new, it is a verification of the already existing truth.

[10.47] And every nation had an apostle; so when their apostle came, the matter was decided between them with justice and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.

Mohamed is not the only apostle and arabs are not a chosen people, the Quran addresses this misconception and testify that every nation have recieved some sort of apostle to guide them with justice and that noone is dealth with unjustly.

Based on the Quran, I believe that Buhda might have been an apostle to his people, and many others that I don't know about. the message of believing in god is universal and not a property of any group of people.
*hugs flores*

I love you too. (in the qu'ran sense)

We're just gonna have to disagree on this.

I think your book is completely retarded and that god is irrelevant.

You think the opposite and that I'd an arrogant jerky-boy for thinking it.


I'll overlook your shortcomings if you'll overlook mine eh?

Though I (and you should) reserve the right to prod (no not like that, I respect your marriage!) when you feel like it.
the message of believing in god is universal and not a property of any group of people.

Rather than say universal, perhaps it’s more accurate to say ‘personal.’
Originally posted by (Q)

That makes no sense at all and I completely disagree that contradictions and paradoxes are something we can’t escape and we must simply accept. So far you’ve not offered anything other than, “Such is life.”

Aside from your assumption of gods, can you provide any other examples of contradictions and paradoxes that are part of reality and cannot be explained?

Paradoxes makes no sense either but they still exist. So if I now disagree with you, is that a contradiction you can't accept?
Search on google for paradoxes if you need more information on these.
Paradoxes makes no sense either but they still exist. So if I now disagree with you, is that a contradiction you can't accept?
Search on google for paradoxes if you need more information on these.

In other words, you cannot explain yourself and are simply tossing out whatever nonsense comes to mind. Nice work.

Disagreeing is not a contradiction nor is it a paradox, and I don’t need to do a search in order to understand them. One thing I do understand is that gods are not paradoxes; they are contradictions to reality and serve only to add more complexity and misunderstanding to an already complex universe.
Originally posted by (Q)
Paradoxes makes no sense either but they still exist. So if I now disagree with you, is that a contradiction you can't accept?
Search on google for paradoxes if you need more information on these.

In other words, you cannot explain yourself and are simply tossing out whatever nonsense comes to mind. Nice work.

Disagreeing is not a contradiction nor is it a paradox, and I don’t need to do a search in order to understand them. One thing I do understand is that gods are not paradoxes; they are contradictions to reality and serve only to add more complexity and misunderstanding to an already complex universe.

only if you feel that the belief in them or the existence of them is relevent to the universe we inhabit. since i do not, they do not add the complexity and misunderstanding of the universe. the way i live my life does not change whether or not there is a god out there that cannot have its existence proven. so the question of god is a moot point.
To me, paradoxes are the fuel of existance, I treasure them highly. Because that's where every thought ends up if you take it far enough.
I'm sorry that you feel the universe is hard to grasp, but maybe it could get easier for you if you opened your mind to new possibilities instead of limiting it?
Imo everybody has the right to an own perception of reality. So if your preception excludes paradoxes, then have it that way, but that doesn't mean that I will change my perception just because your perceive it as nonsense.
Au contraire, I find it flattering to be impossible to understand.
Maybe gods are not paradoxes ( although I would say so) but the many different perceptions of gods often contradict eachother, so who can say who is right? Everybody will claim that their perception is right, and nobody can know who is really right.
All direct evidence of god shared amoung believers are in verbal forms only. That makes UFO more real than god itself because they have photos and videos.
"objective thought".

hehe. what a stupid statement.

thought is necessarily subjective.
...god spend all of eternity...doing what?
Deciding whether he should create this or not, and just weighing everything up. Planning everything, and maybe he even had a look through it all first, just to make sure.
I'm sorry that you feel the universe is hard to grasp, but maybe it could get easier for you if you opened your mind to new possibilities instead of limiting it?

I never said I found it hard to understand the universe, however the introduction of gods adds complications. What’s worse is that the concept of gods fails to actually explain anything in a rational manner. One is simply to accept the concept of gods as valid even though by its own account makes no sense at all.

Imo everybody has the right to an own perception of reality.

True, but gods do not fall into the category of reality.

Maybe gods are not paradoxes ( although I would say so) but the many different perceptions of gods often contradict eachother, so who can say who is right?

You can be right if you’ve actually seen gods. But since no one has, then no one can be right.

Everybody will claim that their perception is right, and nobody can know who is really right.

Since the perception of gods comes from the imagination, it is as valid as my perception of fire breathing dragons, yet dragons do not exist.
What if it's the other way around? That the introduction of gods adds a simplification instead? Try the thought out. Or try to change your definition if what god/gods are if the old one doesn't make sense. Try to come up with a godconcept that makes sense. It can be done. Other have done it before you.
Then try out another perception of reality, it may not only include what you actually can see with your physical eyes. Not even nearly everything that can be proven to exist physically can be seen with human eyes.
What if it all lies in the preception? That you have to adjust that to be able to see what you can't with your physical eyes? What if imagination is another perception as valid as the physically oriented one? Where does imagination come from and what use does it has? Why is the brain constructed to support a godconcept?
Originally posted by Yes
What if it all lies in the preception? That you have to adjust that to be able to see what you can't with your physical eyes? What if imagination is another perception as valid as the physically oriented one? Where does imagination come from and what use does it has? Why is the brain constructed to support a godconcept?
Shooting in video game is imagination, not real. Shooting in real life is physical, and harm can be done. If you think shooting in video game is as valid as shooting in real life, what you got is crazy kids shooting in school yard.