Does free will exist?

And reluctant bed fellows they are.

Yet we already know and expect ahead of time that not all hopes will be realized, and so there is no big surprise at large upon failure; it's just that we don't know which will fail and when, making still for a little surprise, made smaller by the tempering knowledge of the overall odds. We keep going, slogging though the dross, on the way to the gold, such as when looking for a job or a relationship or whatever.
because you can reprogram yourself.
You're missing the point.
In this scenario any "reprogramming" would be, like the decision itself to do so, an inherent part of the programme.

How could I ascertain that I am in fact programmed and that that realisation was genuine and not part of the programme itself?
In this scenario any "reprogramming" would be, like the decision itself to do so, an inherent part of the programme.

How could I ascertain that I am in fact programmed and that that realisation was genuine and not part of the programme itself?

as long as you could reprogram yourself,why would that matter?
Because whatever you do you are STILL programmed.

again. why would it matter?
the argument is if we are programmed then how would we overcome our programming to show free will..

if that programing includes the ability to reprogram ourselves, then there is free will and it matters not whether we are programmed .
again. why would it matter?
the argument is if we are programmed then how would we overcome our programming to show free will.
No. The QUESTION is: how could we tell that we're programmed?

if that programing includes the ability to reprogram ourselves, then there is free will and it matters not whether we are programmed .
Again, no. Free will isn't what "allows" or even "prompts" the reprogramming, it's part of the programme itself. We only think we make the decision to do so, whereas the programme "made" us do it.
No. The QUESTION is: how could we tell that we're programmed?
repeating the same question over and over doesn't make it any clearer.

Again, no. Free will isn't what "allows" or even "prompts" the reprogramming, it's part of the programme itself. We only think we make the decision to do so, whereas the programme "made" us do it.
we choose HOW to reprogram ourselves.
i think your stuck in a loop..:p

this is getting close to the issue of robots, if they had the ability to reprogram themselves would they be considered sentient.
repeating the same question over and over doesn't make it any clearer.
Then you should have started reading earlier in the thread. :p

we choose HOW to reprogram ourselves.
We cannot: because ALL of our decisions are made by the programme.

this is getting close to the issue of robots, if they had the ability to reprogram themselves would they be considered sentient.
If they were programmed in the first place to never consider it as a possibility, or, as above, to be able to ONLY select "other" programmes that we had chosen for them before hand, what could they actually do about it? What difference would it make?
How are we any different from those robots?
How could they called "sentient" if ALL they can do is follow a programme that also makes them believe they're making their own decisions?

There: the question rephrased with more explanation.
i don't have to know i have free will..
I believe i have free will
I believe i use my mind to exercise that free will
I believe God influences my mind to exercise that free will
I believe i can choose to not listen to God
I believe i can choose to not listen to my mind
I believe i can choose to not listen to Dyw..:)
Since this is a concept that is quite thoroughly ingrained into most of the theisms, I thought this to be a fair question to ask.

So, does free will exist? If so then how does it function, what is it about us that frees us from the physical laws that everything else in nature follows? Would the existence of free will necessitate a non-physical component to reality? And any other questions regarding free will anyone cares to bring up.

Personally I see no evidence for the existence of free will. Oh sure, we can "feel" and "experience" the act of making a decision, but the question of how accurate those sensations are still remains and much of the new evidence we're uncovering from our study of the human brain suggests that any conscious control we might have over our thoughts and actions is minimal at best.

So what do you think?
If there is free will....LOOK...we are choosing to discuss it, out of all the possible activities. Scary. I could be getting a snack. If there isn't free will, woe is me, look at me, what will I do next? Oh, has already starting being done.
We cannot: because ALL of our decisions are made by the programme.

So in this scenario, it comes down to how we deal with uncertainty.
How we talk about it to others, how we talk about it to ourselves. What we do after this talking.

Do we call ourselves "weakling" and "idle doubter" and give ourselves a dose of ridicule and self-hatred?

Do we use other words, other emotions?
I change my answer. God intended us to have free will, but we have our will now belongs to media empires. We will do what we see everyone else (actors) doing on television, sad, sad world Im living in.

It does not address your claim.


A claim that invalidates much of your own argument here.

You've yet to validate this claim.

Try reading what I wrote: we don't know.

Take your own advice.

Explain WHY we don't know, instead of just saying it.

Just taking your logic to its conclusion.

Just pointing to a bunch threads doesn't prove anything.
Give direct examples.

I did answer the questions.

