does evolution exsist

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who's way?

"The Dao" or `Tao` Is translated as "The Way" or sometimes "The Path"

It is Daoism/Taoism The path to understanding existence and harmony within the universe and nature. Linked alot of the time with Feng Shui and some Zen/chean Buddhism simular in principle.

Um, evolution just seems pretty apparent to me. I think it's just that it's hard to grasp the time-scale involved.

Besides that, we inadvertently caused evolution with antibiotics-now bacteria have grown resistant, so we ourselves have caused evolution to occur in that respect.

As far as wings go...look, there's a survival value in falling out of a tree slower, so the impact doesn't kill you, or to get lift so you can run a bit faster.

Still more survival value in being able to glide like a "flying" squirrel does. So for something small that goes up a tree, nature may continue to keep selecting for marginally better wings over time, eventually ending up with something very elegantly shaped to do so.

And if any new adaptation's wildly successful, as in the wing in birds, you will generally see fossil evidence of an "explosion" of specieation in the fossil record-when the new adaptation was worked into new niches all over the place. So a wing made intitally to glide from tree to tree eventually became the plethora of wings we see on modern birds-because it was a really cross-applicable adaptation.
Or not, as in the case of the ostrich, which evolved back in the other direction.

And do not ignore the feathers, and the insulating value thereof.

Bats have wings too, but there's a lot less bats than birds. All that naked skin is quite hard to keep on temperature. Having picked up a live bat, they are quite hot little things.

Monkeys evolved prehensile limbs and in some cases prehensile tails in order to prevent falls instead of getting wings to handle the falls better. Similar problem, different adaptation.

I seem to remember hearing, word-of-mouth, that Tyrannosaurus rex has been proven to be feathered by a recent find...leaving me to visions of being attacked by a 30-ton razor-toothed chicken...
(brAAAAAWK brAAAAAAWK *thud*thud*thud*...)

I suspect feathers were initially insulating and heat-regulating material for the dinosaurs, and only later became flight-adapted. As it is, feathers are exceedingly good insulating material.
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'fraid not buddy. not my fault you don't like what evolution says, and evolution says an organism at on time or another was naturally selected to fly and in a couple thousand or so years did.

Still a misrepresentation born of your own ignorance.

were you there? if not then the above is nothing more than hearsay
the link is in post 46 for those that wish to research it.

I did research it. I discovered numerous comments that were made by people who attended the seminar and they all mentioned the emotional outbursts and exchange of personal insults.

actually the consensus was NO, macro evolution can't happen by the aggregate changes by micro evolution AKA adaptation.

You just love your own bullshit don't you? The only place that you'll find reports of this so called "consensus" is on creationist websites. I know this because I bothered to spend a considerable amount of time checking.

It is also interesting to me how carefully you worded this last comment. Am I to believe that you consider the integrity of the theory of punctuated equilibrium intact?

Aside from all this, 1980 was 31 years ago. 31 years. Evolutionary theory has advanced by leaps and bounds since then. Are you aware of any recent conferences that have reached a "consensus" on the issue?

i believe i said the universe.

I believe that you said very little at all. Why are you so unwilling to elaborate?
I'm sorry you came to a God, because it's still a form of dependency. Now you will be a slave to the idea and go around the world finding support and justification for filling up your head with belief. This doesn't sound like liberation.

I will drift as his winds take me, I need no support for his existence any more than i need evidence that my daughter exists or my mother.

What can your way of thinking offer me? I am efficient you are stumbling and abstract.

leopold said:
i will be the first to admit that evolutionary theory makes sense, on the other hand "making sense" isn't necessarily right.
You don't know what it is.
leopold said:
If some modern living thing were ever observed to emerge from inanimate matter, evolutionary theory would face a serious challenge and alternative.

first time i've seen this slant.
It's not a "slant", it's the basic concept. It's a standard observation, a perfectly plain and simple statement drawn from basic, rock bottom, baby step, introductory, grade school level comprehension of the most obvious and simple aspects of evolutionary theory - namely: living beings came to be through evolution.

Face it: you have no idea whatsoever what any evolutionary theory is, let alone modern Darwinian theory.
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That's not what my Ban Threat Warning Say's from James R, Borrowing work is apparently "Illegal" here on sci-forums even when you source it.

When you copy an entire work without acknowledging the author at all, that is known as plagiarism. Plagiarism is not tolerated on sciforums.
Still a misrepresentation born of your own ignorance.
i wish you would address my posts instead of denigrating me.
I did research it. I discovered numerous comments that were made by people who attended the seminar and they all mentioned the emotional outbursts and exchange of personal insults.
you can cite the "emotional outbursts" all you want, it doesn't change the consensus does it?
You just love your own bullshit don't you? The only place that you'll find reports of this so called "consensus" is on creationist websites.
i dont call "science", "nature"' and "national geographic" creationists websites.
this is exactly why a lot of scientists refuse to address this issue, they are afraid of being denigrated.
some more of "my bullshit":
"Within continuously sampled lineages, one rarely finds the gradual morphological trends
predicted by Darwinian evolution; rather, change occurs with the sudden appearance of new,
well-differentiated species."
-science vol. 199p:59

"Instead of finding the gradual unfolding of life, what geologists of Darwin's time and geologists
of the present day actually find is a highly uneven or jerky record; that is, species appear in the
sequence very suddenly, show little or no change during their existence in the record, then abruptly go
out of the record."
-feild museum of natural history vol. 5 no. 1 p:673

"The abrupt appearance of higher taxa [living things] in the fossil record has been a perennial
puzzle. Not only do characteristic and distinctive remains of phyla appear suddenly, without known
ancestors, but several classes of a phylum, orders of a class, and so on, commonly appear at
approximately the same time without known intermediates."
-"american scientist" vol 63 p:673

The best examples used to 'prove' Darwinian evolution - the nautiloids and oysters - are considered
today to be just examples of quite trivial change. The fossil record shows that they have not changed
in any appreciable way, except for a small fluctuation in morphology. Their fossils appear fully formed,
with no evidence of having evolved.
"paleobiology" vol 3. p:115-151

"The evolution of the genetic machinery is the step for which there are no laboratory models;
hence one can speculate endlessly ....."
scientific american vol 239no 3 p:77

I know this because I bothered to spend a considerable amount of time checking.
i've spend a considerable time checking too, i can't find any proofs macro evolution has happened.
I believe that you said very little at all. Why are you so unwilling to elaborate?
i have stated my views, you have yet to provide any proof they are wrong.
I will drift as his winds take me, I need no support for his existence any more than i need evidence that my daughter exists or my mother.

What can your way of thinking offer me? I am efficient you are stumbling and abstract.


I have nothing to offer you, since nothing is needed. Other people are sharp, I alone am dull. ;)
Um, evolution just seems pretty apparent to me. I think it's just that it's hard to grasp the time-scale involved.
evolution makes sense to me too but when you start digging around you find holes the size of jupiter in the theory.
why these people refuse to acknowledge that can be attributed to the implications of the alternative.
Besides that, we inadvertently caused evolution with antibiotics-now bacteria have grown resistant, so we ourselves have caused evolution to occur in that respect.
resistence to infection is not evolution. the genes were aready present in the organism.
As far as wings go...look, there's a survival value in falling out of a tree slower, so the impact doesn't kill you, or to get lift so you can run a bit faster.
therein lies the problem. a nice, sweet explanation without any proof to back up what you have just said
You don't know what it is.
It's not a "slant", it's the basic concept. It's a standard observation, a perfectly plain and simple statement drawn from basic, rock bottom, baby step, introductory, grade school level comprehension of the most obvious and simple aspects of evolutionary theory - namely: living beings came to be through evolution.
it will be interesting to see what RAV says about this.

Face it: you have no idea whatsoever what any evolutionary theory is, let alone modern Darwinian theory.
okay, now what?
funny that no one here can falsify what i have posted.
of all the crap i've been called in this thread i've yet to see "liar".
evolution makes sense to me too but when you start digging around you find holes the size of jupiter in the theory.
No there aren't.

the genes were aready present in the organism.
Um... yeah, that's how it works, there is variation in a population and some are selected, some not, thus changing the frequency of these traits in the gene pool.
No there aren't.
post 148 shows just a few of them.
the total lack of of lab models is another.
the inability of science to witness macroevolution is yet another. shall i go on and on and on and on?

Um... yeah, that's how it works, there is variation in a population and some are selected, some not, thus changing the frequency of these traits in the gene pool.
show me the repeatable tests which prove this.
Quote mining is the deceitful tactic art of taking quotes out of context in an effort to show that the author is saying the opposite of what he is in fact saying. It's a way of lying.

note that I have tidied up the formatting of your quotes from whichever creationist Imam's website you unthinkingly copied and pasted them from

"Within continuously sampled lineages, one rarely finds the gradual morphological trends predicted by Darwinian evolution; rather, change occurs with the sudden appearance of new,well-differentiated species." -science vol. 199p:59

This is from a review of the book "Patterns of Evolution as Illustrated by the Fossil Record", and the section that has been replaced by ellipses is as follows:

They suggest that change occurs rapidly, by geologic standards, in small peripheral populations. They believe that evolution is accelerated in such populations because they contain a small random sample of the gene pool of the parent population (founder effect) and therefore can diverge rapidly just by chance and because they can respond to local selection pressure that may differ from those encountered by the parent population. Eventually some of these divergent, peripheral populations are favoured by changed environmental conditions (species selection) and so they increase and spread rapidly into fossil assemblages.

So Ricklefs disagrees with the idea of Punctuated Equilibria. But does he disagree with the idea of evolution? Apparently not:

The fossil record clearly is inadequate for many purposes. To be sure, one can discern general trends in morphology and diversity within phylogenetic groups. At the family to class levels of taxonomy, most paleontologists agree that adaptive radiations occur in brief bursts, often after the decline of ecologically related groups, and are followed by long periods of evolutionary quiet.

And later:

The patterns we observe in biological communities and evolutionary radiations are the sum of many lower-order processes and interactions.

And even though Ricklefs disagrees with Punctuated Equilibria, he doesn't discount it completely:

Even though Eldredge and Gould may be proven right, their model, and other recent models in paleontology, should not be accorded the status of a major synthesis.


My comments:

The interesting point about this kind of argument is that it is an argument that supports evolutionary transitions between high level taxa - in other words the distantly moved goalposts that desribe how the Imams of the creationist movement would like us to define macro-evolution - but does not support small scale gradual changes at lower taxonomical levels which said Imams would have us use to describe micro-evolution -which oddly enough we observe every day.
So in effect, not only do you not understand the quote, not only have you used it to try and mislead other people (and probably yourself) you are saying you beleive in macro evolution not micro evolution by using this quote in support of your argument.

Furthermore this issue has already been covered here:

"Instead of finding the gradual unfolding of life, what geologists of Darwin's time and geologists of the present day actually find is a highly uneven or jerky record; that is, species appear in the sequence very suddenly, show little or no change during their existence in the record, then abruptly go
out of the record." -feild museum of natural history vol. 5 no. 1 p:673

the article continues.....

This record of change clearly demonstrates that evolution has occurred

"The abrupt appearance of higher taxa [living things] in the fossil record has been a perennial puzzle. Not only do characteristic and distinctive remains of phyla appear suddenly, without known ancestors, but several classes of a phylum, orders of a class, and so on, commonly appear at approximately the same time without known intermediates." -"american scientist" vol 63 p:673

Interestingly the original text for this quote is not available on the internet.

considering that you have read and understood the full article you could post a more comprehensive section of this for us.

The best examples used to 'prove' Darwinian evolution - the nautiloids and oysters - are considered today to be just examples of quite trivial change. The fossil record shows that they have not changed in any appreciable way, except for a small fluctuation in morphology. Their fossils appear fully formed,with no evidence of having evolved.
"paleobiology" vol 3. p:115-151

This one isn't even a quote mine - it's a barefaced lie - it doesn't even appear in the original article.

"The evolution of the genetic machinery is the step for which there are no laboratory models;hence one can speculate endlessly ....."scientific american vol 239no 3 p:77

the author continues....

But is it good scientific procedure to brush aside the avalanches of "inconvenient facts" so easily?

furthermore this article is over 30 years old - since then we have learned quite a bit about the evolution of genetic material - here's a very small selection:


Powner MW, Sutherland JD, Szostak JW. Chemoselective multicomponent one-pot assembly of purine precursors in water. J Am Chem Soc. 2010 Nov 2. [Epud ahead of print]. PDF.

Elenko MP, Szostak JW, van Oijen AM. Single-molecule binding experiments on long time scales. Rev Sci Instrum. 2010 Aug 27;81:083705. PDF.

Schrum JS, Zhu TF, Szostak JW. The origins of cellular life. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2010 May 19. [Epub ahead of print]. PDF.

Rajamani S, Ichida JK, Antal T, Treco DA, Leu K, Nowak MA, Szostak JW, Chen IA. Effect of Stalling after Mismatches on the Error Catastrophe in Nonenzymatic Nucleic Acid Replication. J Am Chem Soc. 2010 Apr 28;132(16):5880-5. PDF. Supporting Information.

Budin I, Szostak JW. Expanding Roles for Diverse Physical Phenomena During the Origin of Life. Annu Rev Biophys. 2010 Jun 9;39:245-63. PDF.


Bruckner RJ, Mansy SS, Ricardo A, Mahadevan L, Szostak JW. Flip-flop-induced relaxation of bending energy: implications for membrane remodeling. Biophys J. 2009 Dec 16;97(12):3113-22. PDF. Supporting Information.

Schrum JP, Ricardo A, Krishnamurthy M, Blain JC, Szostak JW. Efficient and Rapid Template-Directed Nucleic Acid Copying Using 2'-Amino-2',3'-dideoxyribonucleoside-5'-Phosphorimidazolide Monomers. J Am Chem Soc. 2009 Oct 14;131(40):14560-70. PDF. Supporting Information.

Mansy SS, Szostak JW. Reconstructing the Emergence of Cellular Life through the Synthesis of Model Protocells. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 2009 Sep 4;74:47-54. PDF

Ricardo A, Szostak JW. Origin of life on earth. Sci Am. 2009 Sep;301(3):54-61.

Lin S, Horning DP, Szostak JW, Chaput JC. Conformational analysis of DNA repair intermediates by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. J Phys Chem A. 2009 Sep 3;113(35):9585-7. PDF. Supporting Information.

Budin I, Bruckner RJ, Szostak JW. Formation of protocell-like vesicles in a thermal diffusion column. J Am Chem Soc. 2009 Jul 22;131(28):9628-9. PDF. Supporting Information. Supporting Information (AVI VIDEO).

Elenko MP, Szostak JW, van Oijen AM. Single-molecule imaging of an in vitro-evolved RNA aptamer reveals homogeneous ligand binding kinetics. J Am Chem Soc. 2009 Jul 29;131(29):9866-7. PDF. Supporting Information. Supporting Information (AVI VIDEO).

Szostak JW. Origins of life: Systems chemistry on early Earth. Nature. 2009 May 14;459(7244):171-2. PDF

Zhu TF, Szostak JW. Preparation of large monodisperse vesicles. PLoS ONE. 2009;4(4):e5009. Epub 2009 Apr 6. PDF

Zhu TF, Szostak JW. Coupled Growth and Division of Model Protocell Membranes. J Am Chem Soc. 2009 Mar 26. [Epub ahead of print]. PDF. Supporting Information. Supporting Information (Videos).

Chen JJ, Tsai CH, Cai X, Horhota AT, McLaughlin LW, Szostak JW. Enzymatic primer-extension with glycerol-nucleoside triphosphates on DNA templates. PLoS ONE. 2009;4(3):e4949. Epub 2009 Mar 23. PDF

Chen JJ, Cai X, Szostak JW. N2'-->p3' phosphoramidate glycerol nucleic acid as a potential alternative genetic system. J Am Chem Soc. 2009 Feb 18;131(6):2119-21. PDF. Supporting Information.


Mansy SS, Szostak JW. Thermostability of model protocell membranes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Sep 9;105(36):13351-5. Epub 2008 Sep 3. PDF

Mansy SS, Schrum JP, Krishnamurthy M, Tobé S, Treco DA, Szostak JW. Template-directed synthesis of a genetic polymer in a model protocell. Nature. Published online 4 June 2008. PDF. Supporting Information.

Subtelny AO, Hartman MC, Szostak JW. Ribosomal synthesis of N-methyl peptides. J Am Chem Soc. 2008 May 14;130(19):6131-6. Epub 2008 Apr 11. PDF

Monnard PA, Szostak JW. Metal-ion catalyzed polymerization in the eutectic phase in water-ice: A possible approach to template-directed RNA polymerization. J Inorg Biochem. 2008 May;102(5-6):1104-11. Epub 2008 Feb 1.


Hartman MC, Josephson K, Lin CW, Szostak JW. An expanded set of amino Acid analogs for the ribosomal translation of unnatural peptides. PLoS ONE. 2007 Oct 3;2(10):e972. PDF

Tsai CH, Chen J, Szostak JW. Enzymatic synthesis of DNA on glycerol nucleic acid templates without stable duplex formation between product and template. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Sep 11; 104(37): 14598-603. PDF Supporting information

Seelig B, Szostak JW. Selection and evolution of enzymes from a partially randomized non-catalytic scaffold. Nature. 2007 Aug 16;448(7155):828-31. PDF Supporting information

Mansy SS, Zhang J, Kummerle R, Nilsson M, Chou JJ, Szostak JW, Chaput JC. Structure and Evolutionary Analysis of a Non-biological ATP-binding Protein. J Mol Biol. 2007 Aug 10;371(2):501-13. PDF

Smith MD, Rosenow MA, Wang M, Allen JP, Szostak JW, Chaput JC. Structural insights into the evolution of a non-biological protein: importance of surface residues in protein fold optimization. PLoS ONE. 2007 May 23;2:e467. PDF

Hazen RM, Griffin PL, Carothers JM, Szostak JW. Functional information and the emergence of biocomplexity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 May 15;104 Suppl 1:8574-81. Epub 2007 May 9. PDF

Meena, Sam M, Pierce K, Szostak JW, McLaughlin LW. 2',3'-Dideoxy-3'-thionucleoside Triphosphates: Syntheses and Polymerase Substrate Activities. Org Lett. 2007 Mar 15;9(6):1161-3. PDF Supporting Information Supporting Information


Horhota AT, Szostak JW, McLaughlin LW. Glycerol nucleoside triphosphates: synthesis and polymerase substrate activities. Org Lett. 2006 Nov 9;8(23):5345-7. PDF Supporting Information

Blackburn EH, Greider CW, Szostak JW. Telomeres and telomerase: the path from maize, Tetrahymena and yeast to human cancer and aging. Nat Med. 2006 Oct;12(10):1133-8. PDF

Salehi-Ashtiani K, Luptak A, Litovchick A, Szostak JW. A genomewide search for ribozymes reveals an HDV-like sequence in the human CPEB3 gene. Science. 2006 Sep 22;313(5794):1788-92. Article Online Supporting Information

Hanczyc MM, Mansy SS, Szostak JW. Mineral Surface Directed Membrane Assembly. Orig Life Evol Biosph. 2007 Feb;37(1):67-82. PDF

Carothers JM, Oestreich SC, Szostak JW. Aptamers selected for higher-affinity binding are not more specific for the target ligand. J Am Chem Soc. 2006 Jun 21;128(24):7929-37. PDF Supporting Information

Seebeck FP, Szostak JW. Ribosomal synthesis of dehydroalanine-containing peptides. J Am Chem Soc. 2006 Jun 7;128(22):7150-1. PDF Supporting Information

Hartman MC, Josephson K, Szostak JW. Enzymatic aminoacylation of tRNA with unnatural amino acids. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Mar 21;103(12):4356-61. PDF Supporting Information

Carothers JM, Davis JH, Chou JJ, Szostak JW. Solution structure of an informationally complex high-affinity RNA aptamer to GTP. RNA. 2006 Apr;12(4):567-79. PDF

Cho GS, Szostak JW. Directed evolution of ATP binding proteins from a zinc finger domain by using mRNA display. Chem Biol. 2006 Feb;13(2):139-47. PDF Supporting Information


Fujikawa SM, Chen IA, Szostak JW. Shrink-wrap vesicles. Langmuir. 2005 Dec 20;21(26):12124-9. PDF Supporting Information

Plummer KA, Carothers JM, Yoshimura M, Szostak JW, Verdine GL. In vitro selection of RNA aptamers against a composite small molecule-protein surface. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Sep 30;33(17):5602-10. PDF Supporting Information

Chen IA, Salehi-Ashtiani K, Szostak JW. RNA catalysis in model protocell vesicles. J Am Chem Soc. 2005 Sep 28;127(38):13213-9. PDF Supporting Information

Ichida JK, Horhota A, Zou K, McLaughlin LW, Szostak JW. High fidelity TNA synthesis by Therminator polymerase. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Sep 12;33(16):5219-25. PDF

Josephson K, Hartman MC, Szostak JW. Ribosomal synthesis of unnatural peptides. J Am Chem Soc. 2005 Aug 24;127(33):11727-35. PDF Supporting Information

Horhota A, Zou K, Ichida JK, Yu B, McLaughlin LW, Szostak JW, Chaput JC. Kinetic analysis of an efficient DNA-dependent TNA polymerase. J Am Chem Soc. 2005 May 25;127(20):7427-34. PDF Supporting Information

Shen X, Valencia CA, Szostak JW, Dong B, Liu R. Scanning the human proteome for calmodulin-binding proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Apr 26;102(17):5969-74. PDF Supporting Information

Sacerdote MG, Szostak JW. Semipermeable lipid bilayers exhibit diastereoselectivity favoring ribose. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Apr 26;102(17):6004-8. PDF Supporting Information

Zou K, Horhota A, Yu B, Szostak JW, McLaughlin LW. Synthesis of alpha-L-threofuranosyl nucleoside triphosphates (tNTPs). Org Lett. 2005 Apr 14;7(8):1485-7. PDF Supporting Information Supporting Information

Ichida JK, Zou K, Horhota A, Yu B, McLaughlin LW, Szostak JW. An in vitro selection system for TNA. J Am Chem Soc. 2005 Mar 9;127(9):2802-3. PDF Supporting Information


Hanczyc MM, Szostak JW. Replicating vesicles as models of primitive cell growth and division. Curr Opin Chem Biol. 2004 Dec;8(6):660-4. PDF

Chen, IA, Roberts, RW, Szostak, JW. The emergence of competition between model protocells. Science 2004 Sep 3;305:1474-76. PDF Supporting Information

Chen IA, Szostak JW. A kinetic study of the growth of fatty acid vesicles. Biophys J. 2004 Aug;87(2):988-98. PDF

Sazani PL, Larralde R, Szostak JW. A small aptamer with strong and specific recognition of the triphosphate of ATP. J Am Chem Soc. 2004 Jul 14;126(27):8370-1. PDF Supporting Information

Chaput JC, Szostak JW. Evolutionary optimization of a nonbiological ATP binding protein for improved folding stability. Chem Biol. 2004 Jun;11(6):865-74. PDF

Chen IA, Szostak JW. Membrane growth can generate a transmembrane pH gradient in fatty acid vesicles. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 May 25;101(21):7965-70. PDF

Carothers JM, Oestreich SC, Davis JH, Szostak JW. Informational complexity and functional activity of RNA structures. J Am Chem Soc. 2004 Apr 28;126(16):5130-7.PDF Supporting Information Extra Materials


Hanczyc, MM, Fujikawa, SM, Szostak, JW. Experimental models of primitive cellular compartments: encapsulation, growth, and division. Science. 2003 Oct 24; 302: 618-622. PDF

Chaput, JC, Szostak, JW. TNA synthesis by DNA polymerases. J Am Chem Soc. 2003 Aug 6;125(31):9274-5. PDF

Vaish, NK, Larralde, R. Fraley, AW, Szostak, JW, McLaughlin, LW. A novel, modification-dependent ATP-binding aptamer selected from an RNA library incorporating a cationic functionality. Biochemistry. 2003 Jul 29;42(29):8842-51. PDF

Szostak, JW. Functional information: molecular messages. Nature. 2003 June 12; 423: 689. PDF

Huang, Z, and Szostak, JW. Selective labeling and detection of specific RNAs in an RNA mixture. Anal Biochem. 2003 Apr 1;315(1):129-33. PDF

Chaput, JC, Ichida, JK, Szostak, JW. DNA polymerase-mediated DNA synthesis on a TNA template. J Am Chem Soc. 2003 Jan 29;125(4):856-7. PDF


Davis, JH, Szostak, JW. Isolation of high-affinity GTP aptamers from partially structured RNA libraries. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Sep 3; 99(18):11616-11621. PDF


Salehi-Ashtiani K, Szostak JW. In vitro evolution suggests multiple origins for the hammerhead ribozyme. Nature. 2001 Nov 1;414(6859):82-4. PD

Szostak JW, Bartel, DP and Luisi, PL. Synthesizing Life. Nature. 2001; 409: 387-390. PDF

Keefe AD, Szostak JW. Functional proteins from a random-sequence library. Nature. 2001 Apr 5;410(6829):715-8. PDF

Keefe AD, Wilson, DS, Seelig, B, and Szostak JW. One-step purification of recombinant proteins using a nanomolar-affinity streptavidin-binding peptide, the SBP-Tag. Protein Expression and Purification. 2001; 28 : 440-446. PDF

Wilson DS, Keefe AD, Szostak JW.The use of mRNA display to select high-affinity protein-binding peptides. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Mar 27;98(7):3750-5. PDF


Cho, G, Keefe, AD, Wilson, DS, Liu, R and Szostak, JW. Constructing high complexity synthetic libraries of long ORFs using in vitro selection. J.Mol.Biol. 2000; 297:309-319 PDF supplementary information.

Vaish NK, Fraley AW, Szostak JW, McLaughlin LW. Expanding the structural and functional diversity of RNA: analog uridine triphosphates as candidates for in vitro selection of nucleic acids. Nucleic Acids Res. 2000 Sep 1;28(17):3316-22. PDF

Lee N, Bessho Y, Wei K, Szostak JW, Suga H. Ribozyme-catalyzed tRNA aminoacylation. Nat Struct Biol. 2000 Jan;7(1):28-33. PDF

Burgstaller P, Hale S, Sun L, Roberts RW, Szostak JW, Wagner R. Identification of epitope-like consensus motifs using mRNA display. J Mol Recognit. 2002 May-Jun;15(3):126-34.

Szostak JW. Constraints on the sizes of the earliest cells. In, 'Size Limits of Very Small Microorganisms', Proceedings of a Workshop of the Space Studies Board, National Research Council. 1999, National Academy Press.

Liu R, Barrick JE, Szostak JW, Roberts RW. Optimized synthesis of RNA-protein fusions for in vitro protein selection. Methods Enzymol. 2000;318:268-93.


Wilson DW, Szostak JW. In vitro Selection of Functional Nucleic Acids. Ann. Rev. Biochem., 1999; 68:611-648. PDF


Szostak JW. In Vitro Selection and Directed Evolution. 1998 Harvey Lecture Series. 1997-98;93:95-118. Review.

Holeman LA, Robinson SL, Szostak JW and Wilson C. Isolation and characterization of fluorophore-binding RNA aptamers. Folding & Design, 1998; 3:423-431.

Wilson C, Szostak JW. Isolation of a fluorophore-specific DNA aptamer with weak redox activity. Chem. Biol., 1998; 5: 609-617.

Wilson C, Nix J, Szostak JW. Functional requirements for specific ligand recognition by a biotin-binding RNA pseudoknot. Biochemistry 1998; 37:14410-9. PDF

Suga H, Cowan JA, Szostak JW. Unusual metal ion catalysis in an acyl transferase ribozyme. Biochemistry 1998; 37:10118-10125. PDF

Suga H, Lohse P, Szostak JW. Structural and Kinetic Characterization of an Acyl Transferase Ribozyme. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998; 120: 1151-1156. PDF


Roberts RW, Szostak JW. RNA-peptide fusions for the in Vitro selection of peptides and proteins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1997; 94: 12297-12302. PDF

Hager AJ, Szostak JW. Isolation of Novel Ribozymes that Ligate AMP-Activated RNA Substrates. Chem. Biol. 1997; 4:607-617.

Dieckmann T, Butcher SE, Sassanfar M, Szostak JW and Feigon J. Mutant ATP-Binding RNA aptamers reveal the structural basis for ligand binding. J. Mol. Biol. 1997; 273: 467- 478. PDF

Szostak JW. Introduction: Combinatorial Chemistry. Chem. Rev. 1997; 97 (2): 347-348, in: Chemical Reviews: Combinatorial Chemistry, a Thematic Issue, Guest Editor Jack W. Szostak.


Hager AJ, Pollard JD, Szostak JW. Ribozymes: aiming at RNA replication and translation. Chem. Biol. 1996; 3:717-725.

Huang Z, Szostak JW. 3' End-Labeling of RNA with DNA Polymerase. Nuc. Acids Res. 1996; 24: 4360-4361. PDF

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Rohatgi R, Bartel D, Szostak JW. Non-enzymatic, Template-Directed Ligation of Oligoribonucleotides is Highly Regioselective for the Formation of 3'-5' Phosphodiester Bonds. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996; 118: 3340-3334. PDF

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Finally three words:



post 148 shows just a few of them.
the total lack of of lab models is another.
the inability of science to witness macroevolution is yet another. shall i go on and on and on and on? .

Full of misconceptions. For one thing, even when scientists say something was "sudden" in the geological record, that still means it took millions of years. Species change from year to year, so we can expect the limiting factor to be environmental, not genetic. Just look at how diverse the dog genome turned out to be. The fossil record is far from complete. The lack of a proven theory of abiogenesis has no bearing on the Theory of Evolution. Macroevolution the way you use the term is a creationist ploy to imply that there is any essential difference between evolutionary changes and their cumulative effect.

Lab models do exist. Are you aware of the ongoing experiments with a culture of e. Coli and it's evolved ability to metabolize citrate?
i wish you would address my posts instead of denigrating me.

I'll address your points the moment they apply to evolutionary theory rather than the straw man that you have created in it's place. I've asked you several times now (albeit indirectly of late) to represent it correctly and each time you've failed.

"Within continuously sampled lineages, one rarely finds the gradual morphological trends predicted by Darwinian evolution; rather, change occurs with the sudden appearance of new, well-differentiated species."
-science vol. 199p:59

Interesting how you neglected to date any of these quotes. Allow me to correct this error for you. The one immediately above is from 1978.

"Instead of finding the gradual unfolding of life, what geologists of Darwin's time and geologists of the present day actually find is a highly uneven or jerky record; that is, species appear in the sequence very suddenly, show little or no change during their existence in the record, then abruptly go out of the record." -feild museum of natural history vol. 5 no. 1 p:673


"The abrupt appearance of higher taxa [living things] in the fossil record has been a perennial puzzle. Not only do characteristic and distinctive remains of phyla appear suddenly, without known ancestors, but several classes of a phylum, orders of a class, and so on, commonly appear at approximately the same time without known intermediates." -"american scientist" vol 63 p:673


The best examples used to 'prove' Darwinian evolution - the nautiloids and oysters - are considered today to be just examples of quite trivial change. The fossil record shows that they have not changed in any appreciable way, except for a small fluctuation in morphology. Their fossils appear fully formed, with no evidence of having evolved. "paleobiology" vol 3. p:115-151


"The evolution of the genetic machinery is the step for which there are no laboratory models; hence one can speculate endlessly ....."
scientific american vol 239no 3 p:77


These same comments are plastered all over countless creationist websites and they are all at least 32 years old. Not a very honourable way to attack a theory is it Leopold? Find me some modern commentary made by evolutionary biologists and I will take the time to respond. Or do you think it's fair to attack scientific theories by going back to a time when they were in their relative infancies instead of addressing them in their current and much more "evolved" form? Do you like slapping babies as well?

i have stated my views, you have yet to provide any proof they are wrong.

The burden of proof is on you since you are the one attacking well-established and almost universally accepted (in the scientific community) theory.

By the way, you still haven't grown the balls to tell us the specifics of your own theory.
Evolution is true because the fossils and the DNA records even match each other.

One may also Google 'transitional forms' to find that there have been many more found in the last 50 years.

Creationism has retreated to Evolutionary Gaps to Intelligent Design to Irreducible Complexity… and probably now back to Young Earth.
What I don't understand is the motivation behind wanting evolution to be wrong, myself. But there seems to be a very deep-seated need on some people's part to find ways to discount it.

"the genes were aready present in the organism. ”
Um... yeah, that's how it works, there is variation in a population and some are selected, some not, thus changing the frequency of these traits in the gene pool.

Ah, beaten to punch by the goat!:p Must be that silk-making gene...
Evolution sound like another religion. we are coming from nothing, we change into different beings with millions and millions of years, and we keep changing and changing until what? nobody knows.
Not to much difference than God Created us in 7 days and give life to a formed being made of clay.
BOth are based in Faith. Just Faith...

Ce n'est qu'un des ordures

"The Dao" or `Tao` Is translated as "The Way" or sometimes "The Path"

It is Daoism/Taoism The path to understanding existence and harmony within the universe and nature. Linked alot of the time with Feng Shui and some Zen/chean Buddhism simular in principle.

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