The best system is base on the scientific study of social economic political technological structural. The study of what it means to be the best as in prosperous, progressive, and funcional. These questions must be posed, and logically answered.
1. How can you determine a functioning society?
One master sits on a throne, commands slaves to to build the landscape, for unparallelled beauty. The slaves are shackled underground. The master keeps the slave handlers in a little more privalaged section. The slaves are educated just enough so that they can plan and build a beautiful kingdom for their master. Then go back in their hole underground every night. they plow the fields so they can stay fed so they can build more and more of the beautiful kingdom for their master. They educate eachother just enough so they all have the skills to continue building for their master. There is a section in which those that die are buried.
If you come to the city, you can marvel at the great palaces, and the lone master that owns everything followed by his personal servants as well as hist guard that he uses to protect his riches and to keep the slave handlers in line so that the handlers can keep the slaves in line.
Now he has lots of projects going on for the improvement of his kingdom, and he ha other projects going on for other purposes of his own entertainment. As stated, he must provide all these people with a limited amount of provisions so they can at least be strong enough, and have a certain limited level of intelligence to keep working. But his projects are not limited. He has a surplus of slaves that he does not need. No sense in wasting any provisions on them. Let them die. Before they die, let them complain that there is not enough work. Because of course, they have been trained from an early age that work = provisions. No work = no provisions = dead. Therefore, they complain about unemployment.
Is this beautiful kingdom "functioning"? There is nothing saying that it isn't.
There are people. The masses are kept in line and organized. There is minimum chaos and conflict. Lots of dispair, but it very well manages to perpetuate itself through and through. The master is happy with everything because he controls everything, and gets whatever he wants. Hey that skyscraper you just built for me is a little off. Tear it down, and rebuild it from the ground up. Functioning?
Who knows? But we do have a pretty decent system for trying to get an answer: