Does an avatar has big impact on how a person is perceived over the internet?

go naked & follow me

& ye shall learn the secrets that were told to me by the elders.

They told me: " I gotta bridge for sale"

I used a bunch of < thingys & the thread shut down. weird. :eek:
You did it again. You are my nearest equivilent to a god (next to Porfiry)
Hey, quit doing that!!! :mad:

Please, I implore thee, oh mighty but malevolent spirit of ... sciforums threads? :bugeye:

Right, I'm going to do a long post so that we can ge off this forsaken page.

So, hows things with everone?

I'm fine

Dreamt about Dream Girl again last night

Its scaring me

Who won the Stanley cup?

I gave up half way through the playoffs

It was shown here at 2am so I couldn't be bothered

About to go out and get a Pot Noodle

Bombay Bad Boy
Interesting, nroweatherman.

Would you mind not using that particular code?
:eek: ... Anyhoo, the definition of an avatar is the physical manifestation that a god takes to represent themselves on earth. On the internet, we choose an image to represent ourselves online. Since we choose pics of things that we find interesting in some way, it does say something about you.
Someone should psychoanalyse all our av's ('cept they'd have a full time job with Thor :p)

And when will this thing start a new page!??! :(
Like my last post? I said nothing. :D I can't even see what I'm posting here, because I can't seem to get past the 4th page. :bugeye: Until my next reply... :)