Does an avatar has big impact on how a person is perceived over the internet?

Ya but your avatar is the only one that has ever made me think less of someone, and then you don't show your age in your profile which also makes me wonder.

I have stated before that I'm 25, Check the "76" in my screename.;)

Also, you know what they say about those who "assume"..., they make an ass out of u and me...:D
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I like looking at them. Doesnt say much about a person though.

I think mine Kicks Ass!!!:D
Originally posted by lotuseatsvipers

haha thats so original. Who assumed anything?

Don't worry, I wasn't reffering to you. Just saying you can't judge a book by it's cover.:cool:
Hmmm ...

I've my avatar that follows me around (where possible)
and a nick, other than 'Chagur', for lists.

Guess I'd feel kind of 'naked' without them.

Take care ;)

the picture i got looks much different than what showed up to b my avatar.

the entire background and stuff just disappeared, and i ended up with what everybody sees. its kinda faliky, but its easy to distinguish when im scrolling.
My avatar is clearly a statement. Please take it to heart.
Originally posted by Mr. G

An easily dispelled misconception.

Nice avatar. I am glad you decided to use one. I think everyone else should stop being lazy and find or make one.
Sadly, the dimensions of the original were slightly too large to use here.

There ya go joe, I got off my lazy ass, too bad the resize all but destroyed it!

Can you guess what it is?
me well it a mog (i'm pretty sure that many FF fans will know)

and well it says it all
I think mines pretty cool

Its the helmet from Full Metal Jacket. Its says BORN TO KILL on it
I like mine, too

Since I change my avatar quite spontaneously, my next statements will be quite irrelevant within a couple of days, I assure you. :D

Not that anyone can see, but it's a picture of Shavo Odadjian, bassist for System Of A Down. It doesn't really reflect on the type of person that I am...since I don't go around shirtless, "cavorting" on a stage beating out heavy metal bass, and covering my body with tattoos... :eek:

Check out their song "Aerials"! :) (Shameless promotion, yes I know, but the good band told me so.)

I think I'll make Hamtaro my avatar soon... :D
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waits patiently for av to load... And it just happens to be the last graphic on the page ... :rolleyes: :p

So, just coincidence that it's blue then (in relation to your nick)?