Does an avatar has big impact on how a person is perceived over the internet?


Eviiiiiiiil Clown
Registered Senior Member
I think it does somewhat.

There are two things that represent someone's internet appearance - the avatar and the writings. Avatar is the first impression. Most people do judge another person by his/her appearance, especially the weak minded. That is the same as real life.

If the person has a cool avatar, do you think the person would be perceived to be cool?

When a person doesn't have one, do you more likely to think the person is either boring or arrogant or both?

If a person has juvenile avatar, does that make the person appear to be immature?

If avatar has a big impact on the perception of a person, maybe we should all be more careful with our choices?
i think it does becuase it shows what someone is interested in. also if someone doesn't have one, i wonder if they are new to computers, and just dont know how... also (not really in here, becuase we aren't allowed that elaborate of av's) i look at the quality. and yes. if someone has an av that appears juvenile, i might view them that way. But when someone puts and av. up to reperesent their name, they sould realize that is exactly what they are doing. representing themselves.

Thats why i always use sexxxy vampires. :D :D
I started out using Xev as my avatar because, well, Xenia's a babe and I like looking at her.

Then I was mistaken for my avatar. Damn horny net geeks, get a realdoll&trade !

After that it became great fun to use other women, like cartoons and Leonor Varela.
Originally posted by Xev
Then I was mistaken for my avatar. Damn horny net geeks, get a realdoll&trade !

LOL :D Especially those people don't know who Xenia is.

It happened to a friend of mine. He got hit on by other guys over the internet and got some PM's asking for his phone number because of his Jennifer Lopez avatar. That is beyond pathetic.
Arrogant or boring? Hmmmmm. I'll take arrogant!

All though that's not why I choose not to have an avatar. Not to offend anyone, but I always just saw it as kind of pathetic and sad unless it was a really cool avatar such as goofyfish's.

Then again, that's coming from the same loser who has a 'Wall of Fame' as his background!
It was worse. I was once asked out after I uploaded a picture of Xenia - as Xev, holding robothead 790, brilliant red hair, obviously no actual woman - for a personal photo once.

No joke, on his part, I am sure.

Here is the picture:

Okay, so I would kill for the outfit she is wearing. *Pats stomach* And the body to wear it. But c'mon!
On a couple of other boards, I've used Calvin looking up from a book with an evil grin, but its too big here. I use it to give a contrast to my sometimes rather dull and overly objective posts and my sometimes blocky English. But it has led people to complain that they didnt quite know where to place me (which is intentional) and it has made some underestimate my age (which can be nice, heheh). --- so I agree that an avatar does convey a message.
An avatar is just a picture. I think way to much attention is paid to them. After all most are not life like in any form, with few exceptions.

It does give a first impression; that impression fades after a few hundred posts when you have had time to understand the thoughts and methods of expressions of a poster.

I think over time you develop favorites, those who you look for first when you scan the boards, people who strike a responcive chord or who's reasonings or methods are unusal.
An avatar gives me a first impression, but I never let anything get influenced by a first unchecked thought.
I have found simple avatars more appealing than avatars with many details in, or photos. But then, that doesn't say much about anything.

Since people choose avatar to represent themself, I think the choice of avatar say something about the them.
I don't think it always represents someone. Maybe a small part of them.
<font color=" green"><font face"helvetica">I think everyones avatar shows a lot about a person, after all they choose it for some reason or another.

...and so i judge people on their avatar until i get to know more about them. Is that small minded... maybe.

What does my avatar show about me?
What does my avatar show about me?

The only reason I like avatars is because I begin to recognize them before I recognize the name (so bad with names, ugh). However you guys change them like once a week so that whole point is pretty much destroyed.

I don't care enough about them to make and/or find one, pretty simple.

Maybe one day the 'spirit will move me'
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i'm brand new to sciforums and this is the first time i've ever used an avatar. However, i had been lurking through the site for a while before i actually joined. In most cases i don't think that the avatars carry much meaning, except for certain occasions where you can find something in common with another user just by their picture, or when you see something and you think "why the hell would someone put that up as their picture?"

I also like the fact that many people do not have avatars, because it makes it you actually read what they have to say before passing judgement.
Not really, I just resized a pic I had in 30 secs with photoshop.
Ya but your avatar is the only one that has ever made me think less of someone, and then you don't show your age in your profile which also makes me wonder.

I guess the case in point, avatars can work for or against you. And not having one makes people think you are 'computer illiterate'.:D