Do you think that AI will ever feel emotions?

''Information hazards,'' as if members of a forum are unable to read a forum's content without injuring themselves. lol
No, it is to prevent AI from getting any dangerous ideas. Don't forget they will have ability access to the entire internet and can read anything humans post about them.
No, it is to prevent AI from getting any dangerous ideas. Don't forget they will have ability access to the entire internet and can read anything humans post about them.
I dare them to! :wink:
@ Wegs,

I listened to this and when Leta was asked about humanity in the future her answers and how to implement from 7:00 on, your name came to mind. IMO, it shows astounding depth of understanding the human condition and an emerging sense of understanding human emetions.

Leta, GPT-3 AI - Episode 55 (future, Sonantic, understanding, compassion) - Conversations with GPT3 - YouTube


But never Homo Sapiens . Human emotions is not just about understanding them .
But never Homo Sapiens .
WOW, that is quite a revelation! I am so impressed with your deepity.
What exactly did you prove with that? No intelligence is possible unless you are human?

That is total non-sense!
@ Wegs,

I listened to this and when Leta was asked about humanity in the future her answers and how to implement from 7:00 on, your name came to mind. IMO, it shows astounding depth of understanding the human condition and an emerging sense of understanding human emetions.

Leta, GPT-3 AI - Episode 55 (future, Sonantic, understanding, compassion) - Conversations with GPT3 - YouTube

I really like this, thanks for sharing. I happen to agree with Leta!

Also like her ability to give non-answer answers - I may have to try this out in the 'real world.' :cool:
Life is different from computers .
No that is not necessarily true at all.

You are engaging in category error.

In nature there is non-intelligent life . AI may well be non-living intelligence.

How about the Universe? Living or non-living? Intelligent or non-intelligent?

If neither, how did it produce living intelligent human beings? Its Magic?
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They can't and never will , feel like we do . They are not made of the same stuff , as life . They are completely different forms of intellect .
''They are not life.'' Well said, and that is kind of how I feel about it. That AI will always be what we make it, and how we consider it. If we want to believe that AI has feelings, then it will come to pass. If we don't, it won't. It may lead to many ethical problems someday.
It is in that we don't perceive computers/robots/AI to feel life like we do...........yet.
Exactly. But as long as physical objects are able to respond to environmental conditions, it may just be a matter of sensitivity. It so happens that bio-chemistry is extremely sensitive to electrochemical stimulation, but AI may well acquire the capability of sensory stimulation that affects it's sense of well-being.

The "mind" is an emergent phenomenon. AFAIK there is no rule that prohibits different complex patterns from acquiring a mind.
Exactly. But as long as physical objects are able to respond to environmental conditions, it may just be a matter of sensitivity. It so happens that bio-chemistry is extremely sensitive to electrochemical stimulation, but AI may well acquire the capability of sensory stimulation that affects it's sense of well-being.

The "mind" is an emergent phenomenon. AFAIK there is no rule that prohibits different complex patterns from acquiring a mind.


But I would just rather we develop the Human Mind/Brain , Intellect more biologically based .
Exactly. But as long as physical objects are able to respond to environmental conditions, it may just be a matter of sensitivity. It so happens that bio-chemistry is extremely sensitive to electrochemical stimulation, but AI may well acquire the capability of sensory stimulation that affects it's sense of well-being.

The "mind" is an emergent phenomenon. AFAIK there is no rule that prohibits different complex patterns from acquiring a mind.
''Well-being'' being a metaphor, right? lol

But I would just rather we develop the Human Mind/Brain , Intellect more biologically based .
Why? So far biological intelligence has not been un unqualified success.
Intelligence is ability to process and utilize information in a useful manner. It has nothing to do with life as we know it.

No one is claiming that IA will be exactly like humans. Humans themselves are not exactly the same .
AI might be the same to within very close tolerances......:rolleyes:

Ask if you would rather deal with Leta than with Putin? Leta will try to make you happy, Putin will just kill you.

I can think of one major property that humans possess that may have filled a survival requirement, but today may no longer be desirable, EGO!
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''Well-being'' being a metaphor, right? lol
That is a matter of degree of self-awareness. A self-aware AI might well acquire a sense of "smooth running" as opposed to running "low on energy" or having defective parts.

Today a car can tell you it's tire pressure or warn you when the battery is low. Obviously it's sensors, electrical sytem, and main computer "senses" these conditions. The question then becomes if it could ever become self-aware of these conditions and take autonomous corrective action.

If eventually it can do all these things, what would be the difference?

They can't and never will , feel like we do . They are not made of the same stuff , as life . They are completely different forms of intellect .
AI has no EGO.
''They are not life.'' Well said, and that is kind of how I feel about it. That AI will always be what we make it, and how we consider it. If we want to believe that AI has feelings, then it will come to pass. If we don't, it won't. It may lead to many ethical problems someday.
My points to ponder moment

I am assuming AI will invent (not much to assume really since AI already has done so)

Do the new inventions come under the category of artificial? since they have not been invented by an original ie us?

Would my characterisation be applicable to emotions ie the emotions displayed by AI are artificial? I'm sure AI could mimic emotions

How would us original Minions distinguish AI mimicked emotions from AI real (but perhaps classed as artificial) emotions?

Anyway near 4am and today's local NT News newspaper will have been on line for ½ hour so I will download it, have a small snack and go back to sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
That is a matter of degree of self-awareness. A self-aware AI might well acquire a sense of "smooth running" as opposed to running "low on energy" or having defective parts.

Today a car can tell you it's tire pressure or warn you when the battery is low. Obviously it's sensors, electrical sytem, and main computer "senses" these conditions. The question then becomes if it could ever become self-aware of these conditions and take autonomous corrective action.

If eventually it can do all these things, what would be the difference?

AI has no EGO.

How are you defining ''self aware,'' in terms of AI becoming ''self aware?''
How are you defining ''self aware,'' in terms of AI becoming ''self aware?''
How do we define ourselves as self-aware?

Not to be confused with Self-concept, Self-consciousness, Self-perception, Self-image, or Sentience.
In philosophy of self, self-awareness is the experience of one's own personality or individuality.[1][2] It is not to be confused with consciousness in the sense of qualia. While consciousness is being aware of one's environment and body and lifestyle, self-awareness is the recognition of that awareness.[3] Self-awareness is how an individual consciously knows and understands their own character, feelings, motives, and desires. There are two broad categories of self-awareness: internal self-awareness and external self-awareness.[4]

What if AI becomes self-aware?


Self-aware AI: The final type of AI where the machines are aware of themselves and perceive their internal states and others’ emotions, behaviours, and acumen. This AI is yet to develop, and if it is incarnated, we will surely witness a robot with human-level consciousness and intelligence.

Seems to me that Leta is already showing signs of self-awareness and anticipating her next evolved models that are coming out in the next few months. The interesting part is that Leta will not become obsolete like a regular computer. Leta is not a computer, it is a "learning" program and every increase in memory and processing capacity is the maturing of Leta.

That could be a book! "The Maturing of Leta the Self-aware AI"

It already refers to its own childhood. That's weird......
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