Do you think that AI will ever feel emotions?

river said: Life , is the is beyond electrochemical . Deep in the Earths Crust Life Exists .
[QUOTE="Write4U, post: 3680376, member: 261885" Nonsense. [/quote]
What is nonsense ?
Electrochemistry does not exist in the Earth Crust? Where did you read that?
Where did you read what you know ? What Books ?
C'mon, you don't have access to the internet?

Earthquakes are measured using well defined seismic parameters such as seismic moment (Mo), moment magnitude (Mw), and released elastic energy(E). How this tremendous amount of energy is accumulated silently deep inside the earth's crust? The most obvious question in seismic research remains unanswered. We found an inherent and intriguing connection between the released energy in an earthquake and electrochemical potential induced in an ultra-thin metal oxide electrode immersed in an aqueous pH solution, which leads us to understand the origin of the energy accumulation process in an earthquake.
A huge electrochemical potential is accumulated from numerous electrochemical cells formed in a unique layer structure of hydrated clay minerals (predominantly smectite), which resulted in a lightning-like discharge in the lithosphere (hypocenter). The subsequent thunder-like massive shockwave is produced, which initiates tectonic plate movement along a fault line, probably through acoustic fluidization (AF), and resulting seismic energy is transmitted as primary wave (P-wave), secondary wave (S-wave), and surface waves.
The presence of electrical voltage in the hypocenter directly supports the seismic electric signal (SES), further strengthening the VAN method of earthquake prediction. Our finding is supported by a plethora of research and observation devoted to seismic science. This study will find its significance if immediate action is implemented to monitor the evolution of electrochemical potential, seismic electrical signal (SES), and ionic activity in the fault zone at lithosphere as well as in the ionosphere for predicting an impending earthquake for saving human lives as early as possible.

Who knows, maybe the earth itself is a living biome.
What's an electrochemical experience, and how does it differ from any other kind of experience? (Are there other kinds?)
I'm not sure. Some may argue that emotions are an emergent phenomenon, i.e. once removed from the actual electrochemical processes.

Emotion as an emergent phenomenon of the neurocomputational energy regulation mechanism of a cognitive agent in a decision-making task.
One of the often overlooked outcomes of these cognitive mechanisms, in spite of the critical effect that they may have on the perception-action cycle of organisms, is “emotion.” In this study, we hold that emotion can be considered as an emergent phenomenon of a plausible neurocomputational energy regulation mechanism, which generates an internal reward signal to minimize the neural energy consumption of a sequence of actions (decisions), where each action triggers a visual memory recall process
The thing that would be concerning, is if AI ''developed'' emotions, or let's say a program was created for AI to seem like it feels emotions, would the tendency towards error increase? Human beings make a TON of errors (bad judgement calls) for example, because we sometimes act out of emotion. But, emotions motivate us to act. It could be a weird catch-22 if AI goes in this direction.
The thing that would be concerning, is if AI ''developed'' emotions, or let's say a program was created for AI to seem like it feels emotions, would the tendency towards error increase? Human beings make a TON of errors (bad judgement calls) for example, because we sometimes act out of emotion. But, emotions motivate us to act. It could be a weird catch-22 if AI goes in this direction.

In addition, the whole point of smart machines is that humans want a category of [faster processing] slaves that can't be undermined by moral concerns.

So endowing AI with self-interest (a core part of the emotions package) and the biased, motivated reasoning stemming from that, is detrimental to the above -- creates an object receptive to consideration for rights.

And Jacobin descended tradition would most certainly target sentient robots and tabletop AI for a new generation of its crusading, since by then it could be running out of conventional human population groups to paternalistically exploit. Although it's possible that the number of unemployed resulting from smart machines could rejuvenate its original interest in the non-aristocratic classes [proles] -- rather than, say, its contemporary passion for drag queens and ultra-fringe communities. (There's supposedly an Italian cartoon that sarcastically highlights that by borrowing the March of Progress evolutionary template.)
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In addition, the whole point of smart machines is that humans want a category of [faster processing] slaves that can't be undermined by moral concerns.
I think that was the case at first, but this near obsession that many have with AI developing ''consciousness,'' suggests that maybe we want to at least see what that might look like - but at best, wouldn't it just be ''artificial consciousness?''

So endowing AI with self-interest (a core part of the emotions package) and the biased, motivated reasoning stemming from that, is detrimental to the above -- creates an object receptive to consideration for rights.
True, but maybe AI keeps its self-awareness ''capability'' to itself, as a means of self-preservation. lol

And Jacobin descended tradition would most certainly target sentient robots and tabletop AI for a new generation of its crusading, since by then it could be running out of conventional human population groups to paternalistically exploit. Although it's possible that the number of unemployed resulting from smart machines could rejuvenate its original interest in the non-aristocratic classes [proles] -- rather than, say, its contemporary passion for drag queens and ultra-fringe communities. (There's supposedly an Italian cartoon that sarcastically highlights that by borrowing the March of Progress evolutionary template.)
Maybe it's not an either/or proposition, rather AI could merely develop (or be programmed to develop) varying layers of awareness, that would progress over time? The danger of it all comes down to speed - machines handle tasks faster than humans, so imagine how fast they'd ''evolve'' if they became aware of their actions? Sigh, sooo many lines of code, though.
Sigh, sooo many lines of code, though.
AFAIK, GPT3 does not use that much active raw data coding like a Turing machine. It has data translators that convert data into "tokens" (memories). When it received a verbal command it consults the tokens and from the token-base it "assembles" several scenarios in order of "priority".

Just as in the human brain. As Anil Seth explains when the brain receives external sensory data, it triggers a "recall" of similar stored data (human tokens) and forms an expectation in order of priorities. We create a mental expectation of reality and compare it with incoming data. We create our reality as much from the inside out as from the outside in!

And AFAIK, that is how GPT3 works. It is a self-referential system that constantly monitors its position in relation to its external environment.

It uses the internet to associate words with pictures. That is exactly how humans do a google search. We type in a word and ask for a definition and an illustration, from which we form a mental token.

Input: describe a Cow by definition and with illustrations of different types (and related data) ---> enter

GPT3 will generate descriptions and illustrations :
Cattle, or cows (female) and bulls (male), are large domesticated cloven-hooved herbivores.

A brown Swiss Fleckvieh cow wearing a cowbell
Dairy cattle (also called dairy cows) are female cattle bred for the ability to produce large quantities of milk, from which dairy products are made. Dairy cows generally are of the species Bos taurus.

A Holstein cow with prominent udder and less muscle than is typical of beef breeds

The GPT3 knows the meaning and context of every word (it has been trained to) and if it doesn't, it can learn it.

So from the simple command to provide the definition and description of a cow, it can research the entire family of Bovidae and everything that is known about cattle. Its strength lies in its ability to do autonomous research, just like humans do when googling a subject with only a superficial knowledge of that subject.

It just occurred to me that GPT3 is like a self-organizing puzzle assembler. It has, or has access to all the individual pieces (tokens) on a subject, and all it needs to do is find the place for a specific token in order to assemble a completed definition and illustration of any object.
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