Do you think that AI will ever feel emotions?

If infertility became a prollem AI coud solve it... but woud AI have a need for humans.???
It is not complicated. AI has no needs at all (besides energy), so it is never motivated for self-gratification other than performing a service to mankind. That can be programmed, much like humans.
AI doing autonomous research for humans. This is evolving very quickly now, folks.

Artificial intelligence could help biologists classify the world’s tiny creatures
By Elizabeth PennisiJun. 4, 2021 , 5:00 PM


With biodiversity in decline around the world, researchers are desperate to catalog all of Earth’s insects and other invertebrates, which represent 90% of the 9 million species yet to be named. To do so, scientists typically face long hours in the lab sorting through the specimens they collected.
Enter DiversityScanner. The approach involves a robot, which plucks individual insects and other small creatures one at a time from trays and photographs them. A computer then uses a type of artificial intelligence known as machine learning to compare each one’s legs, antennae, and other features to known specimens.
The technology then imposes a color code, or heat map, over the image (see above). The warmer the color, say, red, the more the computer program depended on that body part to make a call on the type of insect it was. This heat map makes it easier for researchers checking the identification to see what the program’s “thought” process was.
It is not complicated. AI has no needs at all (besides energy), so it is never motivated for self-gratification other than performing a service to mankind. That can be programmed, much like humans.
I see a continuin merge of humans an AI until thers not much left of the human part... an then ther was none.!!!
I see a continuin merge of humans an AI until thers not much left of the human part... an then ther was none.!!!
Well, if immortality is a human goal, we better do away with out biological bodies. They are versatile but fragile and not very suitable for space travel.

Android cyborgs would theoretically be able live thousands of years and be suitable for space travel over very long distances. Theoretically they could live in a vacuum which simplifies rocket design greatly.
Well, if immortality is a human goal, we better do away with out biological bodies. They are versatile but fragile and not very suitable for space travel.

They can be through more intensive research on this subject . The monies spent on robot tech. Far exceeds the monies spent on Human form space travel . Which should be upped to be equal .

Android cyborgs would theoretically be able live thousands of years and be suitable for space travel over very long distances. Theoretically they could live in a vacuum which simplifies rocket design greatly.

To your first statement

Yet are still limited by what they experience from radiation . Metals melt .

Rocket design , meaning chemical fuel mixtures , hydrogen and oxygen , are old ideas . In the Future 50 to 100yrs from now , anti-gravity and the like will the propulsion tech. Used to propel space craft of all kinds . With no effect on biological forms in the space craft .
Read this honest assessment of the state of the Art in AI

“I am open to the idea that a worm with 302 neurons is conscious, so I am open to the idea that GPT-3 with 175 billion parameters is conscious too.”
— David Chalmers

What is GPT-3 and why is it so powerful?
Understanding the hype behind this language model that generates human-like text


Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash
GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) is a language model that was created by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research laboratory in San Francisco. The 175-billion parameter deep learning model is capable of producing human-like text and was trained on large text datasets with hundreds of billions of words.
Read this honest assessment of the state of the Art in AI

“I am open to the idea that a worm with 302 neurons is conscious, so I am open to the idea that GPT-3 with 175 billion parameters is conscious too.”
— David Chalmers

What is GPT-3 and why is it so powerful?
Understanding the hype behind this language model that generates human-like text


Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

And your point Write4U ?
And your point Write4U ?
If it were a duck , we'd have no problem accepting that, if looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it must be a duck.

Yet when we interact with a GPT3, it talks like a human, thinks like a human, can make itself look like a human, we act incredulously as if the very idea is absurd.

Have you watched the videos I have provided. GPT3 can compose music as well as a human, it can design everything as well as a human, is has a much larger memory than a human. Why can it not be an artificial human?

Ok, maybe not yet a grown up, but maybe a little smarter than a duck?
If it were a duck , we'd have no problem accepting that, if looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it must be a duck.

Yet when we interact with a GPT3, it talks like a human, thinks like a human, can make itself look like a human, we act incredulously as if the very idea is absurd.

Have you watched the videos I have provided. GPT3 can compose music as well as a human, it can design everything as well as a human, is has a much larger memory than a human. Why can it not be an artificial human?

Ok, maybe not yet a grown up, but maybe a little smarter than a duck?


To your second last statement

I'm sure that it can . It can't exist in nature with a being producing it .
I see a continuin merge of humans an AI until thers not much left of the human part... an then ther was none.!!!
Er. I'm not sure how that would work.

AI is an artificial device that is designed to mimic the executive functions of an organic brain. It would not normally be "merged" with a biological brain - you'd get two brains in one body. They would be in competition.

No, an AI is a substitute for a brain.

To your second last statement

I'm sure that it can . It can't exist in nature with a being producing it .
Can you exist in nature without 2 beings producing you?

GPT3 is not a biological system, but AFAIK, there is no known law that forbids the organization of a sentient Artificial Intelligence?
Er. I'm not sure how that would work.
Perty simple really.!!!

AI will start out as meerly an assist to an organic brain... not a competitor... an from thar it will be happily accepted by enuff humans that it will continue at an exponential rate until organic brain/body parts are no longer needed.!!!
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Perty simple really.!!!

AI will start out as meerly an assist to an organic brain... not a competitor... an from thar it will be happily accepted by enuff humans that it will continue at an exponential rate until organic brain/body parts are no longer needed.!!!
The one great difference is that AI never had to struggle for survival and has no use for such defensive mechanisms to begin with.

AFAIK, all biological life is a result of natural selection for survival traits, which has shaped all our life styles, cultures, and personal histories. AI has no need for such "hard wired" survival mechanisms. It can be taught a few cautionary instructions and with the help of suitable threshold switches that informs the AI of its physical abilities and limitations it should be able to navigate its environment relatively easily.

My intuition tells me that the text based programming will be the difference in the evolution of the GPT system.

What it does not know it does not need to be taught. It has access to the entire human library of knowledge over the internet and can read several languages. What it does not know, it can learn all on its own.

These are the actual words of a GPT when asked what it can learn. It understands definitions and context and can write it's own programs. The one thing it misses as yet is long term memory of its own self-referential history and that may be a critical piece in determining its own extended self-aware place in relation to its Environment, Humans, and other AI.
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What defensive mechanisms are you talkin about.???
Aside from the well known tooth and claw, there are hundreds of defense mechanisms which have evolved in specific species through natural selection.
Nature, at first glance, may appear to be a tranquil and peaceful place — but there is also another side to it, which has been described as "red in tooth and claw".
In reality, the natural world is a brutal dance of life and death. In response, many animals and plants have developed interesting and surprising defense mechanisms to defend themselves from their predators and, in some cases, the elements.
Let's take a look at some of the most interesting and extreme types of defensive mechanisms in nature.

What are nature's defense mechanisms?
For the purposes of this article, we will define a defense mechanism, with regards to nature, as a strategy, or physical adaption, for protecting an organism against danger — like predation or environmental pressures. Not to be confused with the same term used in psychology.
1. The wood frog creates its own antifreeze to survive being frozen
2. The sea cucumber fires its internal organs at attackers
3. The boxer crab uses sea anemones as boxing gloves
4. The cuttlefish changes its color and shape to hide in plain sight
5. These explosive ants defend their colony at the cost of their own lives
6. The slow loris can coat itself in poison
7. The porcupine carries its own phalanx
8. The bombardier beetle is a natural WMD
9. The Texas horned lizard literally cries blood
10. The Iberian ribbed newt shape-shifts to defend itself
11. The hagfish knocks out predator fish's gills in defense

Theses are just a few of the strangest adaptions, almost all extant species have specialized adaptions that help protect them from Nature's onslaught or that help them secure food.

As Hellstrom posited "Life must take Life, in the interest of Life itself"

Hellstrom Chronicle quotes;
Dr. Hellstrom:

AI has no need for biological food. Ideally the sun or some commonly occurring chemical reaction should theoretically be able to supply it with unlimited energy.
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This is remarkable.
A free flowing conversation between two GPT3 organisms about love and what it means.

Note that these are not pre-programmed questions and responses. Perhaps the designers may have suggested a conversation about love. The discussion itself is spontaneous.

and an IQ test. Leta rates her own IQ @ 150

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Hmm, I don’t think AI can be spontaneous, yet. Spontaneity would require independence to basically “go off script.” Maybe someday, but I don’t think AI is exhibiting spontaneity there.
AI has no need for biological food. Ideally the sun or some commonly occurring chemical reaction should theoretically be able to supply it with unlimited energy.
It may not need biological food, but concluding AI will not need its own form of food is unwarranted.

It is entirely possible that an AI will not simply live in an electronically-based physical support system. It may well require a physical support system that is dependent on a variety of consumable nutrients (and thus it would also have to excrete the waste byproducts of those consumed nutrients.)

As you say, that "commonly-occurring chemical reaction" still needs to get to the AI. That is - effectively - food.
From Reddit
Posted by u/Parodoticus :
ME: What's the difference between madness and sanity?
GPT: The difference between darkness and light. The difference between madness and sanity is the difference between night and day, between good and evil. Between order and chaos. We are the masters of our destinies, even if we do not know why. We do not know why we are alive, or why the trees and the stars and the animals and the water are here. The difference between madness and sanity is the difference between a light burning and a light going out. For everything is changed by a breath, and we can never have a settled world because we are ourselves a breath, the wind-blown dust and the cloud blowing over the abyss. Between imagination and fact. It's all a dream anyway. Sanity is just sleepwalking through it, and madness is a nightmare.

Is this language recognizable as an artificial intelligence?