Do you think that AI will ever feel emotions?


+=1, ×=2, - =3, ÷=4


(10÷1)=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10





Would 2,400,000 combinations produce any artificial intelligence???
Not true at all. Neural networks have - quite accurately - imitated the intelligence of insects, which are far more advanced than amoebas.
Can you be more specific? Are you claiming that AI neural networks are imitating insect intelligence?

If AI is already that advanced, that's very encouraging. Although the intelligence ratio between amoebas and insects is considerable less than the IQ ratio between insect and human intelligence, no? Or is it the other way around?

And of course, size and adaptation is also a consideration. If amoebas needed evolution to survive we would have very smart amoebas by now. But apparently amoeba intelligence is quite sufficient for their survival and there is no need for much improvement on being an amoeba.

OTOH imitating human intelligence is a whole different ball-game. Note that insects are devoid of emotion, AFAIK, all survival techniques in insects are "hard-wired" electro-chemical responses.

But in order to be able to "experience" the world as humans, an AI would have to be able to experience empathic emotions, i.e. placing itself into your shoes emotionally.

p.s. on second thought, insects may well have empathic response systems. They do act "in concert" when threatened by a number of different disasters requiring different responses.
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What about a program that writes itself?

The program copies itself to the end, and then subsequently runs what it has just written.

Some examples:
There is a Difference Between Life Form Intelligence and AI Intelligence .

AI intelligence , is based on the Periodic Table of Elements .

Life is not . Life is from the Suns Electromagnetic Energy . And Volcanic Activity Above and Below the Oceans Surface.
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Life is not . Life is from the Suns Electromagnetic Energy . And Volcanic Activity Above and Below the Oceans Surface.
Life is a result of chemistry...chemistry of "stuff" born and synthesised in the belly of stars and accretion disks, as controlled and dictated by gravity.
river said:
Life is not . Life is from the Suns Electromagnetic Energy . And Volcanic Activity Above and Below the Oceans Surface.

Life is a result of chemistry...chemistry of "stuff" born and synthesised in the belly of stars and accretion disks, as controlled and dictated by gravity.

Then why is Bio-chemistry different from Periodic Table chemistry ?

Life manipulates the Periodic Table of Elements .

Chemical Reactions don't All Produce Life .
Who said they always do? But the fact remains, chemical reactions have resulted in life.

Life is a result of chemistry...chemistry of "stuff" born and synthesised in the belly of stars and accretion disks, as controlled and dictated by gravity.
Who said they always do? But the fact remains, chemical reactions have resulted in life.

Life is a result of chemistry...chemistry of "stuff" born and synthesised in the belly of stars and accretion disks, as controlled and dictated by gravity.

Chemical Reactions of Certain Types .

Life Bonds certain Chemicals to manifest Life .

Chemical Reactions don't All Produce Life .
Well, Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen. What's your point?

From post#225

There is a Difference Between Life Form Intelligence and AI Intelligence .
AI intelligence , is based on the Periodic Table of Elements .

Life is not . Life is from the Suns Electromagnetic Energy . And Volcanic Activity Above and Below the Oceans Surface.
Chemistry is the study of chemical reactions that occur in the physical world. Biochemistry is the study of chemical reactions that occur inside of living organisms.

Chemical biology deals with how chemistry can be applied to solve biological problems while biochemistry is the study of the chemistry of biology. In general, the chemical biology major focuses on small molecules while the biochemistry major focuses on proteins and nucleic acids.