Do you think that AI will ever feel emotions?

Nevertheless we are fundamentally discussing about extremely Cold temperatures .
Exactly! You thought you were talking about extremely cold temperatures; you said -150C is cold. And as I just proved to you, to high temperature superconductors (i.e. superconductors like YBCO that can work at a high temperature) -150C is way too hot. Do you see your mistake?
Don't work in an office building .
Where would you work, river, to avoid being exposed to toxic DHMO?
...but only when immersed in DHMO! Right Riv? :D
Dihydrogen monoxide, a remarkably useful chemical compound. Unfortunately, it is toxic in large amounts. But many office buildings expose you to it every day! Take action, River!
FMD!!! I don't believe it. Dementia?
Where would you work, river, to avoid being exposed to toxic DHMO?

So...a few of the little bullies discover a new way to describe plain water and just have to try to validate their miserable existence...?
So...a few of the little bullies discover a new way to describe plain water and just have to try to validate their miserable existence...?
You weren't there for that ridiculous discussion with River, so you don't know anything about his shenanigans. You speak from ignorance.

This is way off-topic. It belongs in your bullying thread.
You weren't there for that ridiculous discussion with River, so you don't know anything about his shenanigans. You speak from ignorance.

This is way off-topic. It belongs in your bullying thread.
You have no idea (ergo: you are ignorant as to) what Threads I Follow/Read.

Gang abusing river because he DOES NOT KNOW that DHMO is simply Water is NOT ON TOPIC.
Gang abusing river because he DOES NOT KNOW that DHMO is simply Water is NOT ON TOPIC.
DMOE has an issue with DHMO. I see!

The reason it's relevant is that River tends to debate based on what an argument sounds like, rather than whether it has any scientific validity. Hence if you "feel like" robots can't have emotions that's what you argue no matter what the facts are. If you "feel like" -150C is super cold from every perspective that's what you argue, no matter what the facts are. If you "feel like" DHMO sounds dangerous then you argue against it - again, no matter what the facts are.

About three minutes of research would inform him better in all the above cases. Thus, by doing even that minimal amount of research he could avoid being tripped up by the DHMO issue. I seek to encourage him to do that, since ordinary reminders certainly don't work.
DMOE has an issue with DHMO. I see!
...Shakes head... see :

The reason it's relevant is that River tends to debate based on what an argument sounds like, rather than whether it has any scientific validity. Hence if you "feel like" robots can't have emotions that's what you argue no matter what the facts are. If you "feel like" -150C is super cold from every perspective that's what you argue, no matter what the facts are. If you "feel like" DHMO sounds dangerous then you argue against it - again, no matter what the facts are.

About three minutes of research would inform him better in all the above cases. Thus, by doing even that minimal amount of research he could avoid being tripped up by the DHMO issue. I seek to encourage him to do that, since ordinary reminders certainly don't work.
After I read 2 or 3 of rivers Posts, some 9 years or so in the past, it became obvious to me that river was a person that English was possibly a Second Language.
If you are going to Teach, then Teach...
Teaching does not entail Teasing, Tormenting or an adult you must know that.
.If you are going to Teach, then Teach...

I tried that. This time I thought I'd try to get him to think.
Teaching does not entail Teasing, Tormenting or an adult you must know that.
I find teaching often entails asking questions, letting people fail at answering them - and then letting them figure out the answers to those questions. Often that works better than lecturing them.

But to get back on topic -

Over the years people have claimed a lot of things about emotions - including that animals don't have them, and even that some people didn't have them. ("They don't feel sadness/loss/pain as much as we do" was a common rationalization for what people did to slaves back in the 1800's.) Until we can define what "feeling an emotion" means it will be impossible to answer this question.

If, on the other hand, you can define emotions by what it makes the being DO - then AI already feels emotions. My car, for example, is terrified of high closing speeds, and will beep, flash lights and (eventually) slam on the brakes when it senses them.
What is the statistical probability that I can create a thread that stays on topic?

I haven't quite decided if this is a rhetorical question or not.
After I read 2 or 3 of rivers Posts, some 9 years or so in the past, it became obvious to me that river was a person that English was possibly a Second Language.
If you are going to Teach, then Teach...
Teaching does not entail Teasing, Tormenting or an adult you must know that.
No, no second language at all. Simply put and as he has shown, river is a troll, an ignorant troll, but a troll none the less.
Your own posts also reflect trollish behaviour and have for many years dmoe. This act does not fool me. You would be a C grade actor in Hollywood methinks.

Artificial Intelligence, Really, Is Pseudo-Intelligence
November 21, 20143:51 PM ET
But it's striking that even the simplest forms of life — the amoeba, for example — exhibit an intelligence, an autonomy, an originality, that far outstrips even the most powerful computers. A single cell has a life story; it turns the medium in which it finds itself into an environment and it organizes that environment into a place of value. It seeks nourishment. It makes itself — and in making itself it introduces meaning into the universe.
Now, admittedly, unicellular organisms are not very bright — but they are smarter than clocks and supercomputers. For they possess the rudimentary beginnings of that driven, active, compelling engagement that we call life and that we call mind. Machines don't have information. We process information with them. But the amoeba does have information — it gathers it, it manufactures it.

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far outstrips even the most powerful computers. A single cell has a life story; it turns the medium in which it finds itself into an environment and it organizes that environment into a place of value. It seeks nourishment. It makes itself — and in making itself it introduces meaning into the universe.
Now, admittedly, unicellular organisms are not very bright — but they are smarter than clocks and supercomputers. For they possess the rudimentary beginnings of that driven, active, compelling engagement that we call life and that we call mind. Machines don't have information. We process information with them. But the amoeba does have information — it gathers it, it manufactures it.​
Not true at all. Neural networks have - quite accurately - imitated the intelligence of insects, which are far more advanced than amoebas.