Do you think that AI will ever feel emotions?

People look up Absolute zero Sciences .
Absolute zero cannot be achieved, although it is possible to reach temperatures close to it through the use of cryocoolers, dilution refrigerators, and nuclear adiabatic demagnetization. The use of laser cooling has produced temperatures less than a billionth of a kelvin. cannot be achieved,a billionth of a kelvin.
Absolute zero cannot be achieved, although it is possible to reach temperatures close to it through the use of cryocoolers, dilution refrigerators, and nuclear adiabatic demagnetization.
After 100 Years of Debate, Hitting Absolute Zero Has Been Declared Mathematically Impossible
Sure! we get absolute zero&oq=can we get absolute zero&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.7711j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Absolute zero cannot be achieved, although it is possible to reach temperatures close to it through the use of cryocoolers, dilution refrigerators, and nuclear adiabatic demagnetization. The use of laser cooling has produced temperatures less than a billionth of a kelvin. zero cannot be achieved,a billionth of a kelvin.
Absolute zero cannot be achieved, although it is possible to reach temperatures close to it through the use of cryocoolers, dilution refrigerators, and nuclear adiabatic demagnetization.
After 100 Years of Debate, Hitting Absolute Zero Has Been Declared Mathematically Impossible

A Billionth of a Kelvin , pad .
A Billionth of a Kelvin , pad .
Yep, pretty to is t+10-43 seconds or .000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds, or the first Planck instant where GR and the BB lack sufficient accuracy to describe. :p
-150 degrees is friggen cold , billvon .
It is absolutely not! It is too hot for even high temperature superconductors. Read that term again - too hot for HIGH temperature superconductors.

Are you claiming that high temperature superconductors work at -150C?
river said:
-150 degrees is friggen cold , billvon .

It is absolutely not! It is too hot for even high temperature superconductors. Read that term again - too hot for HIGH temperature superconductors.

Are you claiming that high temperature superconductors work at -150C?

The dash ( -) before the number 1 , in this -150C gave me the idea , of very cold temps.