Do you think swinging is an acceptable lifestyle?


Eviiiiiiiil Clown
Registered Senior Member
Is it wives/husbands swaping okay?

I know it might be hard for some of you to answer this question with a straight face, but try. Thanks
Of course it is. There's no "ethics" in sex, beyond having the consent of another adult.
Do you think there is something wrong with me if I refuse to share my spouse with another person?
You're married, Joeman?


Umm, no. Marriage is evil and must be abolished, but I would not want my man to be sleeping with another woman, nor would I want him to want me to do so.

Er, another man, that is. Of course, in my case, the "other woman" thing applies. Obviously, somone does not love you if they want you to sleep with another man or woman...right, I'm babbling now...
Depends whether they said the marriage vows with "forsaking all others" and all that. If they say that and then go screwing other people, their word is worth nothing and I'd want nothing to do with them.

I'm sure it's ok for other people. But it's not something I would do.

What's the whole point of marriage? Don't marry if you're gonna share your husband/wife, what's would be so special about that?
"What's the whole point of marriage? "

To give money to divorce lawyers so that they can buy vintage sportscars. :)

Hmm, I guess marriage is good, then.
Originally posted by Xev
You're married, Joeman?


Umm, no. Marriage is evil and must be abolished, but I would not want my man to be sleeping with another woman, nor would I want him to want me to do so.

Er, another man, that is. Of course, in my case, the "other woman" thing applies. Obviously, somone does not love you if they want you to sleep with another man or woman...right, I'm babbling now...

no. that was a hypothetical question. i am very single. in fact i am more single than i would like which contributed to my lowself esteem recently... sorry my shift key is stuck... this issue is actually very important for me. it is getting too personal to explain. i will leave it at that. i thought maybe there is something wrong with me but i am glad to see another person agreeing with me.
That's a strange question. Personally, I wouldn't really be in to something like that. Not really anything to do physically, but more emotionally. One spouse might feel pressured, or maybe alienated. I dont know.

But if the participants are down with it, then I don't see any problem. You just have to make sure that the participants are at an understanding to prevent any damages to the seperate relationships.
i have heard people said swinging is good for the relationship. i dunno how that would. if my i mean if i have a spouse.. wants to sleep with another man, i will probably kill myself. to answer my own question, to me swinging is not an acceptable lifestyle.

I agree. It would not be acceptable for me either. It's not morally wrong or anything, but I would not like it. I think I'm just naturally monogamous. Er, of course I'm celibate now.

I wouldn't want my partner to sleep with another person, and if they wanted me to do that - well, it's like saying that they don't care enough to be posessive.
In a deep comitted relationship, swinging is out of the question, because it would ruin the trust and emotional security that such a relationship is supposed to provide.
But if the relationship does not have such a commitment outspoken in it, if the relationship is of a mainly sexual character, then I guess it can be fun.
Originally posted by Bebelina
In a deep comitted relationship, swinging is out of the question, because it would ruin the trust and emotional security that such a relationship is supposed to provide.

"supposed to provide" just about sums it up, Bebelina. Now where did that idea come from.....
What if you have two people deeply in love who just happen to be into that kind of thing? Who happen to have some fantastical sex desires? Are you suggesting that these people really can't love each other?

Ja, we know your views on monogamy. Care to back them up with some sociological/ethological evidence?
There is nothing inherently wrong with swinging. I have no problem with people doing this. As long as they are safe and cautious....(ie. dont bring your kids into it or anything)

I am married. And I am happy. So no need for having pity on me. (Before people start yelling hypocrite, we did not get married for religious purposes and not in a church)

Would we ever swing? Not a chance :). My wife would have nothing to do with that and divorce me quickly.

Personally, I do not connect sex with love as she does. Still, Id probably go apeshit if I found out she was cheating on me.

So is swinging ok? Sure, if both couples are comfortable with it. Why not?